Content Management
Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
Eazy Portal
posted bystudiomikosinContent Management
Eazy portal is the best solution allowing you to maintain your online community. It has been designed with the latest technologies using smarty, css and xhtml. It is administration friendly, easy to install and with a live support. Various content types are supported by it: own forum, custom pages, news, polls, downloads, mailing list, RSS feeds and contact page (a list of all features can be found on our website), as well as templates and language files. Portal is created in PHP, it uses mySQL database. Create your own online community in just a few easy steps, without any difficulties!
PriceUSD 19.99
EasyCreate, private label online web site builder script
posted byajiabsinContent Management
EasyCreate is an online website building and publishing software enabling web hosting companies, web developers, ASPs, and ISPs to offer branded site builder services to your clients. EasyCreate is an open source software you install on your server and can integrate with your account manager and supports unlimited users/sites. Your clients can create and maintain a high quality website without any html programming. By selecting from a number of existing templates, the quality of the website is exceptional. There are hundreds of professional layouts in different categories. EasyCreate is perfect site builder for newbies and experts with two intuitive, easy to use, WYSIWYG editors, a simple one and an advanced content management editor. Your clients can add features like contact forms, guestbook, image galleries etc.. by click of a button. It also has an integrated search engine submissions, image gallery etc.. Try our free online demo.
PriceUSD 149.95
AOsite : Advanced Optimization
posted byaxxessinContent Management
AOsite is Advanced Optimization for websites. Using AOsite can bring dramatic improvements to any website, new or existing. It is useful to virtually any website owner: from deluxe personal �blogs to web based stores, AOsite can handle it. Building or converting a site with AOsite is an easy process that does not involve a bunch of unnecessary options and extras. A new site installs in 3 or 4 easy steps. AOsite analyzes the website content and produces highly optimized web pages. Results of this optimization can begin to be seen on search engines such as Google or MSN in as little as 2 weeks! In many cases results can also rank in the top 10 for specific keywords! This is no joke! The site itself shows the results. AOsite is also very easy to use and administer, with online support available if needed. Learn how to customize your site exactly how you want, and get it to do what you want! Once you see what AOsite can really do, you won�t use anything else!
PriceUSD 14.95
easy2update - Content Management System
posted byeasy2update.cominContent Management
Quick and Easy way to edit and backup your website... It also works with your existing website!
Editing your website will never get any simpler then this! Make just-in-time changes, save them and its live instantly. Its Quick, Hassle-free and Easy. Now you just need a browser to edit your existing website! easy2update CMS has been built on common principle of "Choose, Open, Edit and Save" which every computer user is familiar with. Thus, you need not learn anything new in order to use this system effectively. Regardless of your computer knowledge you will be able to get your work done with this CMS.
No database required. Try online demo.
Fast Track Sites Content Management System
posted byspyke01inContent Management
The Fast Track Sites Content Management System allows you to manage your website’s content in an easy to use and intuitive manner. Our system allows you to specify the link for each page, add images, change text styling, and much more. Our content management software is SEO optimized and allows you to specify custom keywords, description, and titles for each page. All newly create pages are automatically added to your sitemap file. Our newest version now allows you to order table data, edit client details in place, and much more with just a few clicks all without having to refresh the page!
PriceUSD 189.00
Tutorial Management System
posted bytutorialmsinContent Management
TutorialMS is a freeware script that helps webmasters to index and manage tutorials (written by them or by another site). It is designed so users can easily find the tutorial they are looking for. It provides a powerful backend to the webmaster who can easily manage tutorials, affiliates, admins, and news. It also provides an easy to use styling system so webmasters can re-design their system as much as they please.
Article Manager
posted byGreatmailinContent Management
Article Manager is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to publish articles, newsletters and HTML content on your web site. Install the software on your web server, customize the HTML templates, and begin publishing content on your web site. Requires php and mysql database. Features include: web based administration panel, support for html tags, built in archiving, online/offline article status, built in database backup and restore functions, cascading style sheets (CSS) and HTML templates.
posted bysunsparkinContent Management
When it comes to publishing on the internet, beginners and experts alike are met with a bothersome paradox: word processors and graphics applications allow anyone to do a pretty good job of managing text and images on a personal computer, but to make these available to the worldwide web - a seemingly similar environment of documents and destinations - ease of use vanishes behind sudden requirements for multilingual programming skills, proficiency in computer-based graphic design, and, ultimately, the patience of a saint.
Those who soldier on anyway may find themselves further held back by the web's purported inflexibility with written language, with its reluctance to cope with all but the plainest of text, or by the unpredictable results brought about by using "WYSIWYG" web editors.
Textpattern is a web application designed to help overcome these and other hurdles to publishing online, and to simplify the production of well-structured, standards-compliant web pages.
Five Star Template System
posted bymouselinContent Management
Using a simple, but powerful php driven template system can and will save you hours of editing webpages. It is absolutely the best way to structure a website! Using this system, you can change your email address or any pre-defined information on thousands of pages by doing a 3 second edit in one file! Same system used at
PriceUSD 24.95
HardCodeEditor - simple serverside html editing
posted bydrrustyinContent Management
if you have just few static html pages and you want to edit the content without komplex systems and databases, you only need "HardCodeEditor", one file, that allows you to login and edit any area in any of your static content.
Just download a hardcodeeditor.php file, set your administrator password and put this file on your serverspace.
Quick.Cms - free and simple to use CMS
posted bytreewoodinContent Management
Free, popular, simple to use and easy to modify CMS script. Minimal requirements: PHP 5.2 +, 2 MB disk space and 5 free minutes to install! Doesn't need MySQL or any changes in Apache.
Users value it for its great Google results, its very good performance, compliance with many standards HTML 5, CSS3, RWD (mobile) and its good forums support.
Its other important qualities are: easy modification of HTML and PHP, WYSIWYG editor, no unnecessary options, mobile version and most importantly it's still evolving for over 10 years.
WSCreator (responsive multi-user script for automatic website creation)
posted bynetartmediainContent Management
WSCreator can be installed easily to create a website on which the users the users can sign up and create automatically their own websites. They can log in after that and manage their websites from the users admin panel offering different features to add new pages with simple drag-and-drop mouse movements, edit the content of the pages with a WYSIWYG editor, create custom forms with their own fields like contact forms and others. The users can customize the design of their sites by choosing one of the 82 premade templates coming by default or creating their own ones. There are also other features like statistics, functionality to submit the website in Google and many others.
The software is provided with the full not encrypted source codes, free installation and technical support and free powered by removal.
PriceUSD 349.00
posted bysimasyinContent Management
Simasy is a powerful website content management system that is easy to use and so flexible, the websites it creates do not look like a typical content managed website. The page design is control by templates that can be easily changed. As pages are added and modified using the WYSIWYG text editor, the site navigation is built automatically, leaving the user to concentrate on site content. Images can be added to pages using the integrated Image Manager. Extra functionality such as News, Events, Downloads, etc. can be plugged-in with add-on modules. Simasy is completely scalable starting from small, basic websites to corporate web or intranet sites with full user authorisation and functionality.
PriceGBP 149.00
TYPOlight Content Management Framework
posted bycaptain.futureinContent Management
TYPOlight is an Open Source Content Management Framework that specializes in accessible websites and is accessible itself (frontend and backend!). Its open API makes it possible to extend the system and to customize its functionality. TYPOlight uses XHTML and CSS to render pages meeting W3C requirements and provides a powerfull CSS engine to manage style sheets.
posted bycodetosellinContent Management
ViArt's CMS is a PHP based Content Management System designed to make the creation and customisation of a dynamic e-commerce portal as simple and as flexible as possible. As well as full design controls using the dynamic page layout tool, the CMS enables users to customise site navigation, use WYSIWYG HTML Editor, Built-in Classified Ads and File Manager; activate RSS feed support, SEO friendly links; customise META data, hold single/ multiple choice opinion polls, and much more. If users wish to advertise other companies on their ecommerce website for affiliate or personal reasons, the Viart CMS also supports a banner management system.
The Viart CMS also enables users to manage a forum on their website, publish and manage articles online, create image galleries and newsletters, activate search engine friendly URLs and more. Free version of the Viart CMS is available to download. Viart also advocate a 30-day money back guarantee.
CFCMS mini cms
posted byceasarinContent Management
For everyone ( webmasters ) who control any homepage('s) it could be sometimes handy to edit the content quickly and easy.
Now you can setup a CMS system to do this job but not everybody has the skills or the time to use such an tool.
For my own customers I found and developed a really simple solution to edit any content of an excisting website and very easy to set up.
This simple solution is now available for everyone !!
ADVANTAGE'S 100% xhtml output.( or choose for normal html output ) Works in IE, firefox and Mozilla ( for Mac OS X and windows). WYSIWYG editor is InnovaStudio Editor Copy and paste with word cleanup function Works with several languages ( available at this moment dutch,german en english) Can be used in (I)frames Auto safe_mode check Database backup and restore function Background color can be changed so it looks like the cms belongs to the website Easy installation with example site
PriceEUR 89.00
N/X 4.5 Free Web Content Management System
posted bysveninContent Management
Version 4.5 features: - new, easy user interface
- no coding skills necessary for basic homepages
- several automatic menu designs or custom menu drawing.
- can generate both static HTML and dynamic PHP-pages
- can be used for both portals and stylish designed websites
- Content Library can be extended with plugins
- integrated rich-text-editor for both IE and Firefox
- dedicated development and live version of your website.
- full integration of google maps
- supports unlimited languages
- sitemap and channel based websites
- import office documents
- use flash, pdf, ....
- powerful statistics
- powerful user and permission management
- integrated backup capabilities
- content syndication
- rss import and feed generation
and much more... Look for more details on our website
posted bydrfriqCMSinContent Management is a simple and flexible tool that helps web designers and people who yearn for control over their websites. It�s the ease of use of Blogging, without forcing the end content into the diary type architecture.
eZ components
posted byinfoinContent Management
As a collection of high quality independent building blocks for PHP application development eZ components will both speed up development and reduce risks. An application can use one or more components effortlessly as they all adhere to the same naming conventions and follow the same structure. All components are based on PHP 5.1, except for the ones that require the new Unicode support that will be available from PHP 6 on.
eXtensible Site Middleware
posted bymaxsoundinContent Management
- No database required
- Transparent core
- WYSIWYG-editor
- Internal caching
- Easy to enchanced