User Authentication
Collection of commercial and free PHP user authentication scripts. These scripts allows you to add a member-only area on your site by offering user registration, login, and management.
PHP Login by Michael Zelensky
posted bymzelenskyinUser Authentication
Email as login name
User registration
Password reminder
Email confirmation
Easy installation by running install.php script
Powered by PHP mysql class
jQuery for the front end
AJAX-based login/logout operations
AJAX-based on-the-fly email availability check
Front-end JS-based form data accuracy check
Facebook Login & Secure PHP Area
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
New users can create a new account or connecting using their Facebook account, or they can do it by entering their own information (username, password, email etc).
A super admin user exists and is able to manage registered users, disable or activate users, or delete existing users. The super admin can also access the users information (email, last connected date and time etc.)
- Secure area accessible only by connected users
- Ability to connect using a Facebook account or a regular login/password
- Users can create a new account and be able to access the reserved area
- Account page for the user to view and edit their information
- Logout mechanism for more security
- And more...
PriceUSD 12.00
Registration System with Invitations
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
How to do that, it’s very simple, when a visitor wants to see your protected page, will need to login, but for registration on website, visitor need to be invited. The invite system is protected and the invitations can’t be cracked.
Form validation with jQuery
Easy integration on your website
Easy configuration and installation
System for password recovery
Page for invitation request
Powerful control panel
PriceUSD 12.00
UserBase - user authentication & management system
posted bynadlabsinUser Authentication
A PHP user management that you can fall in love with. UserBase provides all the basics such as page protection, access control, user registration and authentication (including social media connections) and one of the most amazing user management control panels available on the internet - try out the demo today.
There is so much packed into this one amazing application from user groups and highly customizable security management (you can block registration & site access by a huge number of metrics). Just check out the main page at our site for more details of what you get for just $18.
Sold through code canyon so you can buy with confidence with this maximum 5 star buyer rated script & support.
PriceUSD 18.00
Script users Register, Login and Online
posted byMarPloinUser Authentication
A PHP script to Register and Log users in a website, and shows the Online users; it's created with the method based on classes and objects (OOP). It uses PHP, MySQL and Ajax / JavaScript.
It has options to log in with Facebook, Yahoo, or with a Google account.
The script includes button "Remember" that gives the posibility to automaticaly login the users in the next visits.
If the user forgot the password, the script can send it to his e-mail.
Each user has a personal page that contains: an image uploaded by the user, the registration date, the last visit date, the number of visits /logins, and other personal data (name, pronoun, birthday, personal website, occupation, hobby).
In his personal page, the user can modify the password and the e-mail address added to registration, then he/she will receive an email with the new data.
The script displays the total number of users, the last registered user and the Online users.
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
No database required. No php knowledge needed to implement this login system. You can secure all kind of pages : customer area, administration interface, member page or any private page.
Multilingual version (English, French, Deutsch)
No database required
Compatible with PHP4 and PHP5
Single or Multi-user system
Secure (Designed by a Zend Certified Engineer)
Only 1 file to work with (no image or css additional files)
Very EASY to implement : Paste a single line of code in each page
Auto-detection of common installation mistakes
No redirection to a login page
Dynamic Session id to prevent “Man in the middle attack”
Ideal for graphic designers, not developers or people who are unfamiliar with security
PriceUSD 8.00
Ultra Secure Password with Salt and Hash encoding
posted byBinPressinUser Authentication
Customizable Salt characters and size;
Customizable number of iterations of the Hash algorithm;
Compares one raw or already encoded value with another encoded value for validation;
Uses SHA1 as Hash algorithm;
Minimalistic and easy of use and manipulation of the code to adopt your database or framework.
PriceUSD 4.99
Authentication System
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
Is lightweight, secure, flexible, customizable and simple application that allows you to protect and controll access for your page within your web site. The Authentication System is meant for programmers and non-programmers alike who need a powerful but easy to use (you have to add only a few rows to secure a page). The system include Simple PDO CRUD class that can perform any operation on any database supported by php PDO (MySQL, PostGreSQL, Oracle, SQLite and more), but right now the class has been built to support only database MySQL.
PriceUSD 6.00
User Access Control
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
By defining a infinite number of roles and specifying individual rules for each role you will have full power of denying or accepting users into your website. Not only can you control which pages the users have access to but also sections within each page. The script also works with controllers and actions.
The easy set up and minimum integration needed makes this script perfect for login based user systems and applications. Just map the current user access to a defined role and your user will act as that role. Implementing the access control check on necessary pages is done with a few initializing code lines followed by one or two if statements. It is user Access Control – made easy.
Very easy to set up.
Allows inheritance between roles.
Set access on page and section level.
PriceUSD 7.00
Facebook connect & API integration
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
Once a user has granted your application the permission to interact with his Facebook account, you can do the following with our Facebook class:
- Get the connected user Facebook token (you could for example store it in your own database to authenticate the user later)
- Enable the user to update his Facebook status from your application
- Display the user’s Facebook friends
- Display the user’s pages or applications
- Get the user last status updates.
PriceUSD 4.00
Invitation Key Generation & Verification
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
Features: Unlimited Unique keys can be generated (They will never collide with each other). Cannot be cracked or keygened. Unique salt to protect the keys.
Requirements: PHP5 and MySQL only.
PriceUSD 6.00
Membership Subscription Software
posted bylistenmirndtinUser Authentication
Membership website software, create members only content, automated billing and instant access. Create a secure membership website. Secure individual web pages or entire directories. Total automation. Grant members instant access to members only content when they subscribe. Flexible billing options Each of your memberships can have any many different types of billing periods as you need, daily, monthly, yearly, recurring or non-recurring, free trial period or anything in-between. Easy to customize: Choose from our pre-made templates or create your own. It is easy to add your own header and footer, or adjust the color scheme.
PriceUSD 44.95
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
Developed in PHP 5 .3. Passwords are prefixed with random salts and SHA1 hashed. Last activity update functionality. Flexible user information capabilities. Easily integrated into an administration interface.
Complete with reference to methods and members of the object, samplefiles to review basic functionalities and a simple install script to help you set up tables – an SQL file for manual creation of the tables is also included.
The object file has been commented in JAVADOC style.
PriceUSD 10.00
Quick PHP Password Protection
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
Perfect for small web apps, scripts, and personal pages which only have a single admin using them.
PriceUSD 3.00
Easy Login
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
The power of the script lays in that you can use it on every MySQL database table even on existing tables from other software packages like Wordpress, Mediawiki, MantisBt, ..... This is because you can define a custom password encryption function, user and password field. The combination of this functionalities makes it a universal usable class. I created this class because most of my clients just need a simple login form without other advanced features like user roles and so on.
PriceUSD 5.00
OpenID login
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
OpenID has the advantage that your users dont have to create a new account on your website instead they use an OpenID to login. Probably more users use your website because they dont have to follow a registration process. More informations about OpenID can be found at
The interface is complete customizeable so you can integrate it easy in your current design. See the Live Preview for an example.
PriceUSD 9.00
Client Directory Enforcer
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
htaccess/htpasswd combo is a powerful combination to to protect entire folders with a single file. Sadly htaccess creation and configuration is not one of the easiest task, and even once mastered it can be difficult to track and manage. CDE will make the managment of htacces a real breeze. CDE is aimed toward protecting directory to show your work in progress to your clients: protecting your work make sure that only the intended recipient will be able to see the preview and shows your clients how much you care and are willing to do to protect their intellectual properties.
PriceUSD 8.00
posted byptejadainUser Authentication
This class can be used to manage registrations and authenticate users with records in a MySQL database. It can perform several types of operations with registered users of a site. Currently it can create or update registered user records, activate user accounts, reset passwords, authenticate an user and start a login session, and end a login session.
User Registration Authentication Script in PHP
posted bychinkuinUser Authentication
The features in this script are Confirmation mail is sent to user after registration so the user can easily verify his registration.Unverified user account will be deleted automatically after 10 days of their registration. User can also unsubscribe user accounts easily. This is Easy and simple to add the instructions.
PriceUSD 25.00
Powerful Twitter Authenticator
posted byScriptDirinUser Authentication
In addition to this, the script offers a simple fuction ‘post_tweet()’ to simply post an update through a twitter account.
As well as enabling you to post tweets, and authenticate users, when a user is logged in, the script will provide you with information about their user. Such as:
- Screen Name
- Real Name
- Picture/ Avatar
- Followers
PriceUSD 5.00