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Most Popular Scripts | C & C++ | Tutorials & Tips

Results 21-40 of 124
How to load file into memory using plain ANSI C language
This C language article provides example of loading file (binary mode) into memory for later processing. Only standard libraries (stdio.h) are used, the source code is completly cross-platform.
(9 ratings)
Experts Advice - C-C++
If you have any Queries related to C-C++ programming you can ask the expert and they will help you out for the problem or will refer you to some other sites where you can find the solution to your problem.
(9 ratings)
C Programming - Structures and Unions
In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming - Structures and Unions, Giving values to members, Initializing structure, Functions and structures, Passing structure to elements to functions, Passing entire function to functions, Arrays of structure, Structure within a structure and Union.
(9 ratings)
Using TinyXML with Visual C++ - A "How To" eBook
Would you like to know how to create XML-enabled applications using Visual C++ with TinyXML? What is TinyXML? TinyXML is a simple, small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into your applications. Are you looking for a way to create compact and yet very powerful applications with built-in XML parsing capabilities without having to use other heavy-weight bloated XML parsers? You will have full control over the size of your XML-enabled applications without having to use external DLLs and other bloated libraries. Are you a shareware programmer having trouble finding a XML parser that suits your unique needs? Why not use TinyXML? If you answered "Yes" then download this sample eBook to see what it can do for you.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
C Language - The Preprocessor
In this tutorial you will learn about C Language - The Preprocessor, Preprocessor directives, Macros, #define identifier string, Simple macro substitution, Macros as arguments, Nesting of macros, Undefining a macro and File inclusion.
(9 ratings)
C++ Reference Sheet (Cheat Sheet)
The following is NOT a C++ Tuturial, it is more or less a cheat-sheet reference for beginers.
(9 ratings)
C Programming - Linked Lists
In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming - Linked Lists, Structure, Advantages of Linked List, Types of linked list and Applications of linked lists. A linked list is called so because each of items in the list is a part of a structure, which is linked to the structure containing the next item. This type of list is called a linked list since it can be considered as a list whose order is given by links from one item to the next.
(9 ratings)
One of the Best C++ tutorial sets
cplusplus.us is proud to present FREE 5 star C++ Tutorial set. Plenty of sourcecode, pictures and easy to read decriptions.
(9 ratings)
C++ Socket(Winsock) Example Using Client Server and Multi-Threading
The aim of this C++ tutorial is to demonstrate simple client/server socket communication and multi-threading. This demonstrates basics such as binding, listening and accepting sockets for Servers and connecting sockets for clients. Once the server accepts a socket, a thread is spawned to handle it. This is the simplest C++ socket (blocking) example you can find. Please leave any comments or questions at the end of this tutorial and I will endeavor to answer them.
(9 ratings)
MySQL and C#
If you�ve installed it, launch your C# compiler/IDE. Next, open the project you want to add MySQL support to. Now, go to the Project menu => Add Reference. Under the .NET tab look for MySQL.Data under �Component Name.� Click �OK� and were are ready to start coding.
(9 ratings)
C++ dynamic array template class
This article provides example of dynamic array implementation using C++ templates. It uses standard malloc/realloc memory allocation functions and simple "doubling size" resizing strategy. Our AeDynArray class interface resembles MFC standard CArray class, but uses only standard C libraries.
(9 ratings)
Beginner C++ and Allegro Tutorials
This is a series of tutorials being developed for the c++ beginners wanting to create games. It starts from the basics and moves onto more advanced stuff.
(9 ratings)
Win32 Socket Client
Socket programming in MFC is usually a bit messy. It's always clean and convenient to write the socket programs using Win32. A big advantage writing these programs in Win32 is, we can follow the same model as in any Unix C++ socket program. Also, with each and every new version of Winsock, we don't know how many bugs are going to get added to the development frameworks.
(9 ratings)
A Critique of C++
An intermediate tutorial designed for experienced C++ programmers.
(8 ratings)
Object Oriented Programming Techniques
This tutorial covers how to get most out of the Object Oriented Programming Conecpts using C++ Language. Object- Oriented Programming (OOP) is an approach to program organization and development that attempts to eliminate some of the pitfalls of conventional programming methods by in incorporating the best of structured programming features with several powerful new concepts. It is a new way of organising and developing programs and has nothing to do with any particular language. However, not all languages are suitable to implement the OPP concepts easily.
(7 ratings)
Building Web Based N-Tier Applications using C#
This article explores the N-tier and Distributed Application Architecture. Over the last decade, the way applications are designed has evolved and come a long way. We have stand-alone applications, server based applications, client server applications, web based applications, n-tier applications, distributed applications, Peer-to-peer apps, service-oriented Architectures, component based Development and the list goes on. This article discusses the advantages, disadvantages of n-tier applications and methods to implement web based n-tier Applications using C#, .NET
(7 ratings)
C Programming - Dynamic Memory Allocation
In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming - Dynamic Memory Allocation, Dynamic memory allocation. Memory allocations process, Allocating a block of memory, Allocating multiple blocks of memory, Releasing the used space and To alter the size of allocated memory.
(6 ratings)
A Tutorial On Recursion
This is my first tutorial and it will focus on the basics of recursion in C/C++
(6 ratings)
MyBooks, a MFC MySQL client example source codes
Would you like to know how to create MySQL client applications using Visual C++ with MySQL C API? What is MySQL? The MySQL database server is the world's most popular open source database. Its C API allows you to easily create clients that accesses the database, either on a local computer, LAN or the Internet. If you are looking for a full example source code for a complete MFC C++ program that uses the MySQL C API to access a MySQL database, then this package is for you.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
DirectX Programming
A tutorial to help C++ programmers who are new to DirectX get acquainted with the libraries, in particular DirectDraw and DirectInput.
(6 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 124