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New Scripts | CGI & Perl | Scripts & Programs | Ad Management

Results 41-60 of 70
posted byadinAd Management
Manage popup and popunder affiliates on your website with Clicktimizer.com's popup window management service and deliver intelligent targeted content with a request optimization agent.
(0 ratings)
posted bywebinAd Management
Not only you can rotate your banners, but you can give your users the same power. Be the system administrator - enable or disable user's account or banners. Rotate user's, admin, or both user's and admin banners in predefined sequence. As user display a list of all banners with their status, number of displays and hits. Add, edit or delete a banner. Upload and preview the picture. Set the expiration rules. Get the code you need to include in your pages in order to display the banner.
(0 ratings)
A powerful perl script that allows you to setup an advertisement program on your site. It can keep on tracking the number of times that a banner has been displayed, the number of times it has been clicked. With the powerful admin script, you can add, view, edit, delete, reset each banner's data easily and you can edit configuration file. Also, you can set the maximum impression of a banner. This script is extremely easy to be installed.
(0 ratings)
Ad Smart
This ad management script operates by having advertisers bid to get their ads displayed on your website. Ad Smart is different from all the other ad scripts because it creates competition between your advertisers, encouraging them to outbid each other, and in turn increasing your advertising revenue. Ad Smart is a good option if you don't know exactly what your traffic is worth, because advertiser demand will decide the prices for you. You can have advertisers bid on the cost per click (CPC) or on the cost of impressions (CPM). Run campaigns for almost every imaginable type of website advertisement, including banners, html, rich media, text links, blind hits, pop-up windows, floating javascript ads, and more. Dutch, German, and Spanish translation files now available!
(3 ratings)
ProAnalyzer Ad Tracking System
ProAnalyzer is a comprehensive and powerful ad tracking system, complete with a built in split tester It is capable of tracking hits, as well as an unlimited number of sales and actions. This system provides the most comprehensive statistics available, on an unlimited number of campaigns. ProAnalyzer is perfect for tracking PPC listings, e-zine advertising, classified ads, joint ventures, link exchanges, viral marketing tactics (ex. e-books), etc. No monthly fees, free installation, unlimited tech phone/email support, and no need for any special modules or mySQL databases, make this the perfect solution for your ad tracking needs.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.97
Expop is a cgi script to manage and count different users who booked exit/intrp popups. It also includes a login interface for users to view their stats. Uses IDs to avoid one IP-address to be counted twice for defined time.
(3 ratings)
csBanner :: Ad Management System
csBanner is a comprehensive system for maintaining a set of rotating banner ads on your site. Banners can be displayed on your pages via SSI or JavaScript tags. Multiple groups can be created, this allows you to organize your banners rotations with ease. Unlimited number of banner ads can be placed within each group. csBanner keeps track of exposures and click-throughs for each banner, as well as tracking lifetime stats. Banners can be "weighted" to control how often they are displayed.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
BannerPro is a database driven banner rotator and content management system. Using a combination of technologies including PERL, S.Q.L., and JavaScript delivers a powerful yet intuitive and easy-to-use full management interface and content delivery system. SSI not required.
(0 ratings)
IntraLinks RotateAds
RotateAds is a simple and efficient script for rotating ad banners on a web site. It does not require Server Side Includes and should work on both Unix and Windows servers. The script uses cookies to identify users and send them to the proper URL when the ads are clicked on. RotateAds has no statistics or reporting features and only displays ad images in GIF format.
(0 ratings)
Ad Banner Engine
posted byrobinAd Management
Ad Banner Engine is a complete system to rotate banners across multiple sites. All logging is done using a MySQL database (required), and it provides daily stats, as well as historical stats. It can rotate an unlimited number of banners or you can use static banner code so the same banner is always shown or rotate multiple banners for a single link. It supports zones allowing you to easily display different sets of banners in different locations.
(0 ratings)
AdvertisementManager is a Perl/MySQL-based ad management system designed for webmasters who need fast, reliable, flexible, easy-to-use and full-featured ad serving and management front-end. Features: trackable rich-media delivery, independent client statistical area, comprehensive activities reporting, unlimited content creations and auto-generate ad codes, and more.
(0 ratings)
LedAds is the second generation of Ledscripts.com's perl-based banner program. This version offers many improvements over not only the previous version, but also many other ad programs on the market. Features: More secure data storage - Data is now stored in DBM files, helping to prevent data corruption; Two Ad Types - You can use standard ad banners or use your own rich-media adcode (such as the one from an ad company); Random Number Generation - You can now insert random numbers into the Rich-Media (This allows you to dynamically create what ad your ad company may call 'unique keys' for each time the ad is displayed); Image Uploads and Storage - You can upload your ad banners right from the control panel, and let the program take care of all the storage and retrieval; Full Stats - Stats tracked per day, per month, per year and lifetime; and much more.
(48 ratings)
AdSpaceSeller allows you to sell your advertising space directly to advertisers. You decide on rates, bulk discounts, etc. Selling your adspace direct means that you wont be conned by that fraudulent affiliate program. It can be set to pay per impression or pay per click.
(0 ratings)
Qbanner is a Perl/MySQL-based Advertising Server (GIF, JPEG, PNG ads). It currently features: Graphical, tabular hourly (daily, monthly) stats, supports a max of 3 banners per advertiser, and cache busting.
(0 ratings)
BS Banner
BS Banner is a random banner ad rotator written in Perl, it will allow a user to Display a random banner ad on each page of their site. (Requires SSI)
(0 ratings)
Advertisement Click Through and Logging
This is a simple Perl script to log each click on an advertisement on a page. The logs are later analysed by Ad-Master to find the click/view ratio for a page.
(0 ratings)
AdvertPRO is a full featured, industrial strength, ad banner cycle management system at an affordable price. Some of its main features include: Rich Media support, SSI and non-SSI capability, Manage unlimited regions, accounts, and banners, Banner scheduling by date, weekday, and hours of the day, Keyword support, for search engines, Powerful reporting and statistics, Easy to use Web Administration, and more.
(0 ratings)
AdCycle is a MySQL-based ad management software written in Perl. Key features include: keyword and pool targeting capability, rich media delivery, click-thru limiting, campaign priority control, click and impression campaigns, timed delivery, 7 media types (including text links), rotate 5 banners/buttons per campaign, unique impression control, advertiser login, user friendly interface, and muliple campaigns/advertisers.
(0 ratings)
Simple Banner Rotation
This is a very simple Perl script for rotating banner ads on your Web site. It is meant to be used as a Server Side Include. Simply edit the location of the counter file, and set the number of banners you want to rotate.
(0 ratings)
MIMAnet: Ad Rotator
Ad Rotator is a perl script for rotating banner advertisements on a website using Server Side Includes (SSI). It features: Tracks outgoing clicks, Ads can be active/inactive, Random selection of ads, and Admin search and other admin functions.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 70