Security Systems
posted bylittlekoalainSecurity Systems
iWatch is a real-time filesystem monitoring program. It is a tool for detecting changes on filesystem and report it in real time. It uses a simple configuration file in XML format and is based on inotify, a file change notification system in the Linux kernel.
Robot Control Pro
posted byrcp4inSecurity Systems
Robot Control Pro is a Powerfull Perl script that stops and ban: Spamrobots, hackers, file thieves, viruses, badspiders, bad robots, ofline browsers, security risks, brute force attacks and other abusers. RCP those it all automaticly and invisable. Recieve detailed email notifications on abusers. Be amased by the power of Robot Control Pro.
PriceUSD 89.00
Unicoder V1.1.
posted byrcp4inSecurity Systems
Stop Spam! Create unicode email links that are 100% invisable to email collecting robots & spiders.This perl script is a online tool to create email text links and image links. Use the power of unicode to make your email adresses invisable to all spider robots.
PriceUSD 10.00
VVS, Visitor Verification Script for web forms
posted byjacek_oinSecurity Systems
Displays an ascii art image of a random sequence of letters/digits and asks the visitor to type the sequence in a field provided. If the typed sequence is the same as in the image, the original form script (action) is invoked. Otherwise, the visitor is asked to go back and correct what he/she typed before. VVS requires Perl with the CGI class. It works for any form script written in Perl, independently of whether the script uses CGI or or etc. It also preserves values of arbitrary variables of the environment for use in the original form script.
PassHack Killer
posted byperlcodersinSecurity Systems
This script, when properly installed, will log and track any failed authentication attempts for your members area(s). When the failed number of attempts coming from one certain IP exceeds a limit you set, the script will automatically block that IP from accessing your entire site. This will also effectively block any person trying to brute-force their way into your members area(s). Whenever a block is placed, you will be notified by e-mail so you can take the appropriate action, e.g. contact the offenders ISP. The blocking system is totally automated, provided you have set up the correct .htaccess entries.
PriceUSD 50.00
posted byperlcodersinSecurity Systems
PassGen, an easy way to make sure your users choose secure passwords to cut down on password hackers breaking their accounts open! Set comes with 2 scripts, one that allows them to enter data and generates a password based on that data, and one that randomly chooses a secure password and displays it for them.
Both scripts use 2 arrays, 1 for letters(of both capital and lower-case letters) and the other for numbers 0 - 9. It iterates through a loop and picks out random numbers and letters and put them together. Given that they are random, it makes it very difficult to be "cracked" by malicious "hackers". It then returns the password and displays the page, generated_password.html in your templates/ subdirectory.
PriceUSD 35.00
Port checker cgi script
posted byjailbird2inSecurity Systems
The port checker 1 cgi script will check ports on your computer to see if they are open, closed, or do they responding. This will give you a good indicator as to the status of your computers security status.
The port checker cgi script can check unlimited number of ports. Ports can be easily added or removed in script just by opening it with notepad. Script checks ANY IP address you want, except reseved ones.
PriceUSD 23.00
Unicoder - Make email address 100% invisible for spam robots
posted bynlreneinSecurity Systems
Unicoder V1.1. is a perl script that allows you with a single click to convert email addresses to a Unicode mix javascript that makes your email address
100% invisible to any type of email collecting spam robots. The generated code is compatible with html and pages generated by other scripts. Copy and past the code any were inside your html pages and your guaranteed of not receiving spam for having your email address listed on your site. - Try the free demo - Installation takes only 2 minutes.
@1 Script Secure
posted bymailinSecurity Systems
Check the location of input forms. Prevent a hacker from submitting forms from outside your domain/server.
Project BanBots - Spider Trap Script
posted byinfoinSecurity Systems
This is an advance version of our popular Spider Trap script. E-mail address scavengers and other rogue bots that follow the hidden spider trap links will be automatically banned via a script activated .htaccess rewrite and the Webmaster will be notified by E-mail with full details of the transgression. Zip file download includes a .htaccess file, the script and a 1 x 1 pixel transparent GIF file.
Perl IP blocker
posted byDaveLauderdaleinSecurity Systems
This PerlScript will block visitors from accessing a certain page based on their IP address or an entire IP range. You can add as many IPs as you wish with little code modification.
Investment Guard
posted byjohnminSecurity Systems
This software makes use of a very special Apache handler that allows it to monitor every user that enters your members area as well as every file request made from your members area all in real time. This script replaces Browser based Basic Access validation with a more secure version of user tracking and validation of its own. Users login via a form instead of the browser pop-up box. The script has three main functions.
1. Prevent password theft. It is impossible to run a brute force password attack against your members area.
2. Prevents password abuse. Ensures that only one person is using a given username.
3. Prevents bandwidth abuse and robot downloading of your members area overnight.
No other script like it on the market. Tons of features and a user interface.
Exterminator Script
posted byhotscriptsinSecurity Systems
Prevents visitors using download managers from leeching images and programs from your website. Many visitors may be getting all they want from your website without actually viewing it and your sponsors. This is a powerful script for sites with free content who make the majority of their money with sponsors. Can save you a bundle in bandwidth costs as well.
PriceUSD 50.00
posted byrmaxwellinSecurity Systems
This perl script will automatically download the Level 1 or Level 2 listings from (Spam Prevention Early Warning System) and will parse the listing, remove duplicates, sort the list, and then build firewall rulesets for iptables, ipchains, pf/ipf, Sun SunScreen v3.1 & v3.2, and Cisco equipment.
posted bytracyinSecurity Systems
TDImageServer prevents people from linking to your images. Easy to install and configure. Hide image directories, alias directories, alias file extensions.
posted bytracyinSecurity Systems
Stop people from linking to your media files. Easy to install and configure. Hide media directories, alias directories, alias media file extensions.
World Wide Filter
posted byJafoinSecurity Systems
A Perl script for machines using Sendmail that will reject email attachments that contain offending attachment extensions. Administrator can block/allow attachments with specific extensions. Can be setup to completely stop email virii and worms.
Protec Image
posted byjkbeldeninSecurity Systems
The best, most cost efficient, exclusive "full-view" image protection solution on the web. Created to offer the average webmaster, professional developer or owner of copyrighted images using a thumbnail image display format, an affordable, safe, secure and easy way to achieve state of the art protection for all their full view images. ProtecImage� offers the same protection as our full-featured database version... ProtecPro Museum�, but without the admin, database or cataloging features. Highly adaptable. This latest version has been enhanced with better cross-browser protection. Show your pictures the way they were meant to be seen... in "full-view" hi-resolution!
PriceUSD 49.00
Bot Buster
posted bysalesinSecurity Systems
Bot Buster is a set of CGI programs developed to help you control and protect your Multimedia rich and/or Members web site from hackers and abuse. Bot Buster will detect and stop Password Sharing (passwords shared among friends, password sites, etc), Bandwidth Stealing Bots (Teleport, PaqRat, Go!Zilla, etc) and password hacking (wwwhack, etc) and will save you in time, server resources, bandwidth and frustration. Bot Buster has an easy to use interface to view all activity on your site and all actions taken. Email notifications, members watch and much more.
Horatio Content Protector
posted byhotscriptsinSecurity Systems
Horatio is a set of Perl scripts, HTML pages, JavaScript, and .htaccess files that work hard to allow only legitimate visitors to access your valuable content. Contains all the old tricks, and one or two new ones. Repels 99% of known Internet pests. Has interesting 'fun' and
bonus features for the intelligent webmaster. Features: Stops bots, site rippers, leech programs, password hurlers, hot-linkers, cloaks HTML code, disables copy and print. Parts of it can be used independently from the rest of the package. Requires Apache Web server, Perl 5 and Server Side Includes.