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Communication Tools

Results 61-80 of 139
Contact Form That Saves Data To File (.txt, .xls, .html)
Finally a quick and simple way to write form data to a file on your server directly to a text file or excel database for mailing lists, contact lists, etc. Perfect for one click importing to 3rd party newsletter email sending programs as well. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Form Script with Rich HTML Output
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as HTML to your email and display html layout of user submitted information. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Killer File Upload Script
Need to collect file uploads form users to your site? This is the perfect small and easy to use form that allows for multiple files uploads to be saved to your server, and then emails you the links to those files with the rest of the user submitted information. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
FLASH Contact Form with PHP
The same as our basic form script, only this one is designed in Flash to work with your flash websites. Flash input text fields relay the information to the php script and sends the information to your email. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Standard PHP Contact Form
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as text to your email. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites. A great starter form script to get you up and running in no time. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Form Mail With Image Captcha Verification
Simple, contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send to your email. Complete with Image Verification "Captcha" to prevent spam. Users must correctly fill out the random verification number to send the form. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Contact Form Script Package
Standard Form Script, Image Verification / Captcha Script, File Upload Script, Html Output Script, Subscription Script, Send to Friend Script, Flash Contact Form Script, Save Data to File Script. Get them All Only $29.95 - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Ripcord is an attempt to create an RPC client and server around PHP's xmlrpc library that is as easy to use as possible. You can create XML-RPC, (simplified) SOAP 1.1, and simple RPC clients with one call and then call RPC methods as if they were local methods of the client. You can create a server with one call, passing it any number of objects whose methods it will publish and automatically document.
(0 ratings)
Cute Form
Cute Form is an advance feedback script or s contact us script that to recive email or feedback from your site visitors .. this script is highly secured to stop spams and can be integrated easly within your site.. massage and attachment can be sent to you throught this form. try the demo.
(0 ratings)
Simple PHP Contact_Form
Can be tweaked/modified once purchased if you know the PHP language. Does not require and CGI or Javascript, everything functions from within one PHP file and one Stylesheet.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
FusionPBX is an open source project that provides a customizable and flexible web interface to the very powerful and highly scalable multi-platform voice switch called FreeSWITCH. Together FusionPBX and FreeSWITCH have been proven to work with hundreds of extensions up to thousands of simultaneous calls. It supports text to speech, speech recognition, supports audio rates from 8kHz to 48kHz. Features are too numerous to list here. Its features can be easily extended with PHP, Javascript, LUA, Perl, C#, C, C++ and more. It is a voice application developers dream come true. FusionPBX uses a database backend with PHP PDO and can support SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. It is stable and is being used by homes, small business and large businesses from around the world.
(3 ratings)
Flashcoms Video Recorder
You search for advanced, yet, simple to use, technologies? Then FlashComs video recorder is what YOU have been looking for! This application enables Your site visitors not only to record and play back their videos, but also upload videos of any format directly to the web-site without any additional software installations. In addition to that FlashComs video recorder can be selected as a solution for video galleries, A/V profiles, greeting messages and much more. Not mentioning full integration with your web-site and existing users’ database. Adjustable, multi-functional, yet convenient and quite simple in use – Flashcoms video recorder is designed to satisfy your needs in full capacity.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
BQ contact form
Contact form is a free to download and a free to use script. You can use it on your own pages to let visitors send you a feedback. Supports captcha and limiting number of messages per IP.
(0 ratings)
Free PHP Contact Form
* So simple that anyone, even without PHP/HTML experience can use it. * Send optional rich text html thank you emails, customizable, to those who sent the contact * Send multiple notifications of the contact to multiple addresses. * Easy customizable configuration file [using notepad/wordpad]. * Plug and Play contact.php file. Just place it where you want the form to appear. * Optional mental question to help deter away spam bots. * Ability to add your own questions to the already prelisted questions. * Tiny file to download.
(0 ratings)
This instant messaging is corporate oriented (enterprise), with local networks (LAN) or internet for effective intra-office communication. Server is PHP/MySQL (opensource), make easy for the administrator to choise all options, for display, contact manage, lock... Possible to force or not user to use password, limit (or not) maximum simultaneous users, online users, contacts numbers, allow smiley or not... IntraMessenger is autonomous, but authentication (login + password) possible by from another existing database (phpBB, vBulletin, Phorum, Joomla, PHPNuke, dotProject, eGroupWare, Ovidentia, SMF, TaskFreak...) Can display local time zone, country flag, and using language. Client compatible Windows (and Linux with Wine).
(0 ratings)
This is a PHP implementation of a simple SIP user agent (UAS / UAC). PHP SIP is not a VoIP phone. It is not possible to make "voip calls" with this tool - only SIP signalling is supported - no audio available.
(0 ratings)
SimpleChat Script
Includes an admin control for delete posts etc, uses a custom style sheet which can be completely customized to suit the style of your site. Uses a text file to store the information so you don’t have to setup a MySQL database.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
With VoxPopuli widget you can hear your customers and find new ideas for your business, products and services. Your users want to be heard - so let them say! VoxPopuli web widget can be placed on your web pages and integrated with your web page layout. You can customize colors, translate text messages, setup various options. VoxPopuli was designed for integration with various Content Management Systems (CMS), ToDo lists, forum systems and other web applications and collaboration tools. With VoxPopuli you are the master of your direct communication with your customers
(3 ratings)
PHP spam free contact form
Easy to use PHP contact form with integrated anti spam feature. This form allows anyone to have there own contact us email form on there website. Has a built in anti spam feature. Can be easily integrated into your existing website or used as a stand alone page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Simple PHP Contact Form (with Captcha)
Simple PHP Contact Form (with Captcha) This is a very simple PHP contact form for your website. Visitors can easily and securely send emails using this contact form to your email address. Different recipient email address's can be added and selected via a subject dropdown so that their email can be directed to the right department. The form features a CAPTCHA security image to protect your email address from spam. Features: * Secure PHP contact form with CAPTCHA security image * Field validation * Error reporting * Email department selection * Easily add or remove fields * Thank you page after email has been sent
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Results 61-80 of 139