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Results 461-480 of 552
IP TO Country Database - Free of Cost
Last Updated 27 october,2006. We have made "IP TO Country" database for our users without any cost. If you have a PHP Enabled server, you can use it without having any problem. You can download free source code, iptocountry database and country flags to show your website users country. It detects the IP address of the user and then show his country.
(3 ratings)
Wordpress SEO toolkit pro
what you get in this toolkit: 1) 4 plugins (also compatible with wordpress 2.x) that are easy to install (includes detailed instructions) that will help you get more search engine traffic to your wordpress blog 2) A detailed step-by-step guide that shows you specific changes that you can make in addition to the included plugins.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Fake Cron
Fake Cron can run number of unattended .php scripts once a day on a given site. The script can be called using a single 'include statement' within any standard .php page on your site (eg. your Home page). However, your cron jobs will only run once per day - on the first request after midnight.
(3 ratings)
Charity Ecommerce Shop and Online Donation
Charities Content Management Solution allows you to quickly and easily create and manage your charity's website from one convenient location, with real-time access to statistics that enable you to see how effective your targeting is. By adapting one of our pre-built templates you can have a great looking website that's easy to manage at a great price.
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 500.00
PHP Fusion Subscription V3.0
The php fusion subscription module allows members to purchase subscription to any groups. The administrator can create as many groups and use the subscription module to add a payment plan. This is the first and only advanced subscription management system for PHP Fusion. Video demo for phpnuke which is similar to phpfusion. http://www.westernstudios .net/preview/v3demo.html Features -Multiple subscription plans -Paypal sandbox testing -Recur Subscriptions -Plugins Support -Ajax member search -Earning report Much more...
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
PHPFABER eDownload
PHPFABER eDownload will allow you to sell your digital products or services. PHPFABER eDownload is an easy and powerful tool that enables you to have full control of your electronic downloads. Check out its great features: Multiple downloadable products; You may restrict downloads by special codes; Randomly generate 100 codes (or more); Download works only once per code and has a time limit of fixed number of days; Unique and generic codes using; Time restrictions can be adjusted for download; Stores logs in a .csv files; Download link is encrypted for maximum online protection from hijacking; Integrated payments through PayPal (others payments gateways could be developed for you free of charge by your request!); Administrative area to control codes; and much more!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 34.95
OpenRealty RSS Feeder
This is a simple add-on script to OpenRealty, a free web based listing management application for real estate web sites, which provides an automatic RSS 2.0 feed by simply querying the MySQL based database for details. The RSS feed is broken into three categories: Latest, Recently Updated, and Featured.
(0 ratings)
Full online demo and tutorial. Customize your borders in color and size 'on the fly'. Rounded borders are often interesting to provide page elements the sense of three dimensional depth. Rounded borders styles are being introduced with CSS 3 standard. However, this version of CSS standard is not yet being supported by most of the current browsers in use. This site provides an alternative solution that uses images to render rounded borders of configurable size and presentation style. Dynamic generation of border images is usually an heavy task, especially for busy sites. This class employs caching to reduce the border image generation overhead.
(3 ratings)
MSN Emoticons Script
This little chunk of code takes the string passed to it, and replaces any instances of MSN Emoticon codes with the corrisponding icon. It's pretty basic, but still makes any page more friendlier, and familiar. All of the images and key codes are the same as with MSN Messenger 7, but could be easily changed to suit your needs.
(18 ratings)
JinkyMoods Mood Indicator
Jinky Moods is a new script you can add to your existing site where your visitors can change their moods and add a code to their website to show their current mood on their site. Our newest script Jinky Moods will wow your site visitors and create sticky content which your visitors will definately frequent your site to use. This script is close to what UnkyMoods and MoodSmilies does for it's users but better and a tons funner! Check out JinkyMoods DEMO! Or see a fully customized LIVE SITE in action!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Lord Matt's NucleusCMS plugin collection v2.1
A collection of plugin written for that great blog system NucleusCMS to extend it in a number of ways. These plugins make use of a new design method that allows plugins to be easily extended. The first few extend/snap-in samples are also now available. Plug-ins currently deal with: plugin management, administration, BB mark-up, wiki mark-up, comment control... others are being added on a semi-regular basis. These plugins are in different stages of development and are marked according to maturity. NEW: Now contains a cache of other NucleusCMS plugins.
(15 ratings)
PHP Multi Format
Counts characters, makes all characters upper or lower case, and first letter of each word uppercase.
(3 ratings)
Blogs Plugin for Match Agency BiZ - Matchmaker Software
posted byntminMiscellaneous
"Blog" is a contraction from the term Web Log. This is an online diary or journal which is published and shared with others on the web by an individual, who is known as a "blogger". "Blogging" has now become a very popular publishing method on the web as the software does not require any technical knowledge to use. Plugin Features: Maximum number of blogs for each account is defined in rights, Author Profile - Blog interlinks, Search Engine Friendly, Folder with title name for each blog, Static seo-wise html page with title name for each page, Blog Index (blog site map) with links to all blogs, Multiple blog templates, Multiple languages, WYSIWYG editor for articles, Blogs Management : Create Publish Delete, Article Management : Create Edit Delete. These scripts are compatible with the Match Agency BiZ - Match Making PHP Script, starting from version 6.4 .
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
PHPCList is a solution how to store in one variable multiple data. It is set of functions which tak care about adding,updating,deleting data from CList. You can make easilly from CList an array. PHPClist is very useful in cookie handling!
(0 ratings)
GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter
GeSHi is a Generic Syntax Highlighter for PHP taking any sourcecode and highlighting it in XHTML and CSS. GeSHi's many features include: * Support for over 120 languages * Case-sensitive or insensitive highlighting * Auto-caps/non-caps of any keyword * Function to URL conversion * Line numbering * Use of CSS classes to massively reduce the amount of outputted code. * International character set support GeSHi's features are neatly wrapped up in an easy to use class and GeSHi comes with full documentation.
(1120 ratings)
Multi Language module for Esvon Classifieds
Multi Language module is an addon to web-based software which can be used in a variety of ways: as classified script, inventory management software or even light content management script (CMS). This module offers multi-lingual capability for website, admin can translate the entire site into as many languages as desired. Translatable templates and category names. The translated templates for each language are stored in separate directory, language specific charsets (for pages/emails) and date formats can be specified. In website front-end you can have languages switching drop-down menu or images (flags, etc)
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 249.00
Link Words
This function takes a group of words, and assigns a link to each one. It's very useful if you want to create links where the words are underlined, but the spaces between them is not. Another use would be simply for the fun of it ^_^
(12 ratings)
Saved Searches module for Esvon Classifieds
Saved Searches module is an addon to system which can be used in different ways: as classifieds software, web-based inventory management script or even light content management system (CMS). Site members can save their searches for easy access and be notified by email if a match to the saved search is posted to the site. Built-in "Notify by Email" allows site members to be notified when ads matching to their saved searches are placed/updated. For example members can be notified when new ads are listed in their area
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Webmail 1.2 - first stable public release. a full featured webmail cleint for phpwebthings admin settings: Alllow get attachments Alllow send attachments Max attachment size Max attachment directory size Allowed attachment types Attache footer message to every e-mail Footer message User end features: Setup unlimted mail acounts Addressbook send mail with CC BCC and pop priority attatch file populate to feild from addy book view 8 types of mime mail Send html or text mail
(0 ratings)
CSS Optimizer [Multifile edition]
CSS Optimizer is installed as a index.php file into your stylesheet directory. Instead of directing your <link> element to a file1.css file directly, you use the index to retrieve the file: index.php?file1 Or multiple files: index.php?file1,file2,file3 CSS Optimizer removes redundant css information like comments and whitespaces and switches between color names and hexidecimal color values, choosing the one with the minimum number of characters. CSS optimizer does NOT CHANGE YOUR CSS FILE, but saves the optimized content into a separate cache file (filename.cch). Stop waisting your bandwidth! ******* Update! Goto www.roonaan.nl/tools/cssopt if you want to use it as a webtool. Update! Fixed preg to als change capital colors (#FFFFFF) into #FFF as lowercase colors already did. *******
(9 ratings)
Results 461-480 of 552