Diligint - See Where Your Visitors Are Looking
posted byestestinMiscellaneous
Diligint is a script that allows website owners and online marketers to visually see where their visitors are looking. Each visitor to your site will be tracked as they scroll up and down your sales page. Where your traffic goes and how long they spend at any particular spot is recorded, compiled and displayed in an easy to read heatmap overlay. Statistics on how long your visitors stay or read a particular section and how far down your visitors scroll are also given to help you better understand how visitors are reacting to your site.
WebOnkey Ribbon Creator
posted byWebOnkeyinMiscellaneous
Create amazing side ribbons for any website. The ribbons can be used to promote special events, advertise new features or just as a general announcements. Ribbons can be clickable to your set URL.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byanvsubmissioninMiscellaneous
SlideshowZilla is an ultra slide show Flash tools that helps you display photo album and slideshows on your own web site. With dozens of preset themes, you can easily make XML driven photo galleries for website. SlideshowZilla is a template based Flash authoring tool, you don't need to know anything about XML or FLASH coding, there are only three simple steps to build a Flash photo slideshow
PriceUSD 39.95
posted byacutesystemsinMiscellaneous
CrossFont for Windows can convert TrueType and PostScript Type1 fonts between Macintosh and PC platforms and convert Type 1 to OpenType. Features include Zip and Stuffit support, font preview, automatic file recognition, drag and drop, folder searching, font outlines and hinting are preserved, OS X dfont support.
PriceUSD 45.00
posted bykkrashidinMiscellaneous
WebSite-Watcher allows you to monitor your favorite websites for updates and changes with a minimum of time and online costs. Now you can monitor your competition without having to lift a finger! When changes in a website are detected, WebSite-Watcher saves the last two versions to your hard disk and highlights all changes in the text.
PriceUSD 46.99
posted byblogbridgeinMiscellaneous
BlogBridge is a new kind of aggregator for people who have to follow literally hundreds and hundreds of feeds without losing their mind! Our users are professionals who are required to follow and keep up with an incredible amount of information as part of their jobs. Not because you want to but because you have to. It is free, open source and cross platform. Not only a very powerful product BlogBridge is also beautiful and super easy to use!
posted bybighorizoninMiscellaneous
eCorral isn't simply a Web browser, or RSS reader, or Web organizer. It's all of the above. And much more. In simplest terms, it streamlines the time you spend online, organizes your online life, and even integrates the latest technologies (like RSS feeds) - all into a single piece of intuitive, easy-to-use software. It's powerful personal software.
PriceUSD 20.00
PresenTense Time Server
posted bybf_salesinMiscellaneous
PresenTense Time Server is a high performance Windows time server supporting NTP and SNTP protocols. PresenTense Time Server will synchronize your PC to a primary time source such as an atomic clock on the internet or an inhouse GPS reciever and offer time services to clients on your LAN/WAN. Most leading GPS and Radio hardware clocks are supported via the serial port. Supports Free Run - accurate time if reference clock fails. SMTP AUTH, SysLog.
PriceUSD 195.00
posted bynight_coder_ukinMiscellaneous
SiteSub is a free Windows program specially designed to ease the process of adding your link to a website directory, blog directory or link lists. SiteSub is NOT an autosubmitter.
Features include:
Fields for the most commonly needed website information;
Type once, copy as often as you need;
Reduces mistakes and speeds up site submissions;
Stay-on-top window for quick access to site information;
Save site details for later use;
Portable application - copy to your memory stick and use on the move;
FREE to download and use;
posted bycolor4designinMiscellaneous
A professional color matching software to help designers achieve greater levels of color harmony. Working with the color4design can help you to instantly pick colors, explore color harmony and obtain color schemes. FEATURES include: Color Mixer, Color Harmony, RGB, Hexadecimal and CMYK color selection, Screen Color Picker, Always on top, History panel, Save your work session.
PriceUSD 25.00
Website Popularity
posted bymmariuselinMiscellaneous
Website Popularity is a powerful and easy to use utility that instantly generates reports showing the number of indexed pages your site has on major search engines including Google, Yahoo, MSN, and more. You also get instant access to your Page Rank on Alexa, Yahoo and Google plus your ranking on all of the important directories like DMOZ and Google Groups plus your popularity on Del.icio.us, Digg.com and Reddit. Website Popularity is the only product of its kind that covers all of these important places so you can see instantly how well your site is being publicized and what you have to do to increase your visibility all in an easy-to-use tabbed interface.
Website Popularity is inexpensive and so easy to use. All reports are generated with lightning speed and you can update your reports whenever you want to. Stop wondering how your site is doing and see for yourself first hand. Download a free trial copy of Website Popularity now and start getting noticed!
PriceUSD 47.00
Website Submitter
posted bymmariuselinMiscellaneous
Here is the easiest web semi-automated promotion tool ever. With our software you will never need to search for places to advertise again. Easily submit multiple websites in one click.
As web surfers rely more and more on search engines, like Google and MSN, it has become ever so important that you make sure everyone knows about all of your sites. How can you be sure that you are listed? How can you make sure that you have not missed one of your sites?
Trust Website Submitter to handle all aspects of search engine and directory submission, such as:
- Increase search engine traffic.
- Easily submit multiple sites at once.
- Always have the most current list of search engines and directories.
- Get important back links with directory submission.
- Save days of time and effort.
More people are using search engines than ever before. This makes them the primary portal for many of your visitors.
Get the job done right. Get Website Submitter!
PriceUSD 47.00
Article Submitter
posted bymmariuselinMiscellaneous
Semi-automatic submission to the most current list of directories lets you focus on writing content, not submitting it.
Stop wasting your time going to article directories to submit your content. Loose the frustration of having your articles rejected because they are not formatted using each directory�s specific and confusing rules! Article Submitter is the fastest and easiest way to submit your content to over 255 directories. Just one click of a button and Article Submitter starts publishing your content the right way!
The Article Submitter software provides these advantages:
- Easily submit your content to multiple directories.
- No more hand editing to meet different guidelines.
- Always have an up to date list of directories.
- Save time by automating all phases of submission.
- Lets you focus on writing content, not submitting it.
With Article Submitter you can easily submit your content to over 255 directories.
PriceUSD 47.00
Contact and Feedback Forms
posted byPreprojectsinMiscellaneous
Read made Web forms. The package include php, cdonts, persits and cdosys email forms. You can simply include to your webpage as contact us or feedback form. Instructions included. Just make sure what component your server have and use that form.
PriceUSD 15.00
Fujara - Human Resource
posted byArkitechEBCinMiscellaneous
Fujara is an electronic filing system that uses an very user intuitive interface designed to resemble folder tabs. Through its quick-tab navigation system, you can easily and quickly find personnel information. With the Fujara system, record keeping becomes effortless. You can easily store the information you need, from employee names, addresses, and phone numbers to performance evaluations, benefits packages, and vacation time accruals.
PriceUSD 129.99
Akti Blog
posted byaktisoftinMiscellaneous
Akti Blog will create your personal blog or web diary in seconds. No professional skills are required to post your blogs. Publish your blogs on the net with one click. For privacy, you can place blogs on your own computer too. Akti Blog can also create different types of web sites based on custom templates. You can even use Akti Blog as a media organizer in order to organize your photos, movies, and notes.
PriceUSD 19.00
Extreme Picture Finder
posted byexisoftwinMiscellaneous
Image downloader and web picture finder in one product. Automatically download all images, music, videos from any website and view them in the built-in image viewer. Or search the web for pictures using keywords in different search modes: only thumbnails, only full-size images, both of them. Plus built-in database with thousands of websites addresses sorted by category.
PriceUSD 29.95
Article Submitter
posted bylinkpopularityinMiscellaneous
Article submitter is a desktop application which makes extremely easy to submit your articles to various ezines and blogs for free.Article submission is a proven method to drive traffic to your website.Free instant download.
iMacros for Firefox
posted byimacrosinMiscellaneous
The Web browser is probably the most frequently used software today, and many tasks are highly repetitious. iMacros for Firefox relieves the repetition of checking on the same sites every day, remembering passwords and filling out web forms. Web professionals can use the software for functional testing and regression web testing of web applications. Another use is to automate web scraping, for example online stock quotes or web store prices.
RSS Announcer
posted byalexatoolbarinMiscellaneous
RSS Announcer is a desktop application that submits your RSS feed to all major RSS search engines and directories.The process is 100% automatic.