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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Web Fetching

Results 81-100 of 106
PHP Web Crawler
PHP Web Crawler is a software that searches for links in the web. It stores the links and some extra data in a database and shows them as HTML output.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Full-Text Content Extraction
This is a free software project to help people extract content from web pages. It can extract content from a standard HTML page and return a 1-item feed or it can transform an existing feed into a full-text feed. A demo is available on the site, and source code is available to buy or download.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 20.00
Craiglist Fetcher
A simple PHP and mysql script that fetches all the listings of craiglist from specific category to mysql database. A listing already present is detected and is not added again. You can then use any script to display craiglist listings stored.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
AJAX Google PR Checker
A simple AJAX based php script which checks google pagerank in real time as well as the code option to embed in to users webpage to show their pagerank on webpages. Requires nothing to configure, comes with online installer.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
â– Check if a domainname is free. Supported extensions: be, biz, cn, com, edu, eu, in, info,mobi, name, net, nl, nu, org, tv, us â– Get Google and Alexa rank for a domain â– Indexed pages on Google, Bing and Yahoo â– Count backlinks with Google and Yahoo â– Whois information â– Top keywords for a domain
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
WebPage Downloader
This script will let people who visit your site download a webpage and save it as a .doc (Microsoft Word) or .html file. HTML files can be save with or without images.
(0 ratings)
Earthquake Finder
Script that takes and decrypts feeds from the USGS to display earthquake activity over the past week across the globe. Customized database contains the locations which include latitude and longitude data. . Also, the php script is custom coded to decrypt the USGS feed and display the data in a readable format. Users select a region, a location, distance from that location to search and magnitude quake. Results are then displayed, where users can view more detailed information on that quake as well as map it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 13.95
zShare Video Embeder PHP Script
zShare Video Embeder is simple to use script which you can use to embed zShare videos on the go and can share it with others or you can also embed in on your blog/website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Experts-Exchange Fetcher
experts-exchange fetcher is a PHP class that takes a question as input and searches experts-exchange.com for the best match of the question and its answer. It retrieves the matching question title, the question description, the question code snippet (if any), the accepted solution, and the code snippet of the accepted solution.
(0 ratings)
HTTP headers PHP script
This http headers view script will display the HTTP headers response of a website. It is useful to check if a website is accessible over the web or if it is using any redirects.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Artpedia PHP Script - Earn Money From Arbitrage
Grabs wikipedia articles - Grabs wikipedia articles into the MySQL as cache and keeps loading it from database. Searching Wikipedia - Search from wikipedia contents and all results appear on the site without having to go wikipedia site. SEO Friendly URLs - Friendly Html files Urls with the name of search as wikipedia title or contents with URL rewrite option. Easy to Setup - Easy to setup the script and you only to read the file to know how to setup and support also in case you don't know how to set it up .. only takes 5 min to set. Admin Panel - Admin Panel to mange and add URLs that you need to use it and the admin is really easy to use. Change password - As one features that you can easy change password of the admin panel. Cache - Cache In Database , Some other scripts cache in the folders and files but you can easy cache in MySQL
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Job Search API Script
This script runs on indeed.com and vast.com api's and fetches millions of jobs from both the api. This script also has a google map integrated with the job search function. The script is completly SEO'd for easy search engine indexing, the script has a dynamic google sitemap that you can submit to the Google's Webmaster central.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
ssWeather (or secure, simple Weather) is a streamlined solution to displaying the current weather conditions for a predefined U.S. zip code or international city on a web page using the Yahoo! weather RSS feed. The script can display any combination of: the current temperature, the current conditions (e.g. "Sunny", "Heavy Rain", etc.), a graphical representation of the current conditions, the date of the reading, the city/region/state/country of the current reading, and the time of sunrise and sunset. The PHP script can be used on both secure and non-secure web pages without courtesy link-backs to other web sites. Best of all, the output of the weather can be customized to your liking.The package includes weather icons you can use to display a visual representation of the weather.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
ssStocks (or secure, simple Stocks) is a streamlined solution to displaying the current stock information for a predefined stock ticker symbol (e.g. GOOG) on a web page using the Yahoo! Finance stock data. The script can display any combination of: the value of the stock at the time of its last trade (aka current stock price), the date (Month/Day/Year) and time of the stock quote, the opening price of the stock on the day, the change in price of quote from its open to its current price, the minimum and maximum values the stock has sold for so far today, and the volume of the stock. The font/color/style that this information is displayed in is fully customizable.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Video Downloader
A quick Ajax application that allows you to search and download online video into your computer. * Search popular video website to find videos you want. * the result of search video which can be viewed or downloaded. * If you know the video url, you can download it directly. * List top videos of popular video website. * Using smarty template, easy to change interface of website. * Add new video websies supported will be easy. * The purchase of the script includes free lifetime upgrades.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
PHP Import Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail Addresses
With the AddressImporter you will be able to import contacts from Hotmail, Gmail, MSN and Yahoo! Contacts Lists. The Address Importer is easy to intergate and offers high funcionality for a competative price. Much faster and more reliable than other similar scripts on this website. Demos available for download. The AddressImporter can easily be integrated in your website and can easily be customized to serve your needs this because they are based on php classes. Within a few minutes you will be up and running.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.50
Compiles and ships HTTP Requets using PHP's pure sockets. Retrieves returned content and parses cookie and header information. Supports GZIP encoding.
(0 ratings)
Today's Joke
This is a very simple class that can be used to retrieve the today's joke from the jokes2go.com Web site. It accesses the jokes2go.com site and retrieves the today's joke page. The page contents is clipped to extract the joke text, which is returned as string.
(0 ratings)
RSS 2 CMS is a script that will import RSS feeds into a CMS of your choice. Among the supported CMS systems are WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, and ezContents.
(0 ratings)
Overture Keyword Research Tool
This script will query overture for keywords related to the term you input. This tool will also show the number of searches for a keyword. All the results are saved as a csv excel file for futher use. This script is instantly available after PayPal payment.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Results 81-100 of 106