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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | JavaScript Frameworks | jQuery Plugins

Results 201-220 of 239
Zebra_TransForm, a tiny jQuery plugin for replacing checkboxes, radio buttons and selects
posted bystefangabosinForms
Zebra_TransForm is a tiny (3KB minified) jQuery plugin for styling the appearance of checkboxes, radio buttons and select boxes without sacrificing functionality and accessibility: the elements preserve their tabindex order, give visual feedback when having the focus, can be accessed by using the keyboard, and look and behave in the same way in all major browsers (and degrades gracefully in IE6).
(0 ratings)
TextFX - A jQuery Text Animation Tool
TextFX is a jQuery text animation tool for animating a single line of text. It is built for easy usage, but also lends itself nicely to more advanced coders with it’s flexible script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
DD Mega Menu
A versatile jQuery based drop down menu that supports multiple columns of links, even arbitrary rich HTML inside each menu. Furthermore, it supports nested mega menus, so one mega menu can in turn trigger another one.
(0 ratings)
CJ Shuffle - A jQuery Banner/Ad Rotator
CJ Shuffle: A jQuery Banner / Ad Rotator, is a nice departure from typical banner rotators. It will instantly grab a users attention with its shuffle effect and help engage your website’s visitors.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
jQuery Easy Gallery
posted byBinPressinMedia
An easy to set up image gallery with a clean aspect and a nice sliding effect. It is preset for the Flickr images and thumbnails sizes.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
NuvuType jQuery text animation plugin. This plugin takes all the text of a selected container and splits it at the white spaces then prints it into the container word by word using customizable animation effects. Options include: 1.Four different customizable color options – customize colors for each option. 2.Set a trigger element or auto load the text when the page loads. 3.Set a delay for the text when triggered or auto loaded. 4.Set a speed for the text typing animation. 5.Grow or shrink the text to any size. 6.Lightweight – only 7Kb min version.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Scroll any element on hover or keypress. Create a scrolling image gallery or menu. 1.Scroll horizontally or Vertically 2.Set the scroll speed. 3.Allow scroll on keypress. 4.Choose traileffect distance and easing. 5.Easily integrate other jQuery animations and css styling.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Nuvu S-Glide Menu
An interactive auto adjusting jQuery Slide Menu 1.On hover each slide glides into position – set the easing as well as in/out slide speeds 2.Inner elements are animated and you control their speed – set each speed independently 3.Auto width – on hover each inner div grows and aligns itself perfectly in the center 4.Auto resizing elements – simply add as many as you want – they will size them selves 5.Set the border growth size – on hover the border will grow to desired size 6.Lightweight -at only 4Kb! 7. Plug-in-play – just add your own images and edit the text – its that easy!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
NuvuZoom jQuery Image Zoom Plugin
NuvuZoom jQuery Image Zoom Plugin Simply the most lightweight and Simple jQuery Image Zoom Plugin. 1.The lightest jQuery Zoom plugin in the world – at only 1Kb(min)! 2.Choose Magnification level. 3.In and Out Animation Effect. 4.Custom Easing Integration. 5.Only a couple lines of code.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Photo Rotator
posted byBinPressinMedia
Photo Rotator JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery on their web application. The plugin can be driven by xml. Easy setup and only minimum programming knowledge is needed. Best to showcase your photography. Highlighted features: Driven by xml or arrays 3D Transition Effects (support in Safari) Easy to setup Slide show controls Easy customization Compatible with IOS mobile safari
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.99
jQuery News Fader
jQuery content fade (rotate/slide) plugin is a multipurpose jQuery tool for displaying content. This is a great tool to present news, events, announces, press releases, and other content to your website page.
(0 ratings)
TinyMCE Image Uploader & Manager
posted byBinPressinMedia
A TinyMCE image manager designed as a more minimal (and cheaper) alternative to the official image manager. Gallery management - Image upload (includes multiple file upload) and image removal Insert images into editor from gallery Insert images from URL Completely skinnable - minimal markup and simple stylesheet included Written in object-oriented and uses the jQuery library for concise, easy to extend code
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
jQuery Help Popups
Simple help messages for your users Show lightweight messages to users on top of the interface. Can be used for notifications about new features or updates or for first-use tutorials. Just provide title and content - popup will auto-position itself next to selected element. How it works Notification popup appears near page element with title and content Popup remembers if user has closed it and will not be shown again (information stored in a cookie) You can control specific positioning if needed Look and feel is customizable through provided CSS
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
jQuery 2d transform
With this jQuery transform plugin you will be able to: rotate any element scale an element as well as its text content translate elements in an efficient way* skew elements The elements can be transformed instantly or the transformation can be animated, using the standard jQuery css() and animate() functions. It is the lightest, cleanest and most efficient plugin to achieve 2d transformation in a cross-browser way
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Transform Image UI
The Transform Image UI (User Interface) is a CSS3 & Javascript based component that will transform an image live on-screen according to user actions. Resize, rotate & flip (horizontal and vertical) options are all available, allowing the image to be transformed in a dynamic, user friendly and interesting way. When the user is happy with their transforms and the image is as they'd like, the hidden form fields can be submitted (such as when the user clicks a button to confirm their transform actions are complete) and of course used by a another script to take further action, such as using perhaps ASP.net or PHP to actually apply those transforms to an image on the web server.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
Modal Annotations
posted byBinPressinMedia
Modal Annotations is a javascript/css widget that allows you to add transparent modal annotations over images within a web page. This widget is highly customizable, allowing users to easily change the color, size, and behavior of the annotations. Features Include: Modal Annotation div that can be applied to images on a page Ability to change Annotation Color by adding a CSS class. Colors include gray, red, green, yellow, and blue. Ability to change Annotation size by adding a CSS class. Sizes include (Big, Medium, and Small) Ability to modify Annotation Opacity, Animation Speeds, and Animation Ratios via Javascript flags. Modal Annotations has it's own css file which makes it highly extensible in terms of look and feel
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.99
"This plug-in animates the scrolling between hash-links (named anchors). ### Requirements You will need jQuery included on the page. If you want to use additional easing methods, you will need jQuery UI as well. Include the jquery.anchorscroll.js as well, and your own script which activates the plug-in. An example script called global.js is included in the package: "
(0 ratings)
Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.
(0 ratings)
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors some easy and fancy ways to translate their content on-the-fly in more than 30 languages using Google Translate API.
(0 ratings)
Pie Charts Creator Online
Pie charts creator online to create pie, exploded pie and 3d pie charts for the data required and download the same for your web use.
(0 ratings)
Results 201-220 of 239