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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Miscellaneous

Results 81-100 of 280
Feed is a very simple newsfeed system. Basically it consists of 2 files, a control file and a headlines file. Once you have added the control file to your site you can add as many newsfeeds from the growing available list as you like. You can also create your own newsfeed headlines file to share with the rest of the world.
(42 ratings)
Paradigma 1.0 is a JavaScript based browser. In it I managed to implement almost all of the features of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (navigation system, view and add to favorites, view page source, view history log, etc.) and this makes it fully functional and even far better than the so-called aternative browsers which I personally hate. Paradigma can be used both as online and offline browser, as well as a development and design tool for webmasters as it supports the latest versions of HTML, DHTML, VBScript, CSS and JavaScript, etc., and its pack includes also JS_FTP 1.0, my javascript FTP client, which is available here, if you need it as a separate application. You can also open images and all file types associated with Microsoft Internet Explorer. You should have MSIE 5.0 or higher installed on your computer, as Paradigma is not a standalone application and actually uses its system files. Paradigma does not work with Netscape, Opera, Konqueror or any other browser. When installed Paradigma does not affect your pc's system files and registry entries, it does not use ActiveX, takes 506Kb disk space and is absolutely friendly to your machine.
(6 ratings)
Shortcut keys
Get Shortcut keys in your pages and all visitors can use your Web site easy and speedy. Press a key for visit home page or close window, etc.
(3 ratings)
Image Error Finder
This JavaScript checks if all the images in the document exists. If a particular image does not exist, that image will be replaced by a custom image. Works with IE only. In IE, if a particular image does not show up, then its dimensions are 28 x 30 (without the 'alt'). So, the script checks all images with this size after removing the 'alt' tag. If such an image exists, it is a broken-image. The only drawback is that if your image has dimensions of 28 x 30, even if it exists the script will treat it as a broken-image. But there is a solution. You can prevent the script from checking for such scripts by placing an attribute-value pair nc="1".
(3 ratings)
Tigra Tables PRO
Tigra Tables PRO is flexible cross-browser client side table data manipulation JavaScript offering rows sorting, filtering, paged output, altering rows coloring and other visual effects. Tigra Tables PRO component saves development time and greatly reduces network load. With highly optimized algorithms script offers good results on large data sets.
(3 ratings)
Free News Feed
You can enhance any website with free news content, from over 1500 news sources, from every topic you can imagine. The code is written in JavaScript and can easily be placed on any webpage within 10 minutes. Best of all its all free.
(3 ratings)
domReady v3
Small object for cross-browser compatibility of the DOMContentLoaded event. Easily add functions that will be executed when the DOM is ready.
(3 ratings)
Simple Carousel With Paging Using Mootools
A Carousels using the Mootools 1.2 javascript framework. Compared to many Carousel Classed available, this component has some unique features unlike other , of it own 1.Paging feature ( ablility to jump a particular slide/step in the carousel). 2. Freedom of placement of the LEFT and RIGHT buttons/links , where ever I please. 3. Control over the Slide Steps.
(3 ratings)
Infix to Postfix
This is the "JavaScript" Implementation of converting an Infix(Inorder) expression to Postfix(Postorder) expression.
(3 ratings)
Javascript Include
This javascript let you to separate header, footer and navigations in seperate file and include it to all of your static pages.Thus it saves tons of your works and times when you need to edit your site.
(3 ratings)
BN HTML Editor
Improvements include a new GUI and more built in tas that you can insert. A javascript based html editor, allows for quick insert of image, meta, table, and many more tags. Also includes a preview feature, and select all, also includes a html tag index. This script is very compact, light-weight, and useful for everyone. This is the first version, you can request features in the forum.
(3 ratings)
PSPL Multi Select dropdown Box
PSPL Multi Select Box is a stylish alternative for select multiple menus in normal HTML. With it you can select multiple options without pressing ALT key. PSPL Multiple Select Box is W3C Complaiant, its customizable and you can create your own style very easily. You dont need to add any non-standard HTML tags to your html markup. So your markup remains 100% valid. This script is tested and works on all major browsers. This script is a linkware, so you must link back to one of our websites if you are using it.
(3 ratings)
Animated document title
Possibly the net's first, this DHTML script brings to life once the dullest of the dull element on your page- the TITLE element. The script automatically seeks out the title of your document, and animates it to view in IE 4+ and NS 6!
(3 ratings)
500,000 baby names!
This is a query code for a person's name that may interest visitors to your site. They type in their name, they get a page of information on themselves. It includes full instructions, Javascript and HTML code sections that are neatly separated and can be easily added to your new or existing page(s).
(3 ratings)
Postfix to Infix
This is the "JavaScript" Implementation of converting a Postfix(Postorder) expression to Infix(Inorder) expression.
(3 ratings)
Amazon & eBay Price Comparison
This script searches both Amazon and eBay at the same time using two side-by-side frames. Another feature this Amazon & eBay Price Comparison Script is that you can also add your own Amazon affiliate ID, so you can earn some revenue through this free script.
(3 ratings)
Simple Java Applet Control
Netscape's LiveConnect feature allows JavaScript to control Java applets by means of their public methods. This example shows a simple applet, the Chameleon Bar being controlled by JavaScript. You can start and stop the applet, display information about it, and even change the speed at which it switches colors.
(0 ratings)
Message Reminder
This script allows you to enter in the time, an optional message to be displayed. When the timer expires, a new window pops up and displays you the reminder message.
(0 ratings)
Daily Text Display Tool
This handy tool allows you to generate JavaScript that greet your visitor's with a new message depending on the day of the week. Just fill out the text for each day of the week, then copy and paste.
(0 ratings)
Lookup 1
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the first three digits of a U.S. Social Security number is a code that may indicate the state or territory in which your application stated you were born (because the code reveals the state in which you registered). This JavaScript figures out which state your Social Security card was issued from the first three digits of your SSN.
(0 ratings)
Results 81-100 of 280