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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Frameworks

Results 41-51 of 51
Making CakePHP Templates in TextMate
Automating the creation of templates will save you time. Expensive time that you don’t need to waste on repetitive stuff. You can even modify the existing templates provided in the bundle editor. I know virtually every HTML document I create will need at least one stylesheet, meta data, and scripts.v
(0 ratings)
Custom pagination query in CakePHP
If you search for creating custom pagination in CakePHP, you will find quite a few results, potentially this one. The one that I would assume the best would be the one from CakePHP itself, but it’s not and let me show you why.
(0 ratings)
CakePHP ajaxed pagination and sort
Here I will describe how I did an Ajaxed pagination for one of my projects using jQuery and Livequery Plugin. Currently I am working on a huge project which, hopefully, will feed me with some ideas for blog posts and this is one of them :) . So:
(0 ratings)
Pagination Caching with CakePHP
Paginated data can not be cached as easily, as the paginate method needs to be called to generate the pagination numbers etc. So what was done was to do a custom pagination query with cache built in.
(0 ratings)
Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP
This "Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP" series is designed for PHP application developers who want to start using CakePHP to make their lives easier. In the end, you will have learned how to install and configure CakePHP, the basics of Model-View-Controller (MVC) design, how to validate user data in CakePHP, how to use CakePHP helpers, and how to get an application up and running quickly using CakePHP.
(0 ratings)
Getting Started With CakePHP - 2
This guide will attempt to point you in the right direction so you can get started with CakePHP and eventually develop your own applications using it.
(0 ratings)
Getting Started With CakePHP
Simple tutorial that explains how to install along with installation tips and will walkthrough how do code a basic blog tutorial.
(0 ratings)
Practical CakePHP Projects
posted byhsbotinPHP
PHP experts Kai Chan and John Omokore guide you through a variety of practical CakePHP applications. You will work on projects such as a video gallery, unit testing application, an e–commerce app, a blog site, and much more. Practical CakePHP Projects covers the key architectural concepts as well as including mini projects that you can use to enhance your own applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.38
CakePHP Application Development
posted byhsbotinPHP
This book offers step-by-step instructions to learn the CakePHP framework and to quickly develop and deploy web-based applications. It introduces the MVC pattern and coding styles using practical examples. It takes the developer through setting up a CakePHP development and deployment environment, and develops an example application to illustrate all of the techniques you need to write a complete, non-trivial application in PHP. It aims to assist PHP programmers to rapidly develop and deploy well-crafted and robust web-based applications with CakePHP.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 34.15
Beginning CakePHP: From Novice to Professional
posted byhsbotinPHP
Beginning CakePHP will do the following: # Leads you from a basic setup of CakePHP to building a couple applications that will highlight CakePHP’s functionality and capabilities without delving too deeply into the PHP language, but rather what the CakePHP framework can offer the developer. # Teaches you to use CakePHP by incorporating advanced features into your web development projects. # Targets beginners of CakePHP or web frameworks in general as well as experienced developers with limited exposure to CakePHP. A secondary audience may include developers undecided on adopting CakePHP or business managers trying to assess the value of incorporating CakePHP into their toolbox.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 28.37
ModelBaker, generates full featured web applications backed with a MySQL database with no programming. Based upon CakePHP targeted for Mac OS X users, ModelBaker deliveries a user friendly development environment with no programming.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-51 of 51