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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Forms

Results 121-140 of 231
Duplicator controls
posted byhugortegainForms
Allow elements group duplication, i.e. create dynamically input controls into your web pages without reloads, based on a "model". This mini-library is useful in applications in which is necessary to capture an arbitrary number of items (such as order items, single catalogs, quotations, and others). Works similar to gmail contact list. *Only for Mozilla family*
(3 ratings)
Foreign character inserter
posted byoguzaltuncuinForms
If you are sick of client not being able to insert non english characters, this script would solve your problem. It inserts the character ( that is on a button) into the field which has focus. You need to add the required tags to your html always to display those characters correctly. This one has Turkish characters.
(3 ratings)
Editable javascript SelectBox
posted bycetbinForms
This JavaScript the Code, allows to use SelectBox , simultaneously, is possibility to edit or insert a new option if the necessary element is not present in the list.
(3 ratings)
Textarea maxlength script
This is a simple but effective script for extending your textarea with a maxlength attribute, so the user's input cannot exceed a certain number of characters.
(18 ratings)
Pure Javascript Spell Checker
posted bysan0211inForms
This Javascript based spell checker is capable of finding errors in your input fields with the ease of a few clicks. It supports embedded HTML tags ( as on WYSIWYG text editors) and can be configured to work on multiple languages. It also provides a grammar check option that allows you to find punctuation and capitalization errors in the same text. The spell checker does not require PHP, ASP or any server side language to run. The only requirement is to include an empty iframe that is loaded with the contents of a simple html page containing the words. The script can be configured to only attempt to load the words into the iframe once the user clicks on start the spell check (to allow for uninterrupted loading of the webpage). Or it can allow you to preload the dictionary of words as soon as the webpage is loading.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
FormClick JavaScript Field Validator
posted bypdearmoreinForms
FormClick is a powerful JavaScript include file that makes validating text fields on your web pages easier than ever before! FormClick reduces the size of messy, page-long validation functions to one line and is compact so it loads and runs quickly. Its powerful validation engine ensures that phone numbers, dates, credit cards, etc. are in the correct format every time! You can control the look of every format through powerful regular expressions. Best of all, FormClick is free!
(6 ratings)
Custom Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Select Lists
posted byryanfaitinForms
Use your own images for checkboxes, radio buttons and select lists instead of the default browser inputs. This script uses unobtrusive JavaScript and CSS. If a user has JavaScript disabled, the script degrades gracefully and normal inputs are displayed. Simply add class="styled" to any checkbox, radio button or select list for the effect to take place.
(6 ratings)
Controling input form
There are 2 examples showing how to filter out unwanted characters from an input box using one function and the onkeyup event. Live demo.
(4 ratings)
select value set
posted byfcharruainForms
This JavaScript function allows you to set the value of a select tag without having to know its position in the list. In the sample above, type in a letter of the alphabet and then click on the find button.
(9 ratings)
Validate Zip Code
posted byskyhawk133inForms
Validates a zip code based on both US zip code schemes: 12345-1234 or 12345
(12 ratings)
Submit Form Link - Javascript
posted byremygp17inForms
A very simple and powerfull Submit Form Link javascript !!!! Submit Link Form : Replace a "classic" submit button by a text or image link to process a form !
(6 ratings)
Only One Field
posted bywebmasterinForms
The visitor must fill in either one of two fields, their name or email address. If they click in either box the other box's value is erased. Ensures that when the form is submitted only one field contains a value. Also contains validation that makes sure both fields are not empty.
(3 ratings)
A 1 line metasearch formatted form for your website
posted byvittorio@hsinForms
Add a 1 line formatted form for Meta Search to your website to set your visitors at easy With a simple copy & paste you add to your site a tiny meta search form (1 line only) to your site , that will start a similtaneous search on 12 major search engines in a new window , so your visitor won't quit your site ! We also provide our analysis on submitting and a listing of tips & tricks for website submitting.
(3 ratings)
Option List
posted bykerberosb2binForms
Your users are constantly clamouring for a more enjoyable experience when browsing your website. The Option List form control provides you with the ability to create dropdown selection lists that utilises rich HTML content. This control allows you to create list content with images, formatted text and other selectable mutlimedia content.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
JavaScript Spell Check - Spell Checking for Website Forms. AJAX Compatible
JavaScript Spell Check is a comprehensive spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check is compatible with AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, DHTML and WC3 HTML and XHTML. It is also compatible with almost all modern web browsers. A Free Trial is available to download. SPELLCHECKER DIALOG: A SpellCheck Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry, intranets, rich editors and CMS. AJAX SPELL CHECK: A fully featured Ajax Spellchecking API. SPELLCHECK() FUNCTION: function added to JavaScript to allow realtime spell checking and suggestions. INTERNATIONAL: Java Script Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese. You can also add your own custom dictionaries.
(3 ratings)
Rescue Text and TEXTAREA field values script
One of the worst things that can happen when a user is entering data into an INPUT type="text" or TEXTAREA element is an accidental browser reload or even crash- all the data is instantly lost. This script uses HTML5's sessionStorage to store the text entered into these fields as the user types, and recalls them in an event of a page refresh or even browser crash.
(1 ratings)
Checkbox Changer
posted bywebmasterinForms
Takes a series of known named checkboxes and checks or uncheck them all at once. It can even change each checkbox to the opposite checked or not checked value.
(9 ratings)
JSpell HTML Form Spell Checker
posted bysupportinForms
Put a spell checker on your web page with only 10 lines of code that you cut and paste. Works with plain HTML, JSP, ASP, CGI generated web pages as well as Oracle Forms and Java. Our software does NOT use ActiveX or applets. JSpell has been around since 1996. Our software has been providing spell checking services to organizations around the world for longer than anyone. Try one of our online spell check demos by visiting our web site today.
(4 ratings)
Price 169.95
Medley Tool
posted byajayluliainForms
Medley Tool which is also called Selection Tool, where in you have all the available items on the left <SELECT> box and you select all the required items in the right <SELECT> box using four button i.e: ">", ">>", "<", "<<"
(6 ratings)
Form color picker
posted bytriquiinForms
With this script you can add a palette color picker in your form and ask users to pick a color. In a text field under the palette you will have the hex code of the selected color. Useful when you need to ask your users to pick a color i.e. for a background color. In the example shown there are all web-safe colors. edit: from June 2005 the form contains grayscale too
(3 ratings)
Results 121-140 of 231