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New Scripts | ASP.NET | Scripts & Controls

Results 801-809 of 809
posted byinfoinUtilities
Performs currency exchange to and from over 175 currencies. Process real-time value lookups with local caching for near instant returns and automatic rate updates. XML data storage, multi-level caching, currency string formatting and local support.
(0 ratings)
Price 125.00
posted byinfoinUtilities
Provides real-time rating from any combination of FedEx, Conway, DHL, AirBorne, Canada Post, and USPS at the same time. Supports tracking,service sorting,algorithm based rate backup,dimensions, adjustments, HTML return, integrates with any site or store.
(3 ratings)
Price 125.00
Real-time credit card processing solution supporting Verisign, AuthorizeNet, iBill, LinkPoint, SkipJack and more than 15 other gateways. Integrate with any online store or even a simple payment form. All transaction types are supported plus logging & AVS.
(6 ratings)
Price 125.00
Karamasoft UltimateMenu - ASP.NET Menu with Visual Designer
UltimateMenu is a popup menu control for ASP.NET. Visual Designer fully integrated into Visual Studio. Create menus in different forms such as pop-up, drop-down, filter, transition, vertical, horizontal, scrolling, tabview and so on. Load menu from a data source and display a different menu based on user permissions. Display traversal path in one style and actual path in another. Use as a context menu and attach clicks to page or controls. Search engine optimized rendering. Supports frames.
(25 ratings)
ADXSTUDIO CMS is a powerful and affordable content management solution built on the Microsoft� ASP.NET 2.0 framework. Its easy-to-use web-based tools empower users to author, publish and update web content from anywhere, at anytime. By separating content from style, CMS templates ensure brand consistency automatically throughout an entire website. ADXSTUDIO CMS improves team collaboration, increases efficiency, and provides control over the publishing process with page preview and workflow capabilities, role-based security, and customizable permissions. Designed for the Microsoft platform, ADXSTUDIO CMS allows organizations to deploy high performance, scalable, and secure websites with confidence.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 3,950.00
ObjectPersistor.NET Lite
ObjectPersistor.NET is a tool for rapid .NET applications development. Easy to create and use persistent objects. You'll never write long SQL queries.
(0 ratings)
Ecommerce shopping cart software: ProductCart v4
PA-DSS validated, robust, professional shopping cart software to build and manage your ecommerce store. Hundreds of features. Supports for over 35 payment gateways including Google Checkout and all PayPal payments systems. Integrated with UPS, FedEx, USPS, CanadaPost, Google Sitemaps, Google Base, NexTag, eBay, Bing Cashback, QuickBooks, etc. Among its advanced features: unlimited products and categories, unlimited product options, unlimited pricing levels, ability to print UPS, FedEx, and USPS shipping labels directly from the ProductCart Control Panel, category- and product-specific display settings, search engine friendly, AJAX-enhanced search and interface elements, superior inventory management with back-ordering, and much more. Completely customizable. Come and check out our fully functional demo stores.
(131 ratings)
PriceUSD 695.00
adenin DynamicIntra.NET Collaboration Server
The DynamicIntra.NET Collaboration Server brings together the best minds in your company�and connects them to your business partners, suppliers and customers, to streamline efficiencies, gain first mover advantage and save you money. Establish a place for the work to happen. The DynamicIntra.NET Collaboration Portals are central online meeting places where people share ideas, store project-specific information, establish procedures, review and discuss documents and deliverables, resolve issues, make decisions, and get work done.
(0 ratings)
AspMap is a mapping component for embedding spatial data access, display and analysis capabilities in Web applications and services. AspMap supports ASP and ASP.NET and gives you the ability to generate map images, drill-down capability, thematic mapping, point-to-point routing and other features that - generated on the server - will make the map images fully interactive on the client-side.
(9 ratings)
Price 399.00
Results 801-809 of 809