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Results 61-80 of 301
CX310-090 SCBCD EJB Java
posted byucertifyinEJB
Pass SCBCD CX310-090 exam in first attempt. 280 questions with detailed explanation and 100 study notes. CX310-090 - SCBCD EJB Java study notes, articles and mock test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on latest SUN certification exam pattern. Download exam simulation and study guide. Download practice test for SUN exam CX310-090 Now. Based on latest SCBCD certification exam pattern. Download SCBCD CX310-090 Now
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PriceUSD 34.98
Java Interview Questions Library
This is a complete library of mostly asked java interview questions bank with complete descriptive answeres. Here you will find Java Interview Question, Java Tutorials and Java Tips
(6 ratings)
What is Polymorphism
Polymorphism means any forms. In OOPS, it refers to the capability of objects to react differently to the same method. Polymorphism can be implemented in the Java language in the form of multiple methods having the same name. Java code uses a late-binding technique to support polymorphism; the method to be invoked is decided at runtime.
(9 ratings)
Difference between HashMap and HashTable
Both provide key-value access to data. The Hashtable is one of the original collection classes in Java. HashMap is part of the new Collections Framework, added with Java 2, v1.2. The key difference between the two is that access to the Hashtable is synchronized on the table while access to the HashMap isn't. You can add it, but it isn't there by default.
(6 ratings)
Explain garbage collection
Garbage collection is one of the most important feature of Java. Garbage collection is also called automatic memory management as JVM automatically removes the unused variables/objects (value is null) from the memory. User program can�t directly free the object from memory, instead it is the job of the garbage collector to automatically free the objects that are no longer referenced by a program.
(3 ratings)
What is the difference between JDK and JRE
The "JDK" is the Java Development Kit. i.e., the JDK is bundle of software that you can use to develop Java based software. The "JRE" is the Java Runtime Environment. i.e., the JRE is an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine which actually executes Java programs.
(0 ratings)
What do you understand by Synchronization
Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access one resource at a time. In non synchronized multithreaded application, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object while another thread is in the process of using or updating the object's value. Synchronization prevents such type of data corruption.
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What is Object Serialization
Serialization is a way of flattening, pickling, sizzling, serializing, or freeze-drying Objects so that they can be stored on disk, and later read back and reconstituted, with all the links between Objects intact Object serialization is the process of saving an object's state to a sequence of bytes, as well as the process of rebuilding those bytes into a live object at some future time
(3 ratings)
Java full screen image viewer
posted byAnshargalinSwing
This article contains a source code of a simple Java program which draws image(from file or http:// URL) at the center of full-screen window. It uses AWT Toolkit to load image (from the file or http URL) and Swing JFrame to display it.
(21 ratings)
Understanding and Using JSP Sessions
This tutorial helps you to understand: What is a session? How a JSP server uses cookies to pass session ID? How to pass values in session objects? How to debug JSP session objects?
(6 ratings)
Playing WAV files using Java
There is source code of simple class AePlayWave in this article, which can play WAV(AUFF, SND, AU might also be supported) sound files asynchronously (in a separate thread, without interruption of main program). It is possible to use it in console or GUI Java programs for playing user notification sounds. There is also trivial RSS-feed checker, which plays various sounds on rss-feed update.
(9 ratings)
Loading and Using JavaBean Classes in JSP Pages
posted byheronginJavaBeans
This JSP tutorial helps you understand: Loading JavaBean classes into JSP pages; Setting and getting JavaBean's properties; Using Java objects as JavaBeans.
(0 ratings)
JSP Tutorials - Controlling HTTP Response Header Lines
This tutorial helps you to understand: HTTP Response Syntax HTTP Response Header Lines Controlling Response Header Lines Viewing Response Header Lines Response Header Lines of Static Files Response Header Lines Affected by jsp:directive.page Elements Setting Header Lines Directly in JSP Pages Generating Non-HTML Entity Body
(3 ratings)
Java Queries
This is a complete library of java interview questions with detailed descriptive answeres.Visit http://java-queries.blogs pot.com and shrapen your java skills
(3 ratings)
Servlets Advanced
After describing some basic programming of servlets, we will describe some advanced topics of servlets in this tutorial, viz., Session Tracking, Servlet Filters, Servlet Life Cycle Events, Including, forwarding and redirecting, Servlet Chaining and Applet Servlet Communication.
(0 ratings)
JSP Basics
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a Java API in J2EE which allows dynamic creation of web pages using Java. It has the same purpose as other existing technologies like CGI or PHP. In this tutorial you will learn about Lifecycle of JSP pages, Dynamic content generation, Invoking Java code using JSP scripting elements, JavaBeans for JSP and Error Handling.
(0 ratings)
Antipatterns In Java Programs
An antipattern can be defined as a bad design in the Java language. Antipatterns will bring forth bad answers in a way that is easy for some people to understand. If you are programming with Java, it is important to understand both antipatterns and patterns. When you work with software programs, they will need to be maintained.
(0 ratings)
How a Profiler Can Improve Your Java Applications
If you have been working with C++ programs for longer than five years, you should be well aware of the difficulties involved with debugging software. However, many younger programmers don't have experience with these issues because Java deals with memory problems by using what is called the garbage collector. Whenever a new object is created in Java, the Java Virtual Machine will reserve memory for it, and if the object reference disappears, the memory will be reclaimed.
(0 ratings)
How Code Reviews and PMD Can Crush Bugs In Your Code
The ability to review your code is one of the best methods to find bugs and other issues which can cause your program to perform poorly. In fact, one of the hardest things about writing a program is debugging it. When programmers get together and share their knowledge, it can help improve the overall quality of your Java applications.
(0 ratings)
How To Develop RFID Applications In Java
Radio Frequency Identification, also known as RFID, is a tool which is being used in a large number of industries. There are a number of software programs which can work with RFID, and an example of this is RFID Anywhere by Sybase iAnywhere. It was designed using a .NET program that has greatly modified the different phases of their RFID projects.
(3 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 301