Content Management
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help
posted byTngunzinContent Management
Doc-To-Help is a single-source Help authoring tool that empowers authors to create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert it to virtually every popular Help file format (including browser-based, platform independent Help) or printed documentation.
PriceUSD 999.99
madCMS - site management system
posted byatlanticsiliconinContent Management
Here are the hottest features:
Compact Code: only 50KB in size! Site Map Generation: compliant with the standards of the major search engines. SEO (search engine optimization): Each page has the necessary fields for the Meta Tags
Easy Content Management: RTF (rich text formatting) utility allows you to easily control your site�s visual presentation without any HTML knowledge. Quick Web Upgrades: If you subscribe to one of our maintenance plans. You will receive automatic system�s upgrades.
Unlimited Pages and Categories: Easily create as many pages and categories as you like. Scalable Features: Use FAQ and News generation scripts that are clearly explained and easy to use. File Management: The utility for file upload is very simple, robust and self-explanatory. New custom features: Can be added as requested
The system is perfect for the following:
Mid size corporation Stores Law firms Doctor�s sites Factories Restaura
Demo at http://demo.atlanticsilic
PriceUSD 199.00
posted byPark CollectioninContent Management
DJEM is a flexible web site and content management system supporting complex data structuring for Internet and Intranet solutions. DJEM supports rapid web applications development and very easy to use. DJEM creates static pages based on dynamic content thus using powerful features of both static and dynamic systems.
With DJEM you can easily create promo page, web site, and news portal or e-commerce solution. Bu its main power lies in expandability. Any web solution based on DJEM can be easily expanded in the future depending on your future needs. Tools that included into basic version of DJEM give user all functionality typically required from website, including publishing of news and articles, catalogues, newsletters and e-commerce functions. Everything that typically requires additional investments is already located in functionality of DJEM.
Consolo - Web Content Management
posted byStefanHinContent Management
Consolo is a content management tool for web sites. It has all the features of the leading CMS systems in the world - PHP, ASP, XHTML, XML, Databases, Flash, etc. You can tweak Consolo into suiting your needs and write your own scripts for it. What makes Consolo unique is its robust client application design. Consolo only uses a small server side installation, then all the work is done in the client (which you can shape into suiting you better).
On the web site for Consolo there are many scripts and guides for you to get a jump start with the program. Consolo can currently be downloaded in a FREE version and you can even sell it to your clients to make money.
posted byrcmediainContent Management
Mombase is dedicated to those Webmasters and Netropreneur's who have many Mambo sites to care for. Put a fast and permanent end to tracking your multitudes of logins and passwords, while at the same time placing ALL of your Mambo administration and preview pages on your desktop and at your fingertips!
PriceUSD 14.95
posted byxfairguyinContent Management
FastFreshContent can help you to add fresh keyword related content to your website.
It uses Yahoo news as source and creates HTML output which is then uploaded to your website using internal FTP service.
It is much faster solution then using server side
scripts to parse RSS Feeds and display results to your visitor.
PriceUSD 19.99
CodeAvalanche FastContent
posted byxfairguyinContent Management
CodeAvalanche FastContent is website content generation tool. Using articles from it creates content rich web pages suitable for contextual advertaising or affilliate promotion. Anybody can build content rich website within minutes.Download a demo and try it. This is a must have tool for anybody how have allready running website but need more content.
Application features:
- search articles by keywords or by category
- duplicate articles filter, allready retrived articles for that project will be skiped
- view articles before selecting it for retrival
- edit retrived articles, add your own text to articles
- generating html,asp,txt files from retrived pages using templeates
- choose number of articles per index page
- choose length of article snippet on index pages
- option to remove links from articles (links are not clickable)
- add your AdSense Code (3 Ads Units + Search Box)
- generate pages for articles retrived after some date (no need to upload all files again only new created files)
- easy to use
- one year free support
PriceUSD 29.99
Icon Grabber With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
Are you a web site owner who uses Favicons on your site? If you are then you know that creating these Favicons can be time consuming and difficult. Or are you a web site surfer that just loves using those Favicons to distinguish your favorite web sites when you bookmark them for later visits? Regardless of your reason for loving or using Favicons nothing can be more annoying that having those Favicons disappear.
PriceUSD 19.95
Blog Biz For Beginners
posted byplanthieinContent Management
Removed the mystique surrounding that geek speak lingo we mentioned.
Dissected all the best blogging tools and explains them in simple to follow instructions.
Lists the hottest marketing bloggers online.
He even gives you the downside of blogging so you'll be prepared to deal with it.
How about automatically generating content so you don't have to spend hours updating your blog?
PriceUSD 14.95
Expand Menu Studio
posted bywibbleinContent Management
With Expand Menu Studio, you can create professional, cross-browser web menus in seconds. It's incredibly powerful and yet easy to use, so both beginners and professionals can immediately benefit from it. You can modify a large set of menus properties (button sizes, font sizes, colors, backgrounds, etc.), and create completely customizable multi-level menus based on the web page that the menu will be placed on. Expand Menu Studio is a complete overhaul of the original Expand menu, introducing a dramatic advance in usability and productivity. You don't just get a menu - you get a complete menu solution specifically designed to make it easier for you to construct and maintain your web site navigation. The new intuitive WYSIWYG editor provides clean, uncluttered access to all the main features. A range of time-saving functions have been added to greatly reduce menu maintenance. And you can be up and running in seconds, with the inclusion of a gallery of 50 pre-defined menus.
PriceUSD 39.99
Accessor Pro
posted byalexskopininContent Management
Accessor Pro gives a quick access to main Windows functions, folders and documents.
Main Features:
- Review of the File System from icon on the system tray;
- Creation of a list of the most frequently used and favorite folders;
- Access to Control Panel and it's elements;
- Termination of any running programs from popup menu in one click;
- Process administration allows to view available windows, description of process;
- CD-ROM control.
PriceUSD 19.00
Wallpaper Revolver With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
Automatically change your computers desktop wallpaper with our new, easy to use software...
# Change your windows background every x minutes
# Change it to a background from a list that you put together
# Can select a random image each time
# Can be put into the system tray so it's out of the way
# Load at windows ready for use!
PriceUSD 19.95
Submit A Link With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
Now you can offer Instant Links on your website...
Submit-a-link gives you the ability to offer Instant Links on your site. Your ads appear above and below the links. They also appear on the Submit page. You only need to edit one file and upload! Very easy to use.
This script also doubles as an opt in list! When users submit their link, they give you permission to send them email. All email addresses are stored in one txt file making it very easy for you to add the emails to your current email program/newsletter script!
PriceUSD 19.95
Page Translator With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
As the internet evolves day by day, more people are joining the ranks of cyberspace. With that, people of different cultures and that speak different languages have turned the internet into an international mecca on the world wide web. No longer is English the only language that is used nowadays.
PriceUSD 19.95
Misspelled Keyword Generator With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
Not everyone is a perfect speller. How often have you performed a search on the internet that returned limited results only to find out later that you completely misspelled the keyword or search term? Even if you are a great speller how many times have you simply made a small typo? Now take your typos and spelling error and multiply them by millions! That’s right millions!
PriceUSD 19.95
Reciprocal Link Monitor With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
One of the main ways to increase the popularity of your web site long with its traffic is to get more web site owners to exchange links with you. The more places on the internet your web site’s URL is found the more popular your web site is. At least according to major search engines. Search engines like Google will analyze how many web sites on the internet currently link to your web site when they determine your search engine placing and over all ranking.
PriceUSD 19.95
Easy Blogs
posted bymailinContent Management
Easy Blogs by allows anyone to write and publish his or her very own web log or blog or journal. Simple enough for the non-technical, and yet with enough extra features to please the demanding too. Use one of the many included web-site templates or build your own. Templates are designed to be sharable with other Easy Blogs users. Create your Blog on your PC. Publish anywhere!
PriceUSD 24.95
MRU Wizard With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
MRU Wizard is Simple and easy to use program! MRU Wizard will scan your computer for the most recent run files & then allows you to choose the ones you want to clean up. Cleans all your most recent run history from your computer. Prevent others from seeing what files you have opened.
PriceUSD 19.95
Instant Bookmark With Master Resale Rights
posted byjcrew211inContent Management
In the perfect world every time somebody comes to visit your web page they would add your site to their favorites list. This way they would come back time and time again. We all know this is not a perfect world and people forget where they have gone when they are surfing the web. While it is true that they can hit the back button on their browser, or even search the history in their computer, the truth is many times when they leave your site they don't come back. There is now a very simple way to change that so your visitors can come back over and over again. You can install a program called Instant Bookmark.
PriceUSD 19.95
Affiliate management solution
posted bylhdh123inContent Management
AssocTRAC 4.0 is a complete affiliate management solution that enables online businesses of any size to easily start and run their own affiliate program. AssocTRAC is easily integrated with most ordering systems and shopping carts, and is the exact same system we here at the Internet Marketing Center use to manage our own affiliate program, meaning that users of AssocTRAC 4.0 are getting one of the most advanced, reliable, and up-to-date affiliate management programs on the market. AssocTRAC is backed by a comprehensive 90-day no-hassle guarantee. Customers are invited to use the program risk-free for three full months and prove to themselves that AssocTRAC works exactly as promised. And ALL AssocTRAC customers are given access to a dedicated team of technical support agents who are available to help them with any questions they may have.