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Top Rated Scripts | ASP.NET | Tutorials & Tips

Results 541-560 of 654
Solving "Image Not Found" Problem In GridView
This tutorial explains how to display some default image in GridView when original image not exists. If you try to display images in GridView you will get content of image alt tag or ugly red X if alt attribute is empty. Instead of this, in some scenarios is better to show some other image when original image is not available.
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Cross Tab Reports And Export To PDF
This tutorial explains how you can create cross tab reports and export it to PDF by using popular Stimulsoft reports. Except PDF, the example project included in tutorial can be used to export reports to Word, Excel and many other formats.
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Handle Error simple way in ASP.NET
ASP.NET is more easier than other development technologies and languages. While working on asp.net platform, you may access to system windows event log. Using System namespace you retrieve messages.
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ASP.NET Formview & GridView Coltrol. Insert, Update, Paging And Delete
ASP.NET Formview & GridView Coltrol. Insert, Update, Paging And Delete. Full Code. This is for learning purpose only.
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Writing binary files using BinaryWriter
In this source code we will look at any other new focus on ASP.NET. We could write binary files using BinaryWriter class. Let's see it on a sample code.
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How To Play Flash Video Files In ASP.NET
Flash videos are very popular video format on Internet. To play flash video, you must have client side flash player. Using in ASP.NET web application can be automatized if you manipulate flash player with ASP.NET web custom control. Tutorial includes control source code in both C# and VB.NET.
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Errors And Exceptions In ASP.NET
This tutorial explains how to handle errors with Try-Catch blocks or Page_Error procedure in ASP.NET web application. Every developer will make errors whenever tries to create anything useful. Because of that, we need methods and tools for error handling.
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Stimulsoft Reporting as a universal data converter
This tutorial explains how to create data reports with popular Stimulsoft reports, show it on page and then export to many different formats, like Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, XML etc. without using third party or COM components
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Application Level Error Handling in ASP.NET
This tutorial explains how to handle ASP.NET errors on application level with Global.asax or by using a custom http module. Includes writing and reading errors to Windows EventLog, logging errors to text file or database and sending notification e-mails to administrator.
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Custom Error Pages In ASP.NET
This tutorial explains how to use custom errors pages to provide better user experience when error occurs. When error is occurred on ASP.NET web application, user will get default error page (which is not so nice looking, also known as "Yellow screen of death"). This error page confuses average visitor who don't know the meaning of "Runtime Error". Although developers like to know many details about an error, it is better to show more friendly error page to your users.
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Differences between .Net Framework 2.0 and 3.5
This tutorial reviews new features in .Net Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5. Microsoft is always been stepping ahead of its competitors by bringing great new features and products in the market. The new development environment comes with tons of new features and design differences. .Net Framework 3.5 is ready to make futuristic websites with its extremely easy to use interface, rich accessibility features and new design that allows to reduce the time and efforts in website development.
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Accessibility In ASP.NET Web Site
An accessible website is one which is accessible by everyone. People with any kind of disabilities also should be able to use a website same like a normal person. This tutorial explains how to make your ASP.NET site accessible for visitors with disabilities.
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How To Add CheckBox And Image Button Columns In GridView
The GridView is a powerful tool commonly used in web applications. This tutorial explains how to improve GridView control by adding additional functionalities, like CheckBox or Image Button Columns.
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MVC Architecture Model In ASP.NET
When developing ASP.NET applications the need of reducing code duplication increases along with their complexity. This is because testing and performing changes become very difficult tasks when having many different sources of code with the same functionality. This tutorial explains Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, which allows us to separate different parts of our applications into tiers to fulfill this need.
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JavaScript Auto filling data for ASP.NET web forms with data lock
When we go for shopping online, we purchase any item say CD, Books and place order. To ship our order company ask for our billing as well as shipping address. If we going to gift that item to anyone then both addresses will be different else will same. For same billing and shipping address shopping cart gives us an option. By clicking (checking/selecting) it our billing address content get fill in shipping address field which save our time to retype same address again. All the process of auto filling data is done by JavaScript. Here we are going to design JavaScript Auto filling data for ASP.NET web forms. Also we are going to lock those fields as we simply coping data from one data field to other.
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Introduction to Regular Expressions with .net
Regular expressions(or regex) are a language used for more sophisticated form and text processing. They are often used to perform complex search-and-replace operations, and to validate that text data is well-formed. Regular expressions can be used to perform all sorts of powerful text processing and manipulation in just about every language and on every platform. Every regular expression either matches text (search) or matches and replaces text (search and replace).
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Matching text with Special meta-characters using Regular Expressions
Regex are more powerful and we want to do more than simply search for literal pieces of text. There are certain reserved meta-characters with Special uses and meaning. These "metacharacters" are: the square bracket [...], the backslash \, the caret ^, the dollar sign $, the period or dot ., the vertical bar or pipe symbol |, the question mark ?, the asterisk or star *, the plus sign +, the round bracket (…) and the Curly Brace {…}.
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Regular Expressions IP Address Validation with .net
This regular expression will check for valid Internet Protocol (IP) address. Here we are going to search four decimal numbers groups, each separated by a dot. each set contains zero to three digits. Here regular expression check for two group which on concatenation generate a valid IP address. First group select from 3 alternatives which will find decimal number range from 0 to 255 ending with .(dot or period), exactly 3 repetitions and Second group select from 3 alternatives which will find decimal number range from 0 to 255.
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Read and Display Data From an Excel File (.xsl or .xlsx) in ASP.NET
Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet-application which a good mean to store data in spreadsheet in a table (tabular) form. In this article, we will see how to display data (retrive data or read data) from an Excel spreadsheet using ASP.NET. We are reading an Excel file in ASP.NET. Our ASP page will be on remote server and an Excel file in our desktop. First of all we need to upload it to a remote server and then retrive the data. So we are design a form to upload an excel. There will be possibility that we have to retrive data from a file again and again so we will rename Excel and then upload it.
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Making your ASP.net applications AJAX enabled
This tutorial examines the Triggers functionality of the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel component. XML Triggers give granular control over the components that can cause partial rendering for specific UpdatePanel controls.
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Results 541-560 of 654