Traffic Exchange
Traffic Exchange PRO
posted bynetcshop.cominTraffic Exchange
This PHP Script will allow you to set up your own Traffic Exchange System website in a few clicks! The Auto-surf codes are open and un-encrypted with many customize options for easy navigation, flexibility and speed.
PriceUSD 64.00
Traffic Exchange | Exchanges | Scripts & Programs | Scripts
posted by408754inTraffic Exchange
Description :- Download the Traffic Exchange zip file to your PC.
Upload the Zip file to your cpanel root (or the folder where it will
reside) and extract it.Open the file DBConnect.php ready to edit.
Finish editing the DBConnect.php file and save when done.
If you have renamed your 'admin' & 'cron' folders make sure you edit
them in the DBConnect.php file.
Your Traffic Exchange should now be ready.
Log in to your homepage:
Username: Admin
Password: adminxx (make sure you change your password)
You will see your admin link once you log in, go to admin, set up the
exchange as you see fit and enjoy.
If you install the website yourself, any potential problems you may
have are most likely a result of incorrect installation ie, check your
database connection data is correct, possibly change your mysql user
password etc.
Try a different PHP version, you can change this directly in your cpanel.
PriceUSD 850.00
xTraffic - Traffic Exchange System
posted byADamascinTraffic Exchange
xTraffic is a very complex script used to create an amazing traffic exchange system, which besides his main goal (generating web traffic) can be turned into a "Paid to Visit" system, where your users can convert generated coins into real money.
PriceUSD 99.00
Gwiac Solutions revenue sharing software
posted bycashitsinTraffic Exchange
Do You want to build your Own HYIP Site, Matrix Cycler Site, HYIP Monitor Site, Autosurf Site, PTC Site Or many more sites for making Money online? If you're looking for it, You have found the right site. In this site you can build your Online site. No Programming Needed.
PriceGBP 149.00
PHP Traffic Exchange Script
posted byaronprinsinTraffic Exchange
The classic traffic exchange script revived. Beautifully recoded using bootstrap 3, PHP Traffic Exchange Script kick starts your traffic exchange adventure.
Many existing php traffic exchange scripts that are floating around the internet are based on an age-old script that has been in use since 2004... And a design to match... (Read: ugly.)
At PHP Traffic Exchange Script we've took it upon ourselves to completely recode the entire program, pulling it into 2016 and matching today's standards: rather then 2000's standards.
Our script comes with a full administration panel that will allow you to manage and operate your site without any coding skills required.
Creating, Managing and Operating a Traffic Exchange has NEVER been this easy!
PriceUSD 97.00
xTraffic - Traffic Exchange System
posted byMafiaNetinTraffic Exchange
xTraffic is a very complex script used to create an amazing traffic exchange system, which besides his main goal (generating web traffic) can be turned into a "Paid to Visit" system, where your users can convert generated coins into real money.
PriceUSD 99.00
posted bysinooheinTraffic Exchange
This script is an powerful exchange system for the most social networks.
11 exchange modules included:
Google +1
Twitter Followers
Twitter Retweet
Facebook Likes
Fanpage Photos
Facebook Subscribers
Youtube Views
Youtube Likes
Youtube Subscriber
Traffic Exchange
PriceUSD 99.00
Traffic Blast
posted bykeralpatelinTraffic Exchange
Do you want to Run YOUR OWN unique and full blown Ultimate traffic exchange system type of service.
With our Traffic Blast now you can run a fully automated auto surf, hits exchange or traffic exchange site.
Traffic Blast is a free Traffic generation service that automatically generates hits for your website & let you sell the extra credits earned by you.
PriceUSD 40.00
Powerful Exchange System PRO
posted byMafiaNetinTraffic Exchange
This script is an powerful exchange system for the most social networks.
PriceUSD 99.00
posted byClaxinTraffic Exchange
CXBannerExchange is a simple, clear and beautiful PHP banner exchange script. This script is the perfect solution to promote your network of sites. This is very easy to install and configure. The script is version 1.0 and it only can use the banner image (jpg, gif, png) size 468x60 (standard banner size).
PriceUSD 29.00
A1TxPro - Professional PHP Auto/Manual Traffic Exchange Script
posted byA1TxProinTraffic Exchange
One of the Internets newest, safest and feature filled auto/manual traffic exchange script available. Splash pages, prize pages, first page ads, banner ads, text ads, 10 levels down lines, progressive surf ratios, so much more.. A1TXPro was built by 3 surfers and webmasters with over 20 years experience, who know what both surfers and webmasters want.
Come and visit our site and take a look at our demo.
PriceUSD 169.00
Traffic Exchange Script
posted bydedesignsinTraffic Exchange
Honest Traffic V01 is packedfull of features to ensure your new traffic site is a great experience for theusers, easy to operate for the administration, and most importantly,successful. The default design is pleasing to the eye and the script can be runas is, with no modifications, except for simply changing the logo. Freewebscriptz does offer website design services as well to give your site a uniquelook, or you may also choose your own designer to change the look of your site.
PriceUSD 39.00
Ventrino PHP Banner, Text and Traffic Exchange Script
posted byventrinoinTraffic Exchange
Based on the original traffic exchange script created in 1994 this script continues to grow in popularity. Unrivalled in it's ability to create and maintain huge communities, the Ventrino traffic exchange is designed to keep members returning to your site regularly.
Accepted as the de facto standard it's industrial strength design and growing feature list make it more popular than ever. The only script offering a busy forum populated by like minded developers and users alike it provides effective and helpful community response to issues 24/7.
Supported by third party developers with add-on modules covering all exchange related subjects. It's low cost of implementation and familiarity make it the easiest script to setup and ensures rapid membership growth (see for current script discounts and special offers)
PriceUSD 195.00
Traffic exchange credits seller
posted byjailbird2inTraffic Exchange
This is an unique traffic exchange credits seller system! Special and only at our site available traffic exchange credits listing script where people can fast and easy sell traffic exchange credits they earned all over the internet. Both autosurf traffic exchange credits and manual surf traffic exchange credits can be sold with our script! Script supports both PayPal and SafePay payment gateways for purchasing you listing place. This is fully loaded with features php script with MySQL backend that guarantee you stability and top performance! This is an unique solution to run your own traffic exchange market web site easy way!
PriceUSD 25.00
Forum Pay Per Post Exchange (Get Paid to Post script)
posted bydtraxinTraffic Exchange
Struggling to find a niche internet business? Tired of running those generic "Get Paid To" sites? Look no further with Forum Pay Per Post Exchange software (FPPPE) - The only unique Get Paid To Post Forum exchange software. FPPPE is targeted at forum owners who wish to increase their forum posts or forum traffic. FPPPE taps into the growing market of social networking or community/portal sites and merges the concept of "Get Paid To" business model and allow your usersto get paid to post on forums and thus eliminating the potential problems of the existing Get Paid To Websites that your users will hate and ensure complete privacy.
PriceUSD 175.00
Unique Manual Traffic Exchange Script
posted bytiger7catinTraffic Exchange
This one is what you were looking for, forget all about the other boring scripts that doesn't offer any support!!
PriceUSD 159.00
LJScripts Advanced Traffic Exchange Script Package
posted byljscriptsinTraffic Exchange
Why surf for others? When you can have them surf for YOU! This traffic exchange script could be your ticket to success and recognition on the WWW. Popular sites are already on their way to Glory. You could be one of their competitors! With this traffic exchange script you can potentially receive millions of hits every single day! You have seen the power of programs like ILoveHits, WebMasterQuest, Traffic Roundup, Fast Freeway, TrafficSwarm etc.. but have you ever wondered how much money you can make with a traffic exchange of your own? Features include:
Advanced Anti-Cheat mechanisms
Seperate credit systems (Auto and Manual credits!).
Paid to manual and auto surf - member sell credits back to admin feature (at a rate/price for EACH account type set by you!).
Paid to Click Features - Cash and credit click throughs.
On screen cash and credit bonuses!
Multiple editable account types.
Banner & text link rotator with member convert credits features!
Random surf frames
And much more!
PriceUSD 149.00
Ez AutoSurf
posted bymali75850inTraffic Exchange
A professional autosurf website where users can signup and receive free hits to their website features include: Easily customizable template.
Referal system, so users can refer other members and earn bonous points. Users can report website breaking terms and conditions. Admin can specify seconds to surf. Admin can specify percentage referal earnings by surfing. Easy to install and configure.
PriceUSD 10.00
MLTE Exchange Script
posted byfuelclicksinTraffic Exchange
Complete powerful Traffic Exchange script with:
- Upgrade membership option
- Fully equipped admin ctrl Panel
- Literally impossible to cheat
- Paypal integrated
- Members can sell their credits
- Great colors and design
- Can be easily installed and customized by anybody
- Great support by creator
- etc
PriceUSD 159.00
AllTheTraffic Supersurf
posted byAllTheTrafficinTraffic Exchange
Traffic exchnages are great ways to get repeat visitors and free hits to all of your sites. Provide a traffic exchange on your server for free with this continually evolving open source engine. It is PHP based with a MYSQL database and highly customisable, very simple and can suit any given design with a bit of modification. We provide support and customisation for a donation.