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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Database Tools

Results 21-40 of 247
Flat File Database Manager
Flat File Database Manager will allow you to manage (update/delete/add) records in your flatfile database. Features include user defined delimiter (usually pipe, colon, or comma), customizable presentation of different data types. Following data types supported: (List) - Rendered as list box or combo box; (String) - Rendered as regular input field; (Logical) - Rendered as check box; (Text) - Rendered as text area.
(24 ratings)
LabStoRe is a modular, optionally account-based, inventory or LIMS system that provides a way to collect, maintain, present and archive information on laboratory stocks and records. A laboratory with a good inventory, or better, information system, saves time, reduces errors, prevents wastage, and occasionally even provides insights. The interface to this system is web-based, making it conveniently accessible and even though it is web-based, embedded security measures make it secure. Being PHP/MySQL-based, the system is very flexible (imagine making Excel behave in a way that you want). The database (MySQL-based) is kept separate from the interface (web, i.e., PHP/HTML-based), which gives it a significant advantage over, say, an Excel- or Filemaker-based system. MySQL and PHP are very stable, widely-used and supported (and free) platforms. If required, the database can be exported for use in more-traditional application based systems (Excel, Access, Filemaker, etc.).
(24 ratings)
objSQL: Database Access Layer
objSQL is a PHP based database access layer for multiple database types. Primarily designed for small to medium projects, objSQL uses an "Object Based" approach for handling general database queries. Built-in support for transactions and prepared statements allow for a common interface to all supported database types. Recordset paging is simplified by incorporating the paging method along with many helper methods for general queries. objSQL is easily extended to create your own unique classes and methods.
(21 ratings)
The Flatfile package is a simple, light method of storing and retrieving data in tables with SQL-like features. All data is stored in tab-delimited text flat files. It supports a very powerful and extensible WHERE clause mechanism, which can be used with SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE statements. It can do ORDER BY on any number of fields, and includes full documentation with examples that should have you up and running in a couple of minutes.
(19 ratings)
Holomarcus MySQL Database Backup
With HMS_BACKUP you can make a backup of your MySQL-database. This backup can be sent by e-mail or uploaded through FTP. This script doesn't need privileges to execute *nix commands. It's 100% pure PHP.
(19 ratings)
Sypex Dumper 2
Sypex Dumper is a PHP-script, which can help you create a backup (dump) of a MySQL database, and also restore the database from the backup if needed. Unlike many similar programs (scripts), is optimized for maximum performance, as well as for working with large databases of hundreds or thousands of megabytes. Key features, briefly - backup and restore of MySQL database without using third-party programs, just pure PHP; - impressive performance; - support for two formats, file compression (Gzip and Bzip2); - friendly Web 2.0 interface with AJAX; - work in several stages (to bypass the restrictions about time); - special file format with the meta-information; - MySQL service functions (check, optimize, repair); - smart backup with post-processing;
(19 ratings)
Mysql Ajax Table Editor Free Version
Add Edit Copy Delete Records, Quick Search, Advanced Search, Javascript Date Picker, Join on Multiple Tables and Maintain Search Functionality, Allow Users to Show/Hide Columns, Export Data, Language Support, Several Callback Functions for Easy Customization, Written in PHP are just a few of the many features in this table editor.
(18 ratings)
Text Database PHP Class
Using a unique database design I have developed a php class to have a completly text file database system. Just some of the functions included in the class are for: add/edit/delete records, add/edit/delete tables, sorting a database using a given field, and many more usful functions. This class is very usful for developers wanted to make applications for servers that do not support mySQL or something similar. Tutorials are available from our site.<br><b>Update</b>: version 4.3.3 includes limiting the query() results, editfield() and removefield() were also added.
(18 ratings)
dbf Converter
dbfConverter is a PHP script that reads data from dbase files (dbf,dbt,fpt) and convert them into the mysql or postgres tables. Initially, it create sql tables & insert data, and then updates old data. It does not support index files converting jet. Configurable feautures: join 2 or more dbf files in one mysql table, add primary key id field, support more same named dbf files from different locations (directories), transform characters or words in data, update sql tables with new data from dbf files in 2 modes, filtering data which you don't need in sql tables.
(16 ratings)
FX.php is a PHP class which combines the ease-of-use of FileMaker with the power of PHP. In the latest release, FX.php allows access to every version of FileMaker since version 5, and preliminary support has been added for MySQL. FX.php is designed to give FileMaker users the advantages and flexibility of using PHP. In addition, the new MySQL support adds the option of using data from multiple data sources, without knowledge of SQL.
(16 ratings)
MySQL Dump
Backup program for MySQL databases that creates MySQL database backup files on your server. The backup files are in the same format as the phpmyadmin dump files. Simple installation. Optional german or english language. Comments in German and english.
(15 ratings)
Arabic MySQL Query
This class can be used to build MySQL SQL query conditions to search for Arabic text considering Arabic lexical rules. It uses the MySQL REGEXP and LIKE functions to retrieve better results from queries for Arabic text.
(15 ratings)
ADOdb4PHP is a database abstraction layer with pagination support, written in OOP style, providing exceptions support, for PHP 5.1+ running on Windows machines.
(15 ratings)
ZenithVault Secret Sharing Database
A virtually 100% secure database which divides the sensitive information and then distributes it to be stored inside of multiple, geographically diverse, embedded machines. This makes it 0 day attack and brute force proof as well as physically secure. Every secret has a unique token and a user-set password associated to it so that not even the sysadmin can reach it.
(15 ratings)
Celko Visitation Model
This class can be use to manipulate hierarchic trees of records stored in a MySQL database using Joe Celko visitation model. It can perform the following tasks in a very effecient way mostly using one SELECT query statement: - Find out leaf nodes in the current tree (nodes have no children) - Find out nodes of a sub-tree for given node - Find out the context path of given node - Find out the level or depth of a given node - Find out how many descendants a given node has
(15 ratings)
Simple Backup MySQL Database
This script creates the backup of the MySQL tables in SQL format and saves it into a ZIP file on server. Also, it can restore the MySQL tables in your database from the SQL backup stored in ZIP archive. Supports both PDO and MySQLi for accessing MySQL databases in PHP. It has options to Download or Delete the back-up files from server.
(13 ratings)
DB Backup Tool
The DB Backup Tool is a free and easy to install script, which allows to create easily backups and generate dumps of MySQL databases. It can also compress the database backups and create zip files and also send them by email. DB Backup Tool has a responsive and password protected administration panel with an easy to use interface for managing the settings and creating a backup with just clicking on the database name. It's written in PHP and it's provided with the full not encrypted sources, so it can be possible to modify it or include it in your web projects.
(13 ratings)
A litte tool to create an alter-script for the differences between two databases. Since 1.4.0 InnoDB FOREIGN KEYS are supported. MySQLdiff 1.5.0 added support for FULLTEXT Indexes so a auto_increments. There was also added the (experimental) feature to upload sql-scripts to compare them against another script or an existing database.
(12 ratings)
Zebra_Database, a MySQL database wrapper written in PHP
Zebra_Database it is an advanced, compact (one-file only), lightweight, object-oriented MySQL database wrapper built upon PHP's MySQL extension. It provides methods for interacting with MySQL databases that are more intuitive and fun to use than PHP's default ones. The class provides a comprehensive debugging interface with detailed information about the executed queries: execution time, returned/affected rows, excerpts of the found rows, error messages, etc. It also automatically EXPLAIN's each SELECT query (so you don't miss those keys again!). It encourages developers to write maintainable code and provides a better default security layer by automatically escaping strings. Zebra_Database's code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL.
(12 ratings)
Generate Online in minutes Custom PhpMySQL Database Scripts
You can generate database scripts to your own custom design of your database in PhpMySQL CGI-Perl and ASP Access with Add, Search, Edit and Delete functions. A user can edit and delete his own record only, protection being provided by user-selected password. Search results are paginated, the number of records per page being customisable. There are two databases, one for Matrimonial, the other for Classified Advertisements. The site also has Reciprocal Links Exchange Directory
(12 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 247