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New Scripts | Java | Tutorials & Tips

Results 121-140 of 301
Java Interview Questions
Java Interview Questions: Get the Interview Questions and Frequently Asked Questions in Java related Technologies. Over 1000 Questions and Answers in J2EE subjects like Java Interview Questions, JDBC Interview Questions, EJB Interview Questions, Struts Interview Questions, JMS Interview Questions, JSP Interview Questions, Servlets Interview Questions, Core Java Interview Questions and OOPS Interview Questions. Discuss each Question in detail and prepare for your Interview.
(64 ratings)
uCertify SCJP - 310-035, Exam Simulation For Sun Certification
The uCertify Exam Simulation is a comprehensive tool for success in the SCJP (310-035) certification exam. It contains 4 full-length realistic practice tests comprising 435 questions with detailed analysis and explanations for each answer. The Simulation is developed after rigorous research and innovation by a panel of highly experienced and certified authors, to equip the aspirants with the latest and most accurate study material for the SCJP certifications. It also offers Adaptive and customized testing, Diagnostic test and detailed performance reviews. Value added features such as Test preparation tips and test information, Technical articles and Fully illustrated How Tos� eliminate the need for any other preparation aid.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.99
Your First Java Program
This first Java training lesson describes how to create, compile and run your first program using notepad and the windows command prompt. This focuses more on teaching you how to get it to work than on the function of the code, which will be explained in a future lesson. This lesson is also demonstrated in a video.
(6 ratings)
CertGear SCJP Certification Practice Tests (CX-310-035)
Ensure your success at the SCJP 1.4 Certification Today with CertGear's SCJP Exam Simulator, the most effective training tool for the Sun Certified Java Programmer Certification (CX-310-035)! Developed by highly experienced SCJP Professionals, CertGear's SCJP Exam Simulator contains over 300+ questions and 5 simulated mock exams that will help you succeed at the SCJP Certification. Backed by CertGear's "100% Money Back Guarantee", Try CertGear's SCJP Certification Practice Test Software Risk-Free, And Accelerate Your Career Today!!
(6 ratings)
Portlets with FacesClient Components
Web apps developed with the thin client computing model exhibit performance gaps and user interface limitations. As an alternative, the IBM FacesClient Components (formerly called the Odyssey Browser Framework) provides a more effective model for developing Web apps. FacesClient Components work inside a portlet programming environment to deliver exceptional value in the form of richer user interfaces and improved performance.
(0 ratings)
Building Web Services w/ Eclipse Tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to build a Web service using the Eclipse Web Tools Platform. The Web service interacts with a Cloudscape (Apache Derby) database and is deployed to Apache Tomcat.
(21 ratings)
Concurrency in JDK 5.0 Tutorial
JDK 5.0 added major new support for developing concurrent applications, including JVM changes, new low-level synchronization utilities, and higher-level, thread-safe, high-performance concurrency classes such as thread pools, concurrent collections, semaphores, latches, and barriers. Learn how these new classes can help make your code faster, more scalable, more reliable, and easier to maintain.
(3 ratings)
Operators and Arithmetic Fundamentals
Explains operators and simple mathematical functions, which operators take priority over others, and how to implement them in code.
(0 ratings)
Intro to Java Tutorial
The Java language, and the ever-growing Java platform, have revolutionized programming. The goal of this tutorial is to introduce you to the Java syntax you're most likely to encounter professionally, and to expose you to idioms that will help you avoid trouble. Follow along with Java professional Roy Miller as he guides you through the essentials Java programming, including the OOP paradigm and how it applies to Java programming; Java language syntax and use; creating objects and adding behavior, working with collections, handling errors; and tips for writing better code.
(0 ratings)
A guide to the use of conditionals in Java, covering if statements, else statements, else if, as well as switches.
(0 ratings)
Hello World using JOptionPane
This tutorial introduces the Hello World program to new Java programmers using the JOptionPane interface.
(0 ratings)
Wireless messaging with JXTA
Learn how to use JXTA technology to integrate thin Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) clients into enterprise-scale messaging applications by developing a set of classes that let you integrate J2ME clients into JMS (Java Message Service) applications running on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) servers.
(0 ratings)
JDK More Flexible, Scalable Locking
Multithreading and concurrency are nothing new, but one of the innovations of the Java language design was that it was the first mainstream programming language to incorporate a cross-platform threading model and formal memory model directly into the language specification. While this simplifies the development of platform-independent concurrent classes, it by no means makes writing concurrent classes trivial -- just easier.
(0 ratings)
Swing Dev with TableModel Free framework
This article introduces the TableModel Free (TMF) framework which eliminates the need to use TableModels with Swing JTables. The TMF framework allows for more configurable JTables by moving all of table-specific data outside of the compiled code and into a configurable XML file. Framework developer and Java UI enthusiast Michael Abernethy walks you through TMF framework, helping you reduce the size of a TableModel from hundreds of lines of code to just a single line, making management a snap.
(0 ratings)
RAD Tutorial w/ JavaServer Faces and WS Portal
The latest release of IBM WebSphere Studio and the Portal Toolkit plug-in provide new features for developing front-end applications using Java Server Faces. These features enable developers to quickly and easily use visual rapid-application development tools and provide a rich set of interesting user interface components not easily created or maintained in the past. This tutorial demonstrates how a framework as flexible as Java Server Faces and the tools provided by both WebSphere Studio and the Portal Toolkit make short order of integrating, testing and maintaining a portal-based front end.
(3 ratings)
JTurtle is a free educational programming tutor. It uses Java Bean Shell as a scripting language. BeanShell is extremely easy to use for procedural programming, but it can also be used to teach Object Oriented programming as the full Java programming language is accessible. Notable Features: * Uses BeanShell scripting which allows for procedural programming or full on Object Oriented Java. * Has the ability to stop running scripts.(useful to kill infinite loops in scripts) * Images can be saved as PNG files * Syntax hilighting via jedit's JEditPane component(Java, BeanShell, & JTurtle API) * JTurtle Javadoc viewable from interface. * GPL license
(3 ratings)
Adding JRuby to your Java Toolbox
JRuby combines the object-oriented strength of Smalltalk, the expressiveness of Perl, and the flexibility of the Java class libraries into a single, efficient rapid development framework for the Java platform. In this third installment in the alt.lang.jre series, Michael Squillace and Barry Feigenbaum introduce JRuby, a sophisticated addition to your Java development toolbox.
(0 ratings)
Annotations in Tiger (J2SE 5.0)
Annotations, a new feature in J2SE 5.0 (Tiger), brings a much-needed metadata facility to the core Java language. In this first of a two-part series, author Brett McLaughlin explains why metadata is so useful, introduces you to annotations in the Java language, and delves into Tiger's built-in annotations. Part 2 covers custom annotations.
(3 ratings)
Java Performance Tuning w/ Fat Clients
Tuning isn't always about speed, sometimes other aspects of the application need fixing. When your application needs tuning, your first course of action is normally to monitor the application with a profiler. But profiling is not always practical -- sometimes for ironic reasons. In this installment of Eye on performance, Jack Shirazi and Kirk Pepperdine, Director and CTO of Java Performance Tuning relate their recent experiences with profiling a fat client -- so fat, in fact, that it left no room for a profiler.
(0 ratings)
The On Demand Operating Environment
The On Demand Operating Environment is based upon the concepts of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA views every application or resource as a service implementing a specific, identifiable set of (business) functions. In addition to the business functions, services in an on demand environment might also implement management interfaces to participate in the broader configuration, operation, and monitoring of the environment. This article provides an introduction to the On Demand Operating Environment.
(0 ratings)
Results 121-140 of 301