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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Form Processors

Results 81-100 of 243
SmartyValidate is a form validation class. Its design goals are to leverage the Smarty templating environment and make form validation as easy and flexible as possible.
(6 ratings)
Feedback Form Lite / Reloaded
A simple feedback form for your visitors to send messages to you via email without exposing your true address. (Spam Reduction). Also includes protection against the form being used from other domains.
(6 ratings)
Hello Form Builder - Contact Form
With Hello Form Builder, you don’t need to a programmer or developer to create form. Everybody can create form without TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE required. It has full of features that you need for your forms!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.00
A-1 PHP Form Wizard for Dummies
This script works like a wizard that takes you through the various stages involved in creating a PHP form, without having to know the PHP language. You just need to answer the various questions and the wizard will create the code for you. You can add a Javascript validation to the form. Finally, you can customise your PHP form with your favourite HTML editor, so that it suits your web site's colour scheme and style. Summary of features =================== - First page checks the required server configuration - Most fields now have detailed context-sensitive help with screen shots - The form now allows you to redirect the user to a thank you page - The final page allows you to copy the entire PHP form but also allows you to select separately the PHP , Javascript and HTML part, for easier integration to an existing page.
(6 ratings)
PHP PopUp Form Mailer w/ IP Logging & Email Checker
This is a simple yet effective form based email application for PHP A few features ---------------- a.) checks the senders email address format. b.) displays users ip address so anonymous senders can't send you hate mail. c.) places the senders ip address in the email message so you know where its from. d.) pop-up box saves space by displaying a small box above your page. e.) easy javascript close links allow user to close window after message is sent. f.) checks all fields against blank data. Programmed by Mike Koenig Email: [email protected]
(6 ratings)
clonefish - PHP form generator class
A proven and mature PHP class aimed to aid the creation of professional self-validating input forms. - easy configuration using a simple PHP array - client-side + server-side form validation (cross-browser JavaScript and PHP) - automatic form generation with customizable layouts (no need to type HTML) - static and dynamic form input elements. Values for dynamic elements are retrieved from database queries (out-of-the-box support for AdoDB, Pear DB, native MySQL and very easy to extend) - some very handy special element types (FCKEditor support, file selector and much more!) - valid XHTML output, accessibility features - templating support (eg. Smarty) by exporting the form elements to an array - multilanguage support for outputting error messages or other information - entirely Unicode compatible ...and much more! A _useful_, non-expiring free version is also available!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
PHP Input FIlter
Try it out for yourself: http://cyberai.com/inputfilter/ This class can filter input of stray or malicious PHP, Javascript or HTML tags and to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It should be used to filter input supplied by the user, such as an HTML code entered in form fields. I have tried to make this class as easy as possible to use. You have control over the filter process unlike other alternatives, and can input a string or an entire array to be cleaned (such as $_POST).
(6 ratings)
Form mail for form to email operation. Includes email validation. Can be adapted to almost any web form. Cans elect which fields are required and which are optional and the format of the email to be sent text, html, etc.
(6 ratings)
WebOnePro.com is pleased to offer our updated version of our popular PHP/Flash integrated contact form. Flash Contact V1.2 now integrates a Flash interface with a PHP code behind file for fast and secure contact form processing. A CAPTCHA system is no longer necessary since most spam bots cannot decipher the Flash source file. You can now enjoy a spam free contact form without the headaches of a hard-to-read CAPTCHA system!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Easiest Form2Mail
Send ANY form, easily. Features: - Built-in Captcha - Can be used with Google Recaptcha - Allows receiving of attachments. - Set required fields. - Customizable error messages. - Includes two example forms with multiple select, attachments and captcha!
(6 ratings)
Simple Easy To Use PHP Spell Checker
The program is used to spell check any of the input field of html form. The script is designed not to mess any way to your main script processing of the form. It is just return modified (allready spell-checked) text into any input field. It is writen on PHP and using JavaScript as minimum as possible. JavaScript code is limited to: read input field we want to spellcheck, passing javascript variable to php and then return allready spell-checked text into the original form. You may add spellcheck links not only on one input field, but on every field used in form. If your page contains multiple forms you can add spellchecking on them as well.
(6 ratings)
Form Handler
form_handler() creates a list of all form data submitted by any form. The output can then be emailed to a site's system administrator, or saved to a file. form_handler_generator() can assist you in the making of a more customized solution for any particular form. Just remember to check your checkboxes or they will not be noticed.
(6 ratings)
Free PHP Form Processor
We've provided this form to mail handler in response to a specific request, but anybody is welcome to use it. All we would ask in return is that you credit us with a link to http://www.inventpartners.com from somewhere on your site. Perhaps on your form thankyou page? This form processor takes GET and POST form submissions, and emails them to an email address hardcoded into the script - this makes it impossible for spammers to use this script to send spam by exploiting this script. The script will validate required input fields, textareas and selects - however, it doesn't validate required checkboxes or radio buttons at the moment. It might do in a later version. Hey: it's free. Be grateful!
(6 ratings)
Form1 Builder
Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build any web form. It provides a single file form (no cgi) with a hidden email delivery address and an extensive range of benefits and options. Key features include: User friendly click and build interface. Capacity to develop basic to complex forms easily and quickly. Quick Form option to generate a form with a couple of clicks. Designer Form click and add function so you can include any form fields you require. Ability to use an Existing Form as the base of a new form. Inbuilt file Upload function. All processing code is server side php scripting and protects your delivery email address from email harvesters. Fully server based, no user JavaScript required. Auto Responder feature. Handles user Cookies and Variables. Detects Required variables. Includes email validity checks. Capacity to include an Email Copy. Processes all form fields automatically. From Email can be set as Form User in the form delivery email enabling email reply function. Verification Code can be automatically added to the form delivery email and used with an email filter to eliminate spam email. Display as HTML before submission option. Alphabetically sort data function. Form delivery email as plain text or multipart HTML format. Access Password option. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) integration. File Attachment capacity. Mathematical Functions can be incorporated. Form data can be sent as a CSV (Comma Separated Value) or a XML (Extensible Markup Language) data file attachment. Capacity to adjust SMPT Mailserver setting to match the server send_mail settings and domain mailserver. Ability to develop Multi Page Forms. Form memory to maintain form content and ensure input is never lost. Form1 (the generated form code) runs on your web server. To run Form1 your server must support the php scripting language. Most commercial web servers support php.
(6 ratings)
Price 39.00
PassMaster and Alsdata Secure email forms
Send, Receive, & Manage Blind E-mail Accounts. This application was developed for non-profit businesses to allow their readers to send e-mail from the business Website, while keeping the actual e-mail address hidden from the sender. Likewise, the staff person can reply to an e-mail and not devulge their e-mail address. The receiver's e-mail address is hidden to protect their confidentiality. After all, they do not want to get on chain lists or receive attached photos, viruses, and the like. This technique has the additional value of preventing spammers or weirdos from finding any e-mail addresses. PassMaster and Jonathon Press' AlsData. A combination of 2 scripts that we heavily modified to combine the two. Alsdata (an email form contact script) was missing a way to password protect the administration part of the script. PassMaster did not have AlsData as part of the menu for the admin there. We modified it so you have a unique script that takes care of both problems.
(6 ratings)
Responsive Php AJAX Contact form with Google Recaptcha
This contact form uses Google Recaptcha as the anti-spam weapon. You can easily integrate into your website and also add custom fields if needed. The contact form is also mobile responsive and it uses AJAX for sending the data. All configuration are handled by a single config file.
(6 ratings)
Security Image and Question
This script is a new and improved way of creating a security image to help prevent automatic submissions of forms. The script will select 4 common animals and give each animal a common name. Then it will ask a question about the animals. Humans will easily be able to determine the answer while computers will not. Enjoy.
(6 ratings)
This PHP class can be used to display form field values submitted by POST without additional markup in the HTML form
(6 ratings)
When a data is submitted to your website, is it by someone typing it out, or is it being submitted by a script? CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Along with the form that they have to fill out, visitors to your site will be presented with a small task that can only be carried out by someone looking at the screen. An example of this would be to type out some text contained in an image.
(6 ratings)
Online Form Builder for your website
With Form2go Form Builder you don't need any coding knowledge to create form for your website. Its the simplest way of creating and managing form. Form2go Form Builder is 100% secure and highly reliable. Key Feature : (1) No Html or any programming knowledge required. (2) Our Wizard will create the code and all you need to do is copy and paste to your web page. (3) Immediate Notification When you receive a form. (4) Your data is automatically backed up (5) Additional information is stored in database - Date, Time & IP address of visitor. (6) Everything works from our site. (7) Send visitor to webpage of there choice after submission (8) SSL Secured Submission (9)Auto responder to reply your visitor immediately (10) Captcha to avoid spam - And Hundreds of other features.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Results 81-100 of 243