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Results 41-60 of 70
PHP Smart Jokes
A complete jokes website script including full backend admin tool. Upload jokes, email jokes, rate jokes, send out newsletters, manage ads and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
A 10 star rating and reviewing system with many features and easy to implement into your site. You can choose how long a review can be, rating option from 10 to 1, option to store maximum reviews on a text file, option to show latest maximum reviews, bad words filter, prevents visitors to vote more than once simultaneously, emoticons with reviews Features: Multiple ratings on the same page. Easy to install and configure. No database needed,flat file based. Stores ip to prevent multiple votes
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.95
Ez Comment
A powerful, professional php based review and rating system with MySQL back-end database. Main features include: Easy to install and configure. High flexibility for customization. Requires single line of coding to add to any existing template. Acquires the stylesheet of the template in which it is embedded. Admin panel to manage reviews. Bad words filter. Admin can set the comments to auto approve or manually approve comments. Features unlimited comments by splitting comments to comments per page. Comes with online installer and installation guide.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Do you need to accept, store and display visitors' comments on your personal blog or commercial storefront? Enabling communication with potential customers or fans of your online journal is no longer a problem with DoComments, a single PHP file that, nevertheless, offers a wide range of popular features. With just one line of PHP: 1) Make comments appear anywhere you want, 2) Let your visitors rate your content and then display that rating anywhere you want and 3) Show the number of comments on any topic anywhere you want. Allow your visitors to rate the comments themselves: is a particular comment helpful or unhelpful? Receive an email alert whenever a visitor posts a comment to your website or rates a comment as helpful or unhelpful. Impress your visitors when they see their comments post instantly---without refreshing the page. Look good with a smart user interface that touts smooth animations alongside big, bold names and distinctive text. DoComments is professional-grade software.
(5 ratings)
Website Appraisal Script
Website Appraisal Script V1.0 provides end-users with detailed statistics about a website... For those who are just curious or are interested in purchasing a website and would like to know the estimated value of it before bidding/buying. Website Appraisal Script V1.0 Features Google PR Alexa Rank Compete Rank Google Backlinks Yahoo Banklinks Altivista Banklinks Alltheweb Banklinks Domain Age Dmoz Listed Yahoo Directory Website Value
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
CSS Site Gallery Review
Mandarin Site Gallery is a PHP/MySQL written script for webmasters to run a site review directory of websites with great designs and interfaces or any other themes. Free trial available for download.
(6 ratings)
Easy Testimonial
The script is easy to install require 1 mysql database and php. Users have the ability to upload their photo along with their testimonial. Comes complete with Admin panel to mange submission.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.75
GreatRatings Website Ranking Script
The GreatRatings script allows you to provide rating and rankings of other websites. The Admin provides a review of the site and specifies a ranking in several categories such as usability, layout, etc. Your readers respond with their own counter-review of the site, and rate your review on accuracy, bias, etc. Readers can suggest websites for you to review, and are notified when the review is completed. Multiple search options are provided so users can find the information they want quickly. You know that websites that invite user input are soon overwhelmed with SPAM. Not GreatRatings. It�s tested and proven SPAM filters are the best on the web. It stops the junk before it ever reaches you, whether from a human typist or an automated script. It includes a configurable word filter to either filter or reject those 'naughty' words the script kiddies think are funny. So you don't have to constantly monitor the site -- it protects itself. A great way to drive traffic to your site!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
DRBRatings- Free PHP Ratings
DRBRatings is a simple script for putting a ratings form on a web page. You may use the star graphics that are included with the script, or replace them with your own graphics. Data is stored in flat files, so no database is required. Installation is quick and easy. The script prevents the same IP address from voting more than once. The ratings form is XHTML syntax compliant, and compatible with both IE and Firefox. Multiple ratings forms on the your site can utilize the same instance of the script. Included is an example page demonstrating how to add a ratings script to virtually any PHP page on your website.
(412 ratings)
Micro Rate
Micro Rate is a very basic and simple rating script. Visitors are identified by IP and only one rate per IP is allowed. No database is required as results are stored in file. Th installation is quite easy, you only need to upload the files and put a link on your site to microrate.php. You can easy customize the theme by CSS.
(94 ratings)
Photo Petition
Like its predecessors version plus uploading a photo from administer area and display total signators. All signatures requests confirmation from the administer and confirmed signatures saves in database and displays in the signatures list. Change any part of the sources and text to fit your needs and language. Easy to install, read userguid.doc in petition.zip to install the script step by step. If you have any questions, or are having difficulty installing the petition, we would be happy to help.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 75.00
HIOX Review System Script
HIOX Review script / software will help you to have a page / image review system on each page. User comments or notes should be verified by the admin before being displayed on that page. Can be used across any pages across any directories. UI tool for admin to review, delete, edit user messages. Set different Colors for HRS from Web Interface. Admin Email can be set to receive an email when ever a comment/feedback is added. Easy to install and is password protected. Can be used as a article review system, image review script, web page feedback script.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
High 5 - Web 2.0 PHP Review Script
High 5 is the leading Web 2.0 PHP review script. Developed over 3 years, High 5 allows you to instantly create a successful and stylish review functionality for your site. Features: Unltd, tiered categories, user accounts, unltd rating criteria, global SEO, AJAX, Admin Panel, Moderation, Image uploading, Google AdSense, Commenting, customizable design. We value every one of our clients, and provide first class support to all! Please take the time to take a look at the Demonstration on our website.
(14 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Ez PHP Comment
A powerful, professional comment system, can easily be integrated into any webpage. Perfect for writing reviews and rating faqs or tutorials. Main features include: Allows to add multiple comments on same webpage. Rating system to rate the object as well as adding the comments. Spam proof image verification system. IP logging to prevent multiple reviews by same user. Has a bad words filter. Simple in integration into any webpage, does not require mysql.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
JReviews - Joomla & WordPress Reviews
Directory and review script for Joomla and WordPress * Media uploads for listings and reviews including photos, videos, attachments and audio * Responsive design for improved access with different device resolutions * Many SEO features including Schema.org structured data markup * Integrates with Twitter and Facebook * Unlimited sets of rating criteria -with weighted average as an option- * Advanced custom field management and support for multiple listing types. * Advanced search. * User and editor reviews. * Frontend reviews and content editing. * Image thumbnailling and gallery for multiple views. * Uses template engine for ease of customization. * Many configuration settings to suit your needs. * Joomla Demo http://demo.reviewsforjoomla.com * WordPress Demo http://wp-demo.reviewsforjoomla.com
(278 ratings)
PriceUSD 179.00
PageRater - Webpage rating script
PageRater is a brand new system created so web masters can offer a "rate this page" system on their web site's easily, securely and professionally. The system works by taking the page id (given when you add a page to the admin interface) gathering all the ratings from the database and then finding the average, finally displaying the average page rating on the screen. A visitor can rate each "page" only once, then there told what rating they gave that page. Finally a script has also been created so you can display top rated pages, either on a separate page of your choice or anywhere else on your website, the code for this can be found in the readme.php
(42 ratings)
GentleSource Comment Script
Once you have the script installed on your server you can include it in any existing PHP or HTML page. By default the script shows the form fields "name", "E-mail", "Homepage", "Title", and "Comment". You are free to remove some of the fields and only leave the ones you want. The field "Comment" is mandatory and the form will not submit until that field has been filled out. In order to prevent the script from being abused by automatic spam bots, you can enable the Captcha feature. The script then asks your visitors to enter a text they see in the image below the comment form into an input box. The comment will only be submitted if the strings match. Visitors have to ensure that their browser support and accept cookies, otherwise the comment cannot be verified. The script also features an admin area where comments can be edited and deleted. Also there is a section for settings where you can set the front end language as well as the admin account.
(75 ratings)
MPCS - Multi-Page Comment System
MPCS is an advanced visitor comment system, with emoticons and BB code support. MPCS allows for many comment sheets to be created and used on separate pages of your website (or for other uses). MPCS also includes a CAPTCHA system to validate a commenter as human, thus cutting out bot spam. Not only this but a visitor is limited to one post per comment sheet. The admin can also request that all posted comments are verified before they appear to the public! MPCS is also fully skin-able, everything is generated from a style sheet provided by a database. MPCS is easy to install, secure and free!
(51 ratings)
Built2Go Movie Review System
A complete movie review system with keyword and movie title searching. This system allows you to leave detailed reviews for movies, and lets users post their opinions as well. Movies are ranked by the website as well as by users, and user ratings are aggregated. This script also allows you to sell sponsored links on a CPC basis. Also includes non scripted HTML version of templates, and a full corporate ID.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.95
5 Star Rating System
This is very easy to use rating system for your web site, you can use this product so that users can vote for your products, music, videos, pictures or any other listings you have on your web site, so that the other users will know how good a certain listing is by the score (stars) and the number of votes.
(385 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Results 41-60 of 70