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Results 1101-1120 of 1210
Agriya FlvPlayer Elite
New Agriya Flvplayer has come up with new elegant look and enchanced features. It also supports thumbnail list navigation for video list, supports multiple videos without refreshing the current page. And supports multiple videos without refreshing the current page.
(11 ratings)
PriceUSD 131.25
Flash Photo Gallery
Easy to use flash photo gallery with slide show capabilities, next/previous photo buttons, play/pause slideshow with time indicator. Thumbnails move left/right when you move your mouse over them. Fade effects for thumbs and main images, all these settings can be changed by editing the configuration file with a text editor, you do not need flash program to add or remove photos or change settings.
(33 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Dynamic Flash Presentation
Dynamic Flash Present. Can be edit outside flash completely. Can edit menu, Images, text, voice and every thing outside flash. Even can control full screen mode without editing flash. Very powerfull present for those user who does know how to use flash. You can build your own animated flash present within few mins. Help file included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 43.00
Fla files and other free resources
AdrianTNT.NET is a site that contains only free resources like free flash files or free Photoshop files. You can preview or rate the files before downloading.
(33 ratings)
ES Flash XML Photo Compare Gallery
ES Flash XML Images Compare Gallery is a great way to present pictures and photos on your web site and sell them. It has lots of useful such features as two viewing panes to compare photos and choose more suitable for you, zoom effects to see photos in details, drag big images to see part of the image in visible zone, titles and prices text fields of active images, drag thumbnails to see photo in one of two necessary viewing panes, view more thumbnails by scrolling left or right buttons, asily create and update images with the included XML template, different size of images and thumbnails, any quantity of images and thumbails, linked up html combo box to load different xml files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
ES Flash XML Photo Gallery
ES Flash XML Photo Gallery is the ultimate pictures presentation utility to create stunning flash slide shows gallery. It is a great way to showcase personal pictures of family and friends, architectural portfolio, graphic arts, wedding photographs, own graphic art or any other thing you would like to showcase on your web site. It has lots of great features: views thumbnail images by scrolling left or right; preloader for loading images; easily add photos, thumbnails and captions in an XML file which can be easily edited in Notepad.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Flash Paypal e-commerce template
This template is containing an administration area. From this area you can, easily add, modify or delete your admin information and all your products information as books, video and music with just one click. This template lets you to sell your products on line through PayPal. You can choose between 16 different currencies. The user send the produc's items number, price and amount to Paypal�s shopping card by clicking the �buy� button. All pages in this template are changeable by you via your own admin area.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Flash MP3 Player
Download four unique skinned MP3 players for your website for one low price. The programs are constructed with Flash and XML and are very simple to load to your site. They come complete with source code at an affordable price. Download a free version without the source code as well.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flash Video Player w/Playlist
Display your video and playlist, with a player window, video description pane, thumbnails and thumb description. Customizable in html. Sample videos, html files, and PSD included. Can really be used to display any file in the player window. QT, RM, WMV, SWF, JPEG, HTML, anything! Stop searching for an automatic solution that doesn�t exist yet. Just customize this one. It is easy! $4.99 thru paypal
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
Simple Flash and XML Sample
This sample explains how XML and flash connects. You will see how to to load data from an external XML file and use that data inside a swf flash file. XML file tags are explained and the flash ActionScript lines are commented so you understand each code block. Sample files download are also available.
(12 ratings)
Flash based 'contact us' form.
This is a contact form made in flash and php, it can be used on 'contact us' pages. A flash file contains the form items and when the 'send' button is pressed it sends the values to mailer.php, this mailer.php sends the email to the receiver. Few of the benefits of using a flash form instead of a html contact form are: better user interface and less junk messages (automated scripts cannot send emails through a flash form unless it is decompiled). You can download the sample fla and php files for free.
(81 ratings)
Flash object fix - Remove the gray border
After a recent IE/Windows update the flash content and other objects (Windows Media, Real Player, Quick Time) cannot be displayed correctly and appear with a gray border and a text "click here to activate and use this control". This page provides sample codes and info about how to fix this issue by adding a javascript around the flash object in order to remove the gray border that ways "click here to activate and use this control".
(25 ratings)
Vertical menus
We offer beautiful commercial flash menus and buttons. The packet contents three flash vertical menus. You will get full source code and graphics including: fla, swf och html files.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
Send data from Mysql database to your flash site
This template is containing an dministration area. From this area you can, easily control, change, update, add or delete your admin information, your events, main page, news and advertisement block of your site. Log in to demo admin area with username: admin and password: admin. This template is including an advertisement area in the right side. You can easily upload advertisment pictures, a short text and your links url address to this area. �ARCHIVE� button in this template lets users to listen to your Sounds file which you load up with just a click from the admin panel. "NEWS" allows users to update, modify and delet the main page every time man want. All you need login to admin area upload a picture, headline, news and your links url-address with just a few clicks. The scrollbar in the middle right side is a place for your events. You can easily upload your events pictures, date and text to this area. "CONTACTS" in this template allows visitors to send you email directly.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Text Effects
We offer beautiful free flash text effects for your web sait. You will get full source code and graphics including: fla, swf och html files.
(12 ratings)
Flash buttons
We offer beautiful commercial flash buttons. The packet contents six flash buttons. You will get full source code and graphics including: fla, swf och html files.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
Loading xml into flash template
This flash template has two scrollbar sections. The left one loading an external text file called news.xml. This is an easy way to show your last events. All you need is that to edit your text in a text editor then save it as an .xml file and load it up. This scrollbar allows you to update your news every time you want.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Horizontal menus
We offer beautiful commercial flash menus and buttons. The packet contents four flash horizontal menus. You will get full source code and graphics including: fla, swf och html files.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
100 Rounds Game
The game is simple: just enter your name, press "Play" and start moving your mouse clockwise trying to make 100 rounds as fast as you can to enter the highscore table. Full source code provided.
(3 ratings)
FlashWanted.com - FLA
FlashWanted.com is one of the most complete flash directories today - flash components, JSFL extensions, SWF applets, FLA sources and flash related software. The site has a large user-base and is growing rapidly.
(9 ratings)
Results 1101-1120 of 1210