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Text Scrolling

Results 21-40 of 90
Trio Page Scroll
TSScroll is a component developed for using in Dreamweaver. Very useful for those webpages where it is necessary to browse inside a single page content in a simple, user - friendly yet professional way. With TSScroll our website users will stop perceiving the jumps originated from browsing inside a single webpage that cause the user to lost the location inside the contents.
(33 ratings)
Dhtml Horizontal Scroller 3.5 Free - 2 Instances within inline frames
Dhtml Horizontal Scroller working within 2 inline frames. Dhtml Horizontal Scroller adjustables: Size,Pause,Background & Speed. A few Mouse Over "Speed UP" sets it faster - While Mouse Over running scroller stops the scrolling and sets it to original speed. A multi-OS and Cross-Browser compatible javascript script.
(3 ratings)
Vertical Scroller 3.5 Free - 2 Instances within inline frames
Vertical Scroller working within 2 inline frames. Dhtml Vertical Scroller adjustables: Size,Pause,Background & Speed. A few Mouse Over "Speed UP" sets it faster - While Mouse Over running scroller stops the scrolling and sets it to original speed. A multi-OS and Cross-Browser compatible javascript script.
(3 ratings)
Active Scrolling Text & News Scroller
Easily add Professional Quality Scrolling Content to any Web Page. The Scrolling Text function is capable of scrolling any HTML content including text and images. Styling, Sizing, Scroll Speed and Page Pause are set by setting the values of a series of parameters. With Configurator tool setting the parameters is easy. Simply select and the settings you require and the Configurator will provide you with the code to copy and paste into your page. Free Use or Licensed The Scrolling Text function can be used for Free providing a link to the JPowered web site exists within the page. There are no restrictions on the link and it can be placed anywhere within the page. e.g. at the very end of your page. If you would rather not have a link to the JPowered site within your page then a license key may be purchased. Fully 100% Cross Browser and OS Compatible Lightweight Simple to Use Scroll Content is Visible to Search Engines Accessibility and Section 508 Compliant
(0 ratings)
RSS JavaScript Ticker
This JavaScript Ticker can display news headline from any RSS compatible feed. Each news is presented as a link, so user can click to the source of the news.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Pausing message scroller
This is an up-down message scroller that pauses between each message. Display multiple instances of the scroller on one page, change from multi-lined to single lined scroller easily, and more.
(6 ratings)
RSS News AJAX Ticker
This ticker can show rotating news loaded from an RSS feed using AJAX technology. The main advantage is that users do not have to wait until feed is loaded and also connection errors to the RSS feed are handled smoothly with no effect on the whole page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
NewsKaster v1.0 is an easy-to-use and completely customizable vertical news scroller with support for images, special effects, custom backgrounds, custom cursors, links, adjustable scroll speed/direction and 9 different frame styles. NewsKaster v1.0 comes with 21 background images and over 70 different mini-images. It is easy to configure and use and provides a convenient way to provide news and other information on your site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.99
SD-Scroll v1.0 is an easy-to-use and completely customizable vertical news scroller with support for images, custom backgrounds, links, adjustable scroll speed/direction and 9 different frame styles. SD-Scroll v1.0 comes with 21background images and over 70 different mini-images. It is easy to configure and use and provides a convenient way to provide news and other information on your site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.99
Free News Scroller Vertical v2.2
Free text scroller vertical runs up any message as large as desired. Vertical text scroller supports both text and images. It may run a Slide Show too. Windows/Linux: ie4+ firefox1+ opera7+ safari ns6+ ns4+ etc... MAC OS X: safari, ie5+ firefox1+ opera7+. Adjust: size, background & speed (live too). Pauses with mouse over. Also a link running the script twice on same page by using inline frames.
(21 ratings)
Free News Scroller Horizontal v2.2
Free text scroller horizontal runs any message as large as desired from right to left. Horizontal text scroller adjustables: Size, Background & Speed (Live too). Pauses with mouse over. It may run a Slide Show too. Windows/Linux: ie4+ firefox1+ opera7+ safari ns6+ ns4+ etc... Mac OS X: safari, ie5+ firefox1+ opera7+. Also a link running the script twice on same page by employing inline frames.
(3 ratings)
RSS News JavaScript Vertical Ticker
This version of JavaScript Ticker can show news from any RSS feed in a vertical scroller. Also, each news is presented as a link, so user can click to the source of the news. In this version you can customize: - RSS feed where the news are read - background color and image - rotation speed - font and colors for link The scroller is built using JavaScript, PHP and CSS. It is using JavaScript for text rotation, CSS for customization (fonts, colors, border etc) and PHP for content generation. In order to integrate this into your site you must have minimal JavaScript or/and PHP or/and CSS knowledge, but we are offering full email support for installation. Ticker can be easily customized for fonts, colors, size and speed.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 13.00
Typewriter Vertical Text Scroller - Multiple Message Typewriter Scroller 5.0
Typewriter vertical text scroller displays by characters and scrolls up any number of Messages as large as desired regardless of the ticker size set-up. Typewriter text scroller has actually 2 portions of the same width with the typewriting part at the bottom and the scrolling one - which is optional - above. It typewrites each row of a message at the bottom of the ticker then scrolls it up together with any preceding message rows. Pauses for every message and while mouse is over any text portion. Adjustable: Pauses, Speed and for each portion Background and Size. Each message may have its local settings by using HTML tags within, inclusive Hyperlinks. Win/Linux: ie4+ firefox1+ opera7+ safari ns6+ ns4+ etc... Mac OS X: Safari ie5+ firefox1+ opera7+. W3C strict Standards compliant javascript script. Free Javascript Tickers too: Typewriter, Highlighter and Blinker.
(15 ratings)
JavaScript Vertical Scroller - Multiple Message Vertical Scroller v7.0
Javascript Vertical Scroller runs up any number of Messages/Images. Pauses for every Message/Image and with mouse over. Adjustable: Pause, Size, Background and Speed. Options: 1)start at bottom/top edge 2)while pausing messages may reside within the area: a)singles, if larger a blank space is automatically inserted after b)more-up-to-area-size, messages go round with equal blank space inserted in between 3)speed-change Live 4)instant Recall. It allows local, internal & external Style Sheets and also local, internal & any external/remote javascript-text-friendly- code source to feed messages from. Windows/Linux: ie4+ firefox1+ opera7+ safari ns6+ ns4+ etc... Mac OS X: Safari ie5+ firefox1+ opera7+. W3C strict Standards compliant javascript script. Free Vertical Tickers too.
(24 ratings)
Free Horizontal Scroller - Multiple News Scroller 3.5
Dhtml horizontal scroller runs and pauses any number of messages - each as large as desired - from right to left. Once a message's left the area, the next one comes in. Adjustable: Size, Pause, Background and Speed (LIVE too). Pauses with mouse over. Windows/Linux: ie4+, firefox1+, opera7+, safari, ns6+, ns4+, etc... Mac OS X: safari, ie5+, firefox1+, opera7+. Also a DEMO running the script twice on same page employing inline frames. W3C Standards compliant script.
(37 ratings)
Free Vertical Scroller - Multiple Message Scroller v3.5
Dhtml vertical scroller runs up and pauses any number of messages as large as desired - once a message left the area, next one comes in. Adjustable: Size, Pause, Background and Speed (LIVE too). You may use any basic HTML code, including Hyperlinks and images. Windows/Linux: ie4+, firefox1+, opera7+, safari, ns6+, ns4+, etc... Mac OS X: safari, ie5+, firefox1+, opera7+. Also a DEMO running the script twice on same page using inline frames. W3C Standards compliant script.
(18 ratings)
Page/Frame Scroller
Automatically scrolls up and down a page or independently any number of frames. Page/Frame Scroller (Up and Down) adjustable features: Pause - before Scrolling Up, and before Scrolling Down, as well as Speed. Pauses while mouse is placed over too. Cross-browser: ie4+, firefox1+, safari, opera7+, ns6+, ns4+, etc... On MAC OS X: Safari, ie5+, firefox1+, opera7+.
(0 ratings)
AddObject NLSScroller Professional
NlsScroller is an unique HTML scroller control. NlsScroller scrolls any html content such as images, text or links automatically or manually. The scroller supports plugable cross browsers effects such as continuous scrolling, fade, slide and wipe effect. Each effect has its own configurations/settings. New dynamic functions (AJAX based) allows you to scroll dynamic content loaded from server, database or even RSS feed from any websites! With all the features, NlsScroller is still easy to use and implements. NlsScroller is a great component to improve your websites or web applications. Creating advanced slide show, presentation and photo album is no longer a problem.
(16 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Tetra DHTML+AJAX Scroller
Tetra is a DHTML scroller with two unique features: integrated support for drawing it's contents from RSS feeds (using CaRP to handle RSS to HTML conversion), and AJAX support, enabling the contents of the scroller to be updated in the background without requiring the webpage to be reloaded. The contents of the scroller can be any HTML data, including images. The package includes a setup assistant for configuring scrollers and an assistant script for generating XML files to be used for the AJAX dynamic updating.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.97
With this script you can create a news ticker. Font, size, colors, border, etc. can be modified.
(54 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 90