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Results 61-80 of 91
JSC - JavaScript Console (Debugging utility)
JSC is a powerful debugging tool for your websites javascript. It allows you to view bugs aswell as execute javascript commands right into your developing website. JSC Isnt fully visible when your page loads, a small box will follow your scroll position, you can open up the JSC console by clicking this box. Once open you can view errors or execute javascript right into your page. And whats better is that just a few lines of code are needed to include the console into your page!! Have you ever been irritated by Internet Exploreres pathetic debugging utility for javascript? i know i have, so why not include this into your website whilst your developing it? WARNING!! because JSC allows the execution of javascript into your website, we recommend you DO NOT use JSC on publicly accessible websites! JSC is also free!!
(0 ratings)
posted bypeterinDevelopment
EasyCommunicator uses either JavaScript with DOM (AJAX) or JavaScript and a Flash object for the purpose of communicating with a web server without refreshing a page. The goal of EasyCommunicator is to establish a simple tool for eliminating the round-trip problem in web-based applications. Communication is accomplished with just 5 methods - setRequestPage, setVariable, send, load, and Get. No XML parsing is necessary. Includes server-side code for PHP, ASP.NET and JSP/Java.
(0 ratings)
JSmart JavaScript and CSS Compressor
JSmart is an open source PHP program that will increase your website download speed by reducing the size of JavaScript and CSS files typically up to 80% or even higher. It is done by removing comments and unnecessary whitespaces and then by compressing the files using gzip. There is no need to do any thing manually. JSmart will compress all your JavaScript and CSS files just after installing it on your website. JSmart uses a smart cache system in both the client side and the server side. It is smart about recompressing only the files that have changed. It is also smart about gzipping the files if the browser supports gzip encoding. It also makes the browser to cache the files until they have not changed. By using Apache mod_rewrite, there is no need to change even one line of code at your project. You should only copy JSmart to your website and enjoy it.
(206 ratings)
s@rdalya - s@rm@l dynamic framework
s@rdalya, is a cross-browser compatible system which is designed to work in all DOM-supporting browsers. s@rdalya has been tested with internet explorer 6, netscape navigator 6-7-8beta, Mozilla 1.5-FireFox 1.0.3, Opera 7.0-7.2-8Beta and more. At the beginning, s@rdalya started his life as a small API, mostly driven by the dynamic html programming and scripting needs in my projects. Nevertheless, today1, it can stand on its own feet and may be useful to others. So here it goes.
(3 ratings)
1-st Pop-Up Menu Builder
Create the impressive and high professional your own menu on right mouse click on your site. Put on different pages OR elements of one page different menus of different styles. Set any actions to any items of the menu. Easy & fast
(6 ratings)
EventX - Cascading Event Extensions
Separate behaviour from content and presentation. Attach actions to elements with a CSS-like syntax and keep your markup clean. You've replaced FONT tags with Cascading Style Sheets and now you can replace those onclick="" attributes with Cascading Event Extensions. EventX is a standards compliant, cross-browser method for replacing inline JavaScript code.
(12 ratings)
Xin Obfuscator
posted byxininDevelopment
Xin Obfuscator will filter out the Javascript/HTML/CSS/DHTML reserved words and generate the word list from the source content. The word list can be modified to specify customized obfuscation. It will remove white space, and line-feeds if wanted. The original/obfuscated word pair list will also be generated after obfuscation.
(3 ratings)
Report Builder
MS-IE/DHTML/JavaScript based works reports generator script. Ideal for freelancer and company or firm worker which need to generate reports about works they have done. Key features: Dynamic reports creation using MS Internet explorer only, Reports saving/load into/from all browsers compatible HTML format.
(3 ratings)
html spy
this code parser gives you the whole document structure in a popup [xhtml strict]
(0 ratings)
tag displayer
this program displays short informations about tags you roll over; [xhtml strict]
(0 ratings)
A simple and light, yet powerful javascript utility that allows you to print debug statements, view and modify page variables as well as execute functions and dynamically create functions that has access to the running browser state. Features 1. Real time DHTML/DOM manipulation 2. Dynamic function prototyping 3. Debug console 4. Javascript command history 5. Debug helper features (onerror, timers)
(0 ratings)
Tito Web Studio
Tito Web Studio is a feature rich and extremely effective JavaScript Debugger and JavaScript Profiler. This enterprise grade software will help QA analysts and web developers debug and profile JavaScript related web projects. Tito Web Studio's JavaScript profiler is the first in the market. It assists developers profile untested code to locate performance bugs. It supports triggers to control workflow and records snapshots to determine performance bottlenecks. Performance snapshots are displayed in spreadsheet style with various lengths of colored bars to visually indicate time spent on code execution. Unlike Microsoft Script Debugger, Tito Web Studio's debugger is a stable JavaScript Debugger, capable of handling complex, lengthy code efficiently. Tito Web Studio supports classic debug operations, such as breakpoint, stack, variable, and watch features. Tito's debugger provides detailed expression evaluation through the ToolTip feature and also supports viewing of cached XML document
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
E-mail Obfuscator
E-mail Obfuscator is an online tool for webmasters that obfuscates e-mail addresses that you enter, making them less vulnerable to spammers who use e-mail harvesting software, also called spam-bots.
(0 ratings)
System Color Palette
System Color Palette is an interactive palette containing the CSS3 System colors. Clicking on the color entries in the palette will send the color's name to the text field, where it can be copied and pasted directly into your style sheet.
(6 ratings)
X11 (Named Colors) Palette
X11 Colors are named CSS color constants. They are supported by all modern browsers. Clicking on the color entries in the online palette will send the color's name and its corresponding RGB hexadecimal value to the text fields, where it can then be copied and pasted directly into your style sheet.
(0 ratings)
DHTML Debugger
A Javascript Program that Exposes the HTML DOM Tree for browsing and editing. Enumerates HTML Object and Event Object Properties. Javascript Console and Error Log. Useful for Debugging HTML Pages, DHTML Scripts, and Cross-Browser Compatibility. Simple to include on any page.
(0 ratings)
Ajile - JavaScript Namespaces, Importing & Dependencies
Ajile (Advanced JavaScript Importing & Loading Extension) is a powerful JavaScript module designed to improve script reuse and interoperability by extending the JavaScript language with Namespace support and Dynamic Script Loading and Importing. Ajile allows developers to easily create uniquely namespace'd scripts and quickly define dependencies that allow scripts to automatically load and/or import each other as necessary.
(57 ratings)
Debug Console
posted bylukeinDevelopment
The "Debug Console" is a very usefull javascript-program that lets you test and debug your own javascript-programs very easely. It lets you survey objects, variables and functions and it's even possible to execute functions manually via console!
(36 ratings)
Save Link Method
Generic JavaScript method that allows the user to save a link to a page. If the browser is Internet Explorer, a bookmark is saved. If the browser is in the Gecko family, a tab is added to the sidebar.
(9 ratings)
Browser Sniffer Class
Lightweight JavaScript browser sniffer/detector class that gives information about browser type and version
(12 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 91