Site Recommendation
Omnistar Tell A Friend Software
posted byarobinsoninSite Recommendation
The Omnistar tell a friend software solution is an easy to implement site recommendation tool that will allow you to setup up a user friendly site referral system on any web site. This tell a friend software solution will allow you to automate your entire viral marketing efforts. The software is ideal for webmasters, businesses or any individual that is trying to increase the amount of web site traffic through referrals. The Omnistar Tell a friend software also has many features that include, a customizable tell a friend icon, customizable pop-up page and email management tools to correspond with referrers. In addition to these main features, the software includes nine built in html email templates, a spam control system, detailed referrer reports and an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. Other features of the tell a friend software include built in autoresponder capabilities, and an optional email preview page for referrers.
PriceUSD 57.00
Refer Us Now
posted byinfoinSite Recommendation
Refer Us Now lets your visitors to email their friends on your site. It's very easy to install and run. Design of public pages is fully editable, you may also translate it to your language. Features: Easy installation, Design is fully adjustable, You can define the message which should be sent, also your visitors can add their own messages but your predefined message is always sent.
posted byrampantinSite Recommendation
An easy way to set up a "suggest site" form on your webpage.
Viewfinder Send to a Friend Script
posted bylongplayinSite Recommendation
This script is a simple drop-in PHP file that will allow you to add a Send to a Friend link to any page of your site (so it can be page specific if you wish).
It will allow someone to send the link to your page, with comments, their name and email address.
Max Tell a Friend
posted byvidyaishayainSite Recommendation
Do you have articles or pages of content that visitors could recommend to their friends? With Max Tell a Friend, not only do friends of the visitor get a recommendation email, but *you* also get an email letting you know that the webpage was recommended. With Max Tell a Friend, you install the exact same code on every page -- and it knows what the title of the page is, and where it is located. Visitors can email 10 friends or more, at once.
Web4Future Tell-a-Friend
posted byweb4futureinSite Recommendation
This script will allow you to add a "tell-a-friend" type link to your website. Why is it special? Because, on dynamic websites, it allows the user to recommend the page he/she is currently browsing and not your homepage. It can also recommend your homepage.
Tell a Friend
posted bymfifieldinSite Recommendation
This script is very easy to install and allows you to control how it looks. You can set colors manually of use a style sheet. All set up is done via the web admin page. Enjoy!
php Site Recommender
posted bygatequestinSite Recommendation
Now with lightWindow+, this php Web Site Recommendation script allows your visitors to enter their contact information and recommend your site to as many recipients as you specify (only one required). The default messages are easily modified and the look and feel is customizable as well via the css stylesheet. You can choose to be notified when your site has been recommended and the notifications will show the recipient(s) as well as the message. Email addresses are hidden so they will not be harvested by spammers. This script also contains error checking and validation and does not require database access. Most of all, the script is very easy to install! Visit our site for two demos and our new eDelivery system!
PriceUSD 5.00
Recommend to a Friend
posted byoso96_2000inSite Recommendation
With this script your visitors can recommend your website to his/her friends. It's easy to configure, and it's in spanish.
Tell A Friend Script
posted byhotscriptsinSite Recommendation
This script allows your visitors to recommend your website. Both HTML layout and e-mail layout are template driven and customizable. You are also able to send the e-mails in HTML and text format.
This script also includes several security features to prevent abuse by spammers. The recommendation message can be previewed by the visitor and after sending the e-mail the visitor can be redirected to the referring page or to a special thanks page.
Sme Tell
posted bysupportinSite Recommendation
SMe_Tell is a site recommendation script that sends thank-you messages to those who recommended your site.
CJ Send Page (PopUp)
posted bywebmasterinSite Recommendation
The CJ Send Page PopUp script is a relatively simple "link sender via form to your mates email script." The script can be used on php, ssi or even plain html pages. All you have to do is upload a few files and create a popUp JavaScript link to the script - its easy to install. This script was released due to high demand of PopUp Send 2 Friend.
posted byharrisonarkansasinSite Recommendation
Here's a (borrowing an emailer script) very simple, one-file, 15-minutes-to-set-up website referrer. Just fill in the To and From fields, and voila, it's sent. Just upload it as a .php file, make a link to it on the pages you want to be referred, and it will work. It uses HTTP_REFERER, so it MUST be linked from somewhere. You only need one file, so there's no reason to make different copies for different directories or pages. Author's Note: You don't have to credit me! This is just simple PHP. If anyone wants to to do anything else with it, go ahead and submit updates.