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New Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools

Results 281-300 of 366
XLS Reader Class
XLS Reader - PHP class that can read binary XLS files (MS Excel) using PHP only on all platforms. MS Excel or any additional PHP modules are not required. With this script you will be able to easily present your reports, price lists etc. on your web sites without any additional programming. Or you can extract data from XLS tables into some database like MySQL. The script is able to convert XLS files created by MS Excel to HTML tables, preserving almost all formatting properties (including date, time, numbers and currencies). This means that you can format the spreadsheet in Excel as you like it � using different font and cells formatting properties and the script will convert your XLS file into HTML as close as possible. The Class is very simple to use, as it has its own built-in excel2html converter, which allows you to convert either whole WorkBook (including all the WorkSheets) at once, or to get HTML code only for needed SpreadSheets only. You can test the script on-line.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 68.00
Code Faster
Code Faster is a PHP Framework, based on Fast Template PHP template engine. Will create all neceassary files to have a project ready and run ... or almost ready :-). Features * Create class file * Create administrator PHP and HTML template file (list,add,modify,delete,activate) * Create user file * jQuery UI for administrator * jQuery Validator for generated forms * jQuery Colorize for tables * FCK Editor for administrator * Configuration pages for administrator * Additional classes included (Mail, Calendar, FTP, WordCleaner?, Captcha, Pagination etc.)
(48 ratings)
TXT Generator Class
The script is aimed to creation of the plain text files (TXT). Certainly, there is no use to "just create TXT file using PHP" it is simple - so, TXT Generator is powered by additional features in order to make it possible to create complicated layouts using just plain text. TXT Generator has many features which will help you to make your generated TXT files look not as a bunch of lines of text: paragraphs with alignment, custom width, borders and page orientation; ordered and unordered lists; and even tables, with variable width, in-cell text alignment, table orientation on page. For all script features you can consult on-line documentation. There is a fullyfunctional on-line demo available on the script web-page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 34.00
XLS Generator
XLS Generator is a PHP script, allowing to create binary XLS files using PHP. Using this script you will be able to create spreadsheets on UNIX systems, or on Windows; only PHP 4.x (or later) is required and no additional PHP modules needed. XLS Generator has many features which will help you to make your generated spreadsheets look individual: font styles, border and color settings, background, foreground and border colors and styles, text orientation and in-cell alignment settings. You can even add formulas and Excel functions. Also supported : paper size, page orientation, printed margins, header and footer which can include page numbers. For all the features you can consult the full documentation which is available on-line. You can test the work of the script via fully funcional on-line demo, located on the script page.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 98.00
session manager
This session manager helps you managing your website's sessions, it is really esay to install and even more easy to use. All your session data is stored in MySQL to help you making statistics of your site which are lost when a visitor leaves unles you make another script to store them in db, with this session manager forget about making extra scripts to store session data in a db.
(30 ratings)
[PHP_Debug] An open source PHP debug library Hi, i have motivated myself to write this debug class, it works pretty fine. :) Here what the class alows : - Pear integration - PHP Process time - Database and query process time - Dump of all type of variable in a graphical way - Functionnal debug - Debug queries - Show number of database queries executed - Allow to search in all debug infos - Direct links to test queries in Phpmyadmin - Show globals var ( $GLOBALS, $_POST, $_GET ... ) - Enable or disable the debug infos you want to see - Check performance of chunk of php code - Customize the general display of your debug - ... ( see doc for complete specification ) - You can check full doc website : ( nice phpdoc documentation :p ) If you have questions, ideas, etc..., contact at my Website. It is very clear and well documented ( with Pear::Phpdocumentor ) Now i am searching people to test and to have some feeback, the next realease will depend on the feeback i will get. For php beginner what is really great for example is the ability to show all queries and to have a direct link to test this quesries in phpmyadmin.. :) I am waiting for your comments, it would be nice if some people would use it. But anyway i use already it. :p
(0 ratings)
PHP OO Multilevel Template System
A very fast and powerful object oriented template class with multi-level template parsing. Includes such features as blocks, includes, and loops with or without section for empty lists, fast variable and template substitution, sub-templates and much more.
(57 ratings)
Websprockets Runtime Environment
WebSprockets Runtime is an SQL database driven Website framework for PHP that provides a runtime environment for rapid prototyping of complex relational database driven dynamic Websites with user security. Each table in the database is a class, and several classtypes are supported including news posting, a navigation bar, a message board, a chat room, Webmail, and generic text. Each field in the table is a property, and many field types are provided, including text, email addresses, dates, currency, barcodes, passwords, upload files, and table relationships.
(0 ratings)
BlueShoes PHP Application Framework
BlueShoes is a comprehensive Application Framework and Content Management System written in PHP 4. - 285 classes, 168'132 lines of documented code, - Object-oriented, - Well documented using PhpDoc (like JavaDoc), Manuals and HOWTOs, - Stable code using an automated testing environment (PhpUnit), - Available with opensource and commercial license, Give your web projects a kickstart using BlueShoes.
(3 ratings)
If you have 1.sensitive or important scripts, 2.scripts you sell,scripts you want to demo to clients on THEIR servers etc you need codeSECURE, with code secure you can make your scripts look gibberish to the human eye but still run perfectly on any server. Other features include, expire in X number of days,months,years, give software "unlock keys" to clients without which the software wont run and a LOT more...what are you waiting for?? <i><b><font color="#003366" size="+1">NEW in ver 1.3-encrypt html files too!</i></b></font>
(0 ratings)
PHP2Go Web Development Framework
PHP2Go is a development framework designed to help experient developers and begginer programmers to create Web-based Systems. It's and object-oriented, structured and hierarchical set of classes and libraries developed using PHP, XML and JavaScript. The main goal of PHP2Go is to be a complete code repository to build systems with code reuse, object orientation, separation between logic and presentation code and database transparency. All the components of the API have the same purpose: to create an object oriented abstraction layer that runs over the powerful PHP API, providing an organized, structured and easier way to create HTML documents, HTML forms, database or file data sets, reports, HTML templates and much more. Visit the project home page to get more information, including help tips and online demos.
(13 ratings)
phpJobScheduler - your simple PHP replacement to cron jobs
PHP scheduler - a replacement for cron jobs on Unix or scheduled tasks using Microsoft Scheduler. phpJobScheduler is a scheduler that runs using PHP and MySQL, other databases should now be compatible as all code now uses PHP/PDO for database connectivity (no root/admin access is required). Now using phpJobScheduler you can easily set times when a PHP script should run; automating tedious tasks such as trimming a database table, or emailing a member when their membership fee is due. Schedule a task to run hourly, daily or weekly - scheduled data is stored in a MySQL database via PHP. Some of the features: - easy setup - runs silently (no screen output) - saves run logs to database - saves error messages to database - runs remote scripts in a secure folder - schedule PHP scripts to run: 1-59 minutes hourly daily weekly - add scheduled tasks - modify existing scheduled tasks - delete existing scheduled tasks
(244 ratings)
HTML2Text, HTML to plain text converter
This class converts HTML to plain, formatted ASCII text. By default, the text is wrapped to 70 characters, and some basic formatting is applied to preserve some of the HTML formatting. For example:<br> <ul> <li>Paragraphs are indented</li> <li>Heading tags <h1> - <h3> are all caps</li> <li>Horizontal lines, <hr>, are converted to hyphens</li> <li>Links are preserved as a footnoted list at the end</li> </ul>
(81 ratings)
OpenBiz - a php business software framework
OpenBiz provides a PHP framework that assists professional IT developers and consultants to build web-based enterprise applications.�With the help of OpenBiz, you have a clear Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, your business data object is based on Object Relational Mapping (ORM), and you can quickly implement your business logic and presentation logic by constructing the XML metadata files using OpenBiz Eclipse plugin.�
(3 ratings)
OpenBiz - the Open Business Software Framework
OpenBiz provides a PHP framework that assists professional IT developers and consultants to build web-based enterprise applications.�With the help of OpenBiz, you have a clear Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, your business data object is based on Object Relational Mapping (ORM), and you can quickly implement your business logic and presentation logic by constructing the XML metadata files using OpenBiz Eclipse plugin.�
(9 ratings)
PriadoBlender is a tool to let you distribute your PHP scripts as an executable EXE. It is similar to the PHPCompiler that was available for a couple of months a year or 2 ago. PriadoBlender isn't a true compiler in the computer science sense of the term. True compilers take the high-level code and turn it into machine/assembly code. Instead, PriadoBlender takes your PHP code and the PHP interpretor itself and blends them into standalone, PHP executable goodness. Version 0.2 features a new GUI wizard, no more reliance on MMCache and output EXE's licensed only under the PHP license.
(240 ratings)
PHP Code Twsiter
posted byakazikinUtilities
This tool loads all files required by a project (including binaries) into one file. All unused functions will be removed, all function and variable names will be replaced by shorter (and unreadable) ones, all not needed whitespaces will be removed, debugging code will be removed, ... You'll get informed when a global or local variable is not used. The resulting file is still a regular php-file. (No extra softeate is required!)
(9 ratings)
Replacement for PHP's built-in var_dump() function for complex arrays. tableVarDump() outputs any variable to an HTML table format, specifically designed to display complex multi-dimensional arrays in a more easy to read format than var_dump() or print_r().
(3 ratings)
Create setups for your programs using the NetInstaller. Users only have to upload two files - everything else will be decompressed online on the server, created and configured; problems with CHMODs or the upload of hundred of files are not required anymore.
(3 ratings)
PHTML Encoder
The PHTML Encoder allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them. The script code is encrypted before saving. Because PHTML Encoder is a cross-platform product, this software works on ALL computer and server platforms which support PHP. The PHTML Encoder includes console and GUI versions of converter. You can lock your scripts to a predefined machine via machine ID. Combine protected/unprotected scripts on one web site.
(3 ratings)
Results 281-300 of 366