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New Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools

Results 221-240 of 366
PHP ExcelExplorer Pro
This PHP class can import data from an Excel file without using COM, ODBC, etc. It will be useful in content management systems, for writting various converters (Excel to HTML, Excel to MySQL, etc.). On-line demo and trial version available for download. ExcelExplorer will work on any PHP5 platform. Supports Windows and Mac Excel files. No additional classes, modules are required. No configurations needed. Just include it in your own script and use it. With this class you can read such data as used color, fonts, rich text, asian phonetics, etc. Shapes and images also supported. What data can be imported: worksheets name, type (ordinal, chart or Visual Basic Module), visibility flag; rows and columns info; cells - type (integer and float numbers, percentage, text, formula, logical, error, date in Windows Excel and Mac Excel formats), empty, blank and merged.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
Quick and Simple Form Creator for PHP (form-a-form)
The form-a-form will allow you to create a form that you can use as a template, or rather as a really great start for your forms. It not only generates the HTML code for the form, but generates the PHP query aspects of the form as well. It is quite simply to get you started, and get all the monotonous & boring form tags setup stuff out of the way up front, allowing you to concentrate more on the analytical design concept and form tweaking instead. What this form does is ask for some information that will help layout your form, then provide the html code for you to use. Form-a-form will provide the code for: 1. The initial form (form preview), as a user would see it when they first arrived, 2. The form as it would be if the form were posted back to itself (end user), and 3. A link to my Database Record Selector & Editor (DB-RSE) which allows for editing of recorded data (admin).
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.95
Learn HTML By Example
Learning HTML and web design is easy if you have some reference point to work with. That's why we built the "Learn HTML By Example" tool, a free tool you can add to your web site. It's easy to use, and there's a bunch of examples already built in. You just type in some HTML code in the middle box, and it immediately displays in the right box, exactly as it would look as a live web page.Below are just a few of the many uses we've found for this tool:
(0 ratings)
Tool that generates PHP persistent object classes that perform object-relational mapping (ORM). The generated code stores and retrieves objects from many types of relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, SQLite, etc.. Supports own Object Query Language (OQL), generates database schema instalation classes, Web forms classes and report classes. Provides a Web based and command line interfaces to execute the tool.
(48 ratings)
MX Navigation Pack for PHP
MX Navigation Pack is a Dreamweaver extension that allows you to insert different navigation bars into your dynamic content. Whether you need a category navigation, a simple page navigation or A to Z navigation, our tool can help you build and implement it in your pages. Supported server technologies: ColdFusion, ASP VBScript, PHP_MySQL and PHP_ADODB -- Page navigation - organize your records into pages and insert slim navigation buttons to help you move around. -- Category navigation - you already have your products organized into categories. So why not navigate through your categories and list all your products with a simple click? -- A to Z navigation - index your records to make them easier to navigate and create your own glossary of terms. -- Records navigation - Simple but effective, this feature will insert the buttons to help you get to the entry you needed.
(0 ratings)
GoogleMapAPI is a PHP library for the Google Map API. Features include auto-geocode lookup, geocode caching, add markers and polylines by address or geocode, enable/disable map features, add map directions, add map sidebar, and many more.
(9 ratings)
phpPat is an open-source, easy to use, small, fast PHP TEMPLATE ENGINE that can perform complex tasks. These are the main features of phpPat: (1) handles advanced phpPat statements/operations that are placed into user friendly HTML enclose code tags. Main operations IF, ELSE, LOOP (like foreach), INC (include), LOC (replace), SET (set a value) and PART (unset a value). {2) Variables and arrays (handles multidimensional) are placed into curly braces. (3) Supports multidimensional statement structure. Any statement can be placed inside any other. (4) Has a PAT code validator for validating the code and reporting any erros. (5) Uses a built-in system for attaching phpPat plugins. (6) Is a friendly system for php developers.
(3 ratings)
Symfony is an open-source web framework written in PHP5. Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. If you have been looking for a Rails/Django-like framework for PHP projects with features such as: * simple templating and helpers * cache management * multiple environments support * deployment management * scaffolding * smart URLs * multilingual and I18N support * object model and MVC separation * Ajax support ...where all elements work seamlessly together, then symfony is made for you.
(9 ratings)
PBoptimize - Website Code Optimizer
posted bybiegelinUtilities
PBoptimize is a web application which can optimize PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript code. It removes the unnecessary spaces linefeeds, tabulators and comments. You can customize the script configuration to fit your individual needs. The optimized files will be up to 60% smaller and therefore faster to load. You can optimize whole folders with subfolders and specify which fileendings have to be optimized - default: php, html, css, js. The files which not meet the criteria will be copied to the destination folder without any modification. The optimizing result can be displayed so you can check which lines were modified/removed. There is a Trial Version available and also an online demo !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
web.framework is an MVC framework for PHP5. It features actions and action-chains, the ability to call to other actions or action-chains from an action-chain, pre- and post-actions with exceptions, validators for simple check forms, support for DB configuration in framework configuration, support for template systems (such as web.template and Smarty), a router for making URLs nice-looking, tokens, authorization frames, AJAX, clinet-side validation, advanced validators, good integration with web.template and more.
(3 ratings)
FilTpl - Filnet Template
The script process recursively a template (given as a string) and a data structure (given as a tree of array of arrays). Syntax is the same as phplib , but behaves better on loops or optional blocks embedded. I developped it because I was tired of bug limitations of phplib or phpbb. A little brain-gym is required to build the tree array of datas, but the standarts php-array tools make it really flexibles. so, what is missing in this 30 lines script ? : -the ELSE part : maybe V2 -a less strict syntax : sorry -the class ornementation : useless -formatting modifiers on html side : I disagree with this features, the html file belongs to artist designer non-tech, php file belongs to developper tech. -little interface functions (load file, set_var..) : useless, just keep to the core The open structure conception make it easy to read and to adapt to any strange needs.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Online Search and Replace PHP Script
Advanced Online Search and Replace PHP Script Its a script files content search and replace scripts for your website on server side. - You can replace batch HTML, HTM, PHP or other pages on server directly and quickly. - Search and Replace any text , case sensitive, in a directory or a whole site, include subdirectory or not - You can now replace thousands of HTML files for words, numbers, mailbox, terms, affiliate link code, google adsense code or fix site errors in seconds.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
PHP Quick Class Creator
Creating standard classes can be a bind, having to add duplicate code to get your various get/set methods, and sorting out the constructor. I therefore wrote this utility that does most of the grunt work for you. It's intended to be used with PHP 5's new OO capabilities, and should make life a little less painful. Especially for those who have to create multiple class stubs. This should speed up the process considerably.
(0 ratings)
Atrise PHP Script Debugger
Atrise PHP Script Debugger is a debug script for your PHP projects. It can help you to show PHP variables, debug string output, script execution time, the page source and other information that helps you in your PHP development. Features: * Handy output with debug points with floating tooltips; * Shows PHP variables, objects and arrays; * Shows your debug messages; * Shows script execution time and time delta; * HTML output highlighting.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
phpInsider's XMLParser
This library assists in parsing XML documents into generic PHP arrays. Also comes with RSSParser, an extension of XMLParser that creates simple RSS-specific array structures from RSS feeds.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Graphs and Charts for PHP
Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With advanced graphing you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive ! The PHP graphing scripts provide a very easy way to embed dynamically generated graphs and charts into PHP applications and HTML web pages.Very easy to use and add professional quality graphing to web pages / applications in minutes. Many new chart styles added to the Extented Collection. Try for free.
(48 ratings)
EasyTemplate is a template engine for PHP. it is easy to use and basic, it is powerfull for any application that need this functions LOOP, INCLUDE, SWITCH and IF ELSE. is also cached the page after compiled finally you don't need to assign variables, it is auto recognized the variables.
(9 ratings)
posted bybinduckinUtilities
PHPSPELLBOOK is a suite of tools for Websites promotion, diagnosis and improvement. It provides to webmasters tools as: advertisiment submission, mass mailer, fake hits generators, broken link checker, link exchange checker, fake click generators, anonymizer tools, calendar, e-mail handling and parsing tools, url generators, ...
(6 ratings)
Genesis 2
Genesis new version is a standalone, bugless, stable PHP script that allows users to create thousands of search-engine friendly and optimized pages directly on your server (no ftp required). No MySql required, works with templates. Html output. Each pages are unique.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.90
IP2Location IP Address Geolocation Web Service using PHP SOAP
IP2Location Geolocation XML Web Service allows instant lookup of Internet visitors geographical locations by IP address. The web service returns country, state, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, ISP and domain name information. Developers can integrate the web service using SOAP protocol and no database installation or update required. Free sample codes available in several programming languages such as ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, PHP, Perl, Python, ColdFusion and VBA. Please visit http://www.fraudlabs.com/ ip2location.aspx for more information.
(9 ratings)
Results 221-240 of 366