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Listings by magextension

Please find all the active listings published by magextension below. Publisher has posted 13 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Number of Listings:
Product Image Editor for Magento
This extension empowers Magento admins to edit, download and arrange products’ images.
PriceUSD 74.95
(0 ratings)
Gift Cards for Magento
This Magento extension will let your customers buy gift cards on your store in a seamless and effective way.
PriceUSD 129.95
(0 ratings)
Attribute Description Tooltip for Magento
This Magento extension is designed to improve usability of a Magento store by enriching product attributes and custom options with descriptive tooltip pop-ups.
PriceUSD 79.95
(0 ratings)
Unfilled Attribute Manager for Magento
This Magento extension is a powerful tool allowing a store owner to discover and fill empty product attributes that for some reason have been left blank.
PriceUSD 89.95
(0 ratings)
Baby Gift Registry for Magento
This Magento extension enables your customers to create a user-friendly Baby Registry within your store, which will help to bring more customers.
PriceUSD 99.95
(0 ratings)
Twitter-like Ajax Instant Pager for Magento
This Magento extension will substitute regular product list pager with a fancy Twitter-like button, that will allow to load more products on the same page.
PriceUSD 44.95
(0 ratings)
Wedding Gift Registry for Magento
This Magento extension empowers your clients to create user-friendly Wedding Registries within your store, which will help to get more sales and customers.
PriceUSD 99.95
(0 ratings)
Customer Group Prices for Magento
This extension enhances Magento functionality allowing store owners to setup different prices for every customer group.
PriceUSD 74.95
(0 ratings)
Tag Search for Magento
posted bymagextensioninSearch
Tag Search is a FREE Magento extension that adds an ability to search not only through product description and title, but also through product tags.
(0 ratings)
Attribute Description Tooltip PRO for Magento
This PRO extension will improve usability of a Magento store by utilizing description pop-ups for attributes and custom options.
PriceUSD 109.95
(0 ratings)
Gift Registry (Christmas, Birthday, Graduation, etc.) for Magento
Drive more shoppers, generate more sales, promote customer loyalty with our Gift Registry Magento extension.
PriceUSD 99.95
(0 ratings)
Prices by Customers for Magento
This extension allows you to specify different product prices for every customer.
PriceUSD 89.95
(0 ratings)
Generate and Apply Multiple Coupons for Magento
Generate multiple coupons within a price rule, and allow users to redeem multiple coupons at once.
PriceUSD 84.95
(0 ratings)