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New Scripts | ASP.NET

Results 881-900 of 1000
Aspose.Grid for .NET
Aspose.Grid is a .NET component that provides you a total grid solution. It is packaged with two different .NET components to support Desktop and Web applications. Main features include: Importing/exporting to CSV & SpreadSheetML format, Find/Replace feature, Easy to apply skins, Extensive support for Grouping rows & creating subtotal features, formulae, Large array of cell types, Managing Cells, Pictures, Hyperlinks, Keyboard Navigation, Grid Events and support for both edit and view modes.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.00
Aspose.Flash for .NET
Aspose.Flash is a non-graphical .NET Flash management component allowing developers to dynamically generate and edit Flash® content directly from .NET applications. It provides support for Flash v8, Flash v9, Flash Lite and ActionScript allowing you to create, parse and modify flash files. Using Aspose.Flash, you can create banners with animation, menus or whole site, GIS maps or simple games. Also insert images, shapes, simple morphing, gradients, audio and video streams to your flash files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET
Aspose.Pdf.Kit is a .NET component for editing existing PDF files. You can add/remove digital signatures or encrypt/decrypt a PDF. It supports many useful features like; PDF stamp creation, adding CJK font in form field, AcroForm, adding watermark or logo, extracting or adding images & text, adding bookmarks, appending pages and converting PDF file to TIFF, BMP, PNG & JPG image formats. It enables you to concatenate PDF files and allows adding or setting XMP Metadata to an existing PDF.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
Aspose.ASPXpand for .NET
Aspose.ASPXpand is an ASP.NET component offered by Aspose that helps in bridging the gap between web and desktop development. Aspose.ASPXpand offers over 70 different functions ranging from Set Focus and Mask Edit to Auto Complete and handling the Enter Key. It supports all the ASP.NET applications and IE Browser as well. Along with General features, it also supports; Controls management, Page management, Windows management, Event handling, Database oriented, Messaging and Utility features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Aspose.Tasks for .NET
Aspose.Tasks is a non-graphical .NET Project management component that enables .NET applications to read, write and manage Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project. With Aspose.Tasks you can read and change tasks, recurring tasks, resources, resource assignments, relations and calendars. Aspose.Tasks is a very mature product that offers stability and flexibility. As with all of the Aspose file management components, Aspose.Tasks works well with both WinForm and WebForm applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
Aspose.Cells for .NET
Aspose.Cells is a .NET component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. It supports robust formula calculation engine, pivot tables, VBA, workbook encryption, named ranges, spreadsheet formatting, drawing objects like images, OLE objects and importing or creating charts. You can also create Excel file using designer spreadsheet, smart marker or API and apply formulae and functions. It supports CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
ASP.NET HOW DO I Video Series: Membership and Roles
Learn how to secure a Web site using the new Membership and Roles features of ASP.NET 2.0. Topics include user registration, password recovery, and restricting access to content with roles. Get a tour of how the Web Site Administration Tool simplifies user account administration and makes it easy to control content access permissions.
(3 ratings)
Creating Master Pages with VWD
Learn how to create a website in Visual Web Developer that uses a Master Page as the site-wide template.
(0 ratings)
CSUpload Controls Package
Did you know a bad or not good ASP.NET file upload control will cause your web site to open up a possible vulnerability to a denial of service attack? If your web site is very important to you, you should consider it! CSUpload control package is a powerful ASP.NET 2.0 File Upload control, the package contains CSUpload and CSUploadProgressPanel controls to empower your web application with strong files uploading features. CSUpload is a powerful file uploading control with many advanced features. CSUpload also have a highly efficient HttpModule, which provides scalable file upload handling functions. With CSUpload's HttpModule, you can easily include the huge file upload feature (the file size can be up to 2GB) to your web application. CSUpload's HttpModule will consume minimum amount of server memory while starting file uploads. This can avoid many web site maintenance issues with file uploading applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Implementing Web Service Clients
Explains how Web services work and how to call it from ASP.NET. When we create and run this web service , it will be run by a web browser. However, in real life, the true aim of web service can only be achieved if we can call it from some web application or a console application.
(0 ratings)
DataSet and DataAdapter in ASP
Explains how to work with multiple tables, handle errors and how DataSet tracks modified table rows. Whenever a row is changed, its status is set from UnChanged to Modified. Whenever, a new row is added, its status would be depicted by DataRow.Added.
(0 ratings)
SepCity is an integrated web Portal software solution and content management system application (CMS). It is designed for the end user to have complete control of their business Internet website without any knowledge of HTML or other programming languages
(12 ratings)
Web-based Project Management Software
posted byantonvsinSoftware
EasyProjects .NET - the latest generation web-based Project Management System. It is called "Easy Projects" for a reason - it was specifically designed to make project management straightforward and hassle-free. Track and organize any type of project using multi-nested projects and tasks, detailed statistics and reports, email notifications and alerts, issues and requests tracking, message board and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Authorize.net AIM 3.1 for .NET
The Authorize.net AIM 3.1 Component for .NET is a Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 compatible assembly for Authorize.net. This component will check your transaction before sending it to the credit card gateway. The assembly includes the all fields required to present a credit card to the gateway, error checking with exceptions, an easy to understand class for the results, and complete support for the gateway. In addition, the component includes lifetime support and upgrades.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Instant Messenger Software Development Kit
Product Overview, IMSDK is a Power full .NET Component that incorporates Instant Messaging functionality. IMSDK Consists of IM Client and IM Server IM Client, IM Client is a.NET Component that Provides all the functionality for the IM Client Users to Send text Messages and file transfers to Other connected IM Clients , Using This IM Client A developer could make a complete Instant Messaging Software Like MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger IM Server, IM Server is asp.net Class library that Responds to the request of IM Clients ,IM Server can be added to any ASP.NET page
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.00
Master Pages with CSS layout
This tutorial is just a starting point to show you how you can combine CSS layouts and Master Pages to create a fairly straightforward 2 column CSS layout for your website.
(3 ratings)
softlogger contains articles on Ajax, Asp.NET , Ruby on Rails , Software design and architecture , C#, web security, web design from blogs. It is built with lucene search engine.
(15 ratings)
Introducing Really Simple Syndication in ASP.NET
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML standard for declaring content entries for small content feeds. The RSS format has gained popularity over the years due to its simplicity. The XML file formatted according to the RSS specification is either found as a physical file or is obtained via a Web site that handles the request and sends the content over the Internet to the client.
(0 ratings)
AjaxGrid is a web-based ajax enabled reporting and application development tool that enables high functional web applications to be created in minutes without the need for complex development tools. AjaxGrid is highly scalable and can cope with 100,000's of rows and hundreds of users. With AjaxGrid you can search, sort, edit, upload, print, copy, export, nest, link and much more with just a few lines of code. AjaxGrid includes it�s own GUI Designer application that allows applications to be generated and deployed against any table, view or stored procedure in your database with the need to write any code.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
Clever Internet .NET Suite
posted byinfoinSoftware
The suite of Clever Internet components presents the most efficient and convenient way of accessing Internet resources from your applications. Using the Clever Internet Suite, you can implement many useful Internet-related features: Downloading, uploading and submitting of Internet resources, sending and receiving MIME messages, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and NNTP clients, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and FTP server components and more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 552.00
Results 881-900 of 1000