PHP/JavaScript Interpreter
posted bymarioinMiscellaneous
This interpreter for server-side JavaScript-lookalike code is completely written in PHP. It executes scripts safely in a sandbox, which of course is slow. This allows it to be used in high end CMS/Wiki engines, to allow users to extend web sites with dynamic code, that cannot compromise server security.
Text Mixing Desk
posted bylazaruscorporationinMiscellaneous
Taking their inspiration from the philosophy of sampling, William Burroughs' cut-up technique, Jeff Noon's "Cobralingus" project and too many long nights spent on music mixing desks, Nottingham art-text-terrorists the Lazarus Corporation have created an online mixing desk - for writing.
The text mixing desk manipulates your writing with a succession of outboard effects - such as the "transgenderiser", which swaps the sex of any gender-specific words faster than a Thai plastic surgeon, and the Burroughs inspired "cut-up engine" which takes a pair of scissors to your work and dances gleefully on the bleeding remains of your carefully constructed sentences.
But why on earth would you want to mangle your precisely worded prose in this way? Well, the Godfather of Beat and author of "Naked Lunch", William S Burroughs, explains it best:
"The best writing seems to be done almost by accident but writers until the cut-up method was made explicit ... had no way to produce the accident of spontaneity. You cannot will spontaneity. But you can introduce the spontaneous factor with a pair of scissors."
... or in the case of the Lazarus Corporation's text mixing desk, with some sharply written lines of code. This is, after all, the 21st century.
Kinp's IP 2 Country
posted bymembrain80inMiscellaneous
Another IP2Country script - helps you keep track of the visitors and can manipulate the webpages you want them to see.
posted byCzariesinMiscellaneous
CzarQuery is made to retrieve information from a Half-Life server about who is playing, what mod it is running, and what map the server is currently playing.
This script has been tested with and includes map pictures for the following mods: Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Natural Selection, Team Fortress Classic, and Action Half-Life. This script will work with other mods, but does not include pictures for maps with other mods.
X-Cart, osCommerce and CubeCart Templates
posted byZajainMiscellaneous
7dana.com offer professional design for the most popular E-Commerce and CMS solutions like X-Cart, osCommerce, CubeCart, Litecommerce, Drupal and Xoops. All high quality templates come ready to install, with detailed installation instructions with no need for additional customization.
We also provide template customization, custom design and professional installation service.
Don't forget to check out our download section with 100% free Xoops, osCommerce, phpCoin and X-cart Templates for use on any personal or commercial website.
Coupons module for Esvon Classifieds
posted byhawkinMiscellaneous
Coupon management module is an addon to system which can be used in different ways: as classifieds software, web-based inventory management script or even light content management software (CMS).
This module allows to create promotions and offer discounts to your customers. This module makes it possible to enter a coupon number on the order page that readjusts the price to send to the payment processor based on what the coupon was set up as percentage or fixed fee off sale. Coupons module setup allows you to see how many times a coupon was used, delete it, edit it, and add a new coupon
PriceEUR 69.00
Attention Getters module for Esvon Classifieds
posted byhawkinMiscellaneous
Attention Getters module is an addon to software which can be used in multiple ways: as classifieds script, web-based inventory management software or even light content management system (CMS).
After installing this module, listing owners can have an option to add attention getters to their ads for a certain fee, so website owner gets possibility to charge website users for making their listings eye-catchy. The attention getters are displayed when browsing/searching ads and at ad details. Admin can control max. allowed value of getters per ad, set getter fee and expiration time. Both images and flash icons are supported
PriceEUR 59.00
Chemical Dictionary
posted bymali75850inMiscellaneous
PHP based chemical dictionary with over 600 chemical terms also includes a serch engine. Chemical terms are stored in a text file.
posted bysimesbinMiscellaneous
A dynamic genealogy website builder which allows geographically dispersed family members to collaborate on research and share images/document transcripts etc. Now boasting GEDCOM file import and export, pedigrees and translations.
posted byzaninMiscellaneous
This php script is a rewite of the array_slice() function that takes the array's key's into account.
posted byKOhashiinMiscellaneous
ForSale dynamically generates customized sales pages for each domain. Requires a MySql database to hold information about each domain name. Comes with full admin panel!
Credits module for Esvon Classifieds
posted byhawkinMiscellaneous
Credits module is an addition to system which can be used in different ways: as classifieds program, online inventory management script, business/community software, simple yellow pages directory or even light content management system (CMS).
This module allows to have a system where people could pre-purchase ad placement/membership credits. This allows the customer to pre-purchase ad space at a savings and then use their credit as they place ads. Only a single credit card charge can take place for multiple ads (or future ads) without getting charged a service fee from the credit card company for each individual transaction
PriceEUR 119.00
The PHP Loft
posted bystrondo22inMiscellaneous
The PHP Loft offers free-to-use php codes for kids' interactive web pages. Simple copy and paste scripts for creating colorful slogans, invisible messages, and more.
FirmPay Software
posted byFirmPaySoftwareinMiscellaneous
How would you like to own your very own payment processing website and business built with security minded programming?
It doesn't take a genius to figure out this type of website is a sound business investment. If advertised right this type of website can make you $1,000 - $10,000 a week! $4,000 - $40,000 a month! $52,000 - $520,000 a year! A peer to peer payment system like this one will build a good customer base quickly using simple viral marketing techniques allowing its users to pay for auctions, services and goods. You can charge from 2.5% - 7% per transaction! You get 100% of those profits as you will completely own the website. The FirmPay software is completely secure and is based on the power of PHP and MySQL with encryption techniques installed on the authorization modules of the site for complete security of the funds of the users. The extensive admin panel offers an absolute control over the whole website and provides the administrators with complete stats of the activity of the site.
The First Year Script
posted bysioleabhainMiscellaneous
The First Year Script is meant to allow new mommies to provide baby updates right on their websites. The script gives the baby's name, birthdate, and current age, a recent picture, and a recent milestone. While it is called The First Year Script, you could theoretically use it for your child's whole life. With the exception of twins, this script is meant to be used for one child at a time, so if you want to use it for all of your children, you will have to install multiple copies -- probably in different directories on your site.
Kokesh CMS
posted bykokeshinMiscellaneous
You can create your webpages directly in browser in WYSIWYG interface. Each page can use different template. Making a new template takes less than minute. No database required, it uses flat files.
Spot the mil intruder
posted byswamp-thinginMiscellaneous
There�s a war going on against international terrorism. Thousands of terrorists keep on being a threat to our lives and to our way of life. But some US military personnel just sit there, wasting time on web sites like mine or yours. We won�t let this happen anymore!
This script will show a message to any military personnel when connecting to our (your) web site from a .mil domain.
Easy to install, you smoothly fit it into any existing design. This script will notify you by email when a military visits your website (you can disable this feature). Tested with Apache + Linux.
webDate Zipcode Plugin
posted bysalesinMiscellaneous
The zipcode plugin, another great addition to our powerful webDate dating software package, allows you to give members the ability to search other members by zipcode proximity. Visitors can select a mile radius within their zipcode, and see all of the members within that area. This plugin is a great addition to personals sites that target US users.
PriceUSD 50.00
posted bymotzinMiscellaneous
GeoClass.php provides classes to handle georeferenced data. It can search mysql-databases which contain latitude/longitude for a location to find locations within a surrounding area. Conversion between data formats and distance-calculations are provided. Output is provided in RDF-XML-Format.
Php Jokesite
posted byphp-jokesiteinMiscellaneous
Php Jokesite is a customizable online joke site. With multilingual support you can use the script in more than one language. In admin area you can edit easily the language texts and language related images. Using ImageMagick, the thumbnail image will be created automatically with best quality.