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Checking your spam status

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Spam is a major problem - don't get caught in the crossfire
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Spam is a major problem. As spam filters become more effective the spam changes to evade prompting the spam filters to again step up their aggressiveness. In this escalating battle it is all too easy for legitimate email to be filtered out in error. If you have ever had to deal with a complaint from a customer who never received their activation email, only to find it in their spam folder then you are familiar with the problem. No single approach is going to ensure that all your mail gets through but one quick and easy thing you should be doing is checking the black lists and make sure you are not on them. In this tutorial I go through creating a script which will automatically and periodically check the black lists for you. Once set up you can just leave it and rest a little more secure.

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Submitted on
4th November 2006
Last Updated
19th December 2006

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