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Most Popular Scripts | ASP.NET | Tutorials & Tips

Results 201-220 of 654
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Instantiating - Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL In this tutorial you will learn about Discovering Web Services, Instantiating and Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with the Web Services Description Language Tool (wsdl.exe)
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Generating Random Number Using RND Function And Randomize Statement
We will use RDN function to generate a random number. Our first example generates a random number between 1 ~ 10.
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Inserting a Common Navigation Using .Net
This tutorial covers one option for including a common header and footer into your HTML pages without having to modify the html page itself. Technologies used are the System.XML, System.Net, and System.IO .Net classes.
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Is the migration to ADO.NET keeping you up at night? This article will show you some techniques for transforming your ADO recordset into an ADO.NET dataset using Visual Basic .NET.
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Asp.net c# event calendar
Tracking events based on date is one of the most common requirements in our daily lives. Event calendar is one of the most popular solution where user can easily track his/her or agents or subordinates daily most important activies. Most of the free components probably can't implement your demand. In asp.net you can use calendar control to fullfill custom demands. But i am trying to develop a calendar without using calendar control. To do this i choose DataList because here i can define column no & repeat direction which make me interested. I want to produce my output like below:
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Basics of .NET remoting
This article will explores about .NET remoting. .NET remoting is a technology that allows you to invoke or accessing objects on remote server. For those who are familiar with Java technology, it is called RMI (Remote Method Invocation) in java world. .NET remoting supports accessing your objects by using HTTP,TCP and IPC channels. Similar with Web Services, .NET remoting also support calling your objects via HTTP protocol. However Web Services provide platform independence and you also get loose coupling between your client server objects which means that easier to deal with versioning issues. Unlike Web Services, .NET remoting requires both of your client and server objects running on the same .NET Framework version. and it has a tight coupling between client and server because the same object types are shared.
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Multithreading in ASP.NET
Explains how to use threads to enable multitasking in ASP.NET applications. Performance and responsiveness are most the important key issues in the success of your web application. Sometimes you need to perform a long time task, that uses intensive CPU operations. A common solution to this problem is the use of multithreading.
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DataSet and DataAdapter in ASP.NET 2.0
Datasets store a copy of data from the database tables. However, Datasets can not directly retrieve data from Databases. DataAdapters are used as a link between them. This tutorial explains how to manipulate data in database using DataSet and DataAdapter objects.
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Working with the Wizard Control in ASP.Net 2.0
The ASP.NET 2.0 Wizard control simplifies many of the tasks associated with building a web application. In this tutorial we will look at the basics of the Wizard Control by creating a simple data collection form and then advance to simulate an online test wizard that will be generated dynamically.
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ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorial : Code Directory
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorial : Code Directory - In this tutorial you will having a deeper look at the Code Directory, the Code Beside Model and the evolution of the Code Behind model, learn about Partial Classes, Sharing Source components, Creating a Component, you will learn how to create a Application_Code folder, to create a component in the Application_Code folder and use a component.
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VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Adding Controls
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Adding Controls - In this tutorial let's discuss about Adding Controls to a Windows Form, Adding Controls using Windows Forms Designer, Adding Controls Dynamically and Setting properties of Controls. Sample source codes used in this tutorial are included. Forms are containers for control objects. All controls have properties, methods and events that can be used to customize their functionality. Controls can be manipulated in the designer mode and code can be added to dynamically add controls at run time.
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Float, Double and Decimal: do you know the differences?
There are a number of data types available in the .Net framework for storing numbers with fractional parts. They are each appropriate for different situations, and using the wrong one can lead to errors in calculations as well as performance issues! Learn which one you should use when.
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Error Handling techniques in ASP.NET 2.0
In this article, I would like to explain about Error Handling in ASP.NET. How to handle the error in ASP.NET 2.0 when an error happens in your website, how to handle unhandled error, tips and tricks for better error handling and also I would give some sample code on how to do Error notifications to you as website owner if there is an error happen in your site. By doing a proper error handling on your website, you can avoid any unprofessional .NET Error to your user and in the other hand, you know what is happening to your website so you can prevent the error from happening again. In the code sample above,you can see that we are using Email notifications when the error happens. For better error logging, you can actually store all the details in your database,so that you can have the history and easier for you to manage code error on your site.
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How to Generate Random Numbers in ASP.NET and .NET Framework
Random number generation is a common programming endeavor, but many developers are unaware of the true nature of the random numbers generated by a system. In this article I would explain about how to generating a random numbers and how to use them in your .NET applications Generating random numbers is often a hot topic for programmers. The reason is that seemingly random numbers are most often not genuinely random. This is due to the deterministic algorithm utilized by a platform like .NET. Deterministic systems leave nothing to chance; they're lawful out of necessity; and they conform to the ideal of a machine in which wear and tear and mechanical failures are absent. Modern computers are conceived as deterministic machines. The Random class The .NET Framework provides the Random class, which allows you to generate a number or a series of numbers to be used accordingly. You may be wondering why .NET bothers to include the Random class.
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Generating Serial Code For Your Applications
In this article we will generate a random serial code for our applications. The script will generate a similiar serial code to use in a real application.
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Building ASP.NET UserControls
ASP.NET UserControl is the new way of encapsulate all your code reuse in your web applications. Old way of doing this would be via SSI includes which can be very messy and very hard to maintain if your site grow. ASP.NET UserControl is infact the simplest form of ASP.NET control encapsulation. Because they are the simplest, they are also the easiest to create and use. Essentially user control is a grouping of existing server controls into a single container control. This enables you to group all your reusable part of webpage into UserControl. The basic example would be Login Controls, News Controls, Header Controls and etc.
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Tooltip help in ASP.NET and .NET Windows Forms
Implementing help for ASP.NET Applications and for .NET Windows Forms Applications have many similarities that will be highlighted in this tutorial and the reader will be thought how to implement it in both.
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VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Simple Data Binding
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Simple Data Binding In Section 1 of Data Binding you will learn about definition of Data Binding Bindable Entities, The Architecture of Data Binding, Bind Data to the User Interface and Simple Data Binding
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Adding text to an image in memory
This article covers using the System.Drawing.Bitmap and drawBrush to draw text on a bitmap in memory. You could use this code as a base to create dynamic navigational buttons for your site.
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Create Text Images on the Fly with ASP.NET
The code sample demonstrates how you can use the built-in ASP.NET classes to generate a graphical representation of a single line of text. The example uses three parameters: (1) the text (2) font size (3) font color The generated graphic is a 256 color GIF image with transparency. This example includes a palette hack for forcing a transparent background on the GIF image.
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Results 201-220 of 654