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Results 21-34 of 34
@1 Day Publisher
posted bymailinCalendars
@1 Day Publisher is a Perl script that allows you to display the pre-programmed text, images and events for the various days on existing web pages via SSI. Each text message, image or event can be with or without an embedded link.
(0 ratings)
Price 34.95
3DeeArts Calendar
posted bysalesinCalendars
3DeeArts Calendar has many features, including multiple views, repeating events, event reminders, address book, import and export, conflict checking, html template, style settings, search engine, private events, event priority, personal profile, members list, full administration and registration options, database backup, category restrictions, event pruning, user groups, email users, language packs, news fader, installer program, help files and extensive documentation.
(12 ratings)
posted bymzouinCalendars
WebCalendar is a powerful group calendaring and scheduling system. It is a web based application that makes it easy to publish and manage calendar events on the internet. WebCalendar includes an impressive set of business class features such as Multiple View, Shared/Group Calendars, Schedule Reminders, Overlaid Calendars, Attendance Confirmation, Multiple Authors, Public Calendars, Overlapping Event Checking, Import from VCalendar, Task Manager, Address Book, Diary System, Multilingual, and more.
(27 ratings)
@1 Calendar Publisher I
posted bymailinCalendars
This is an online web calendar script. Features: admin interface, can define own color scheme, customizable font size, font face, automatically list "X" number of nearest coming events under the calendar, view events by days or list all events in a month, Automatically highlight current date, and Dates with events are marked darker. Requires SSI. Latest version now with monthly table.
(15 ratings)
Price 49.95
posted byjohninCalendars
Availcheck is a Web-based availability calendar script. It allows you to set up and maintain daily or weekly Availability Calendars for use with your holiday home, boat, plant & machinery, or anything else you hire out. Single calendar version based on text file database, and full MySQL version for multiple calendar creation.
(0 ratings)
posted bycalciuminCalendars
Calcium provides interactive Calendars you use through your browser. Features include: dynamic calendar merging (events from one calendar can be included in another); multiple views and formats; repeating events; email reminders; color and font customization; support for full HTML in event text and calendar headers and footers; popup text associated with any event; searching & filtering; multi-language support; flexible security model, and more. Calcium is very easy to use, and fully supported. It runs anywhere that supports Perl CGIs; no non-standard Perl modules necessary.
(0 ratings)
Calendar of Events
posted bycollinfinCalendars
This is a simple monthly calendar script. It make calendars for months between Jan, 1970 and Dec, 2049, using a customizable template and stylesheet.
(3 ratings)
The Event Calendar
posted bynerminCalendars
This is an interactive calendar for entering and viewing daily events. It can be used to view family, church, school, business, or a multitude of other group events. Features include: Click-on date to enter new, or to change or delete an existing event, Click-on event to view event, Auto repeat events by days, weeks, months or years, Based on readers local time, High-lighted today's date, Auto selects present month and day, Return, Forward, Prev, & Next select buttons, plus Month & Year menus, Enter Up to 6 events per day, A full record is kept of additions, changes and deletions, and Full millennium and leap year compliant (up to 2038).
(6 ratings)
Perl EKCal
posted byeltoninCalendars
Perl EKCal is a CGI script that displays a month/date calendar of the current/particular time in Chinese/English language. Features: display month calendar or date calendar, display in English or Chinese language, and display according to the current time or a particular time.
(0 ratings)
posted byscriptsinCalendars
RemindMe is a simple auto-email reminder service program that lets users sign up to receive email reminders about a date they choose at a designated interval before that date. Users can select whether to be reminded only once or annually, semi-annually, quarterly, bi-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, or daily. They can also choose to be reminded one day, three days, one week, three weeks, one month, or six months in advance. Users may also view, edit, or delete any pending reminders. The administrator may modify a special footer text file to be appended to all emails sent by the system. Supports basic POP-Before-SMTP and SMTP-Auth for mailing if needed.
(12 ratings)
Basic Calendar
posted bytyndiukinCalendars
This is a simple calendar script that displays a monthly calendar on your Web page. You can use this script with or without SSI (Server Side Include).
(0 ratings)
WebCal allows you to create and maintain an interactive events calendar or scheduling system on your Web site. The script can create calendars for any desired month from 1601 to 2899 A.D.; events to be displayed are stored in an easily-maintained data file. The data file can include singular, weekly, monthly and annual events, and those events can be linked to outside URLs for additional information. Calendars can be viewed in several different table grid formats or as simple text listings.
(3 ratings)
posted bymkruseinCalendars
CalendarScript is a fully customizable event-publishing solution. It gives you everything you'll need to begin, then gives you the power to redefine it to fit your specific needs. With one of the simplest installs ever created, you'll have a calendar of events up and running quickly - for your company, intranet, club, church, organization, school, family, or just for your own personal web site.
(10 ratings)
Event Calendar by i2-Services, Inc.
EventCalendar displays in a organized fashion a calendar for each month of the year, with each day of the month being displayed and linked if events for the day are present. Easy to customize, simple to administrate, and quick setup & installation are just a few of the features packed into EventCalendar.
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Results 21-34 of 34