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Top Rated Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools

Results 221-240 of 366
Myref - PHP class library for control lists (references)
API and administrative script that help you manage "select", "checkbox" and "radio" lists (references) easy and comfortable.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
SleekTabs is a PHP class which eases the process of creating tabbed interfaces in HTML. Basically put, if you want a tab system (like on Properties/Inspector-styl e dialogues on the desktop) for a bit of content on your web page, SleekTabs automates this process. Just give SleekTabs the names of your tabs, the URLs and customise the styles if you want, then just let ST do the rest! SleekTabs has a built-in Ajax feature - just make a simple page which provides the HTML you want put inside the content area (excluding headers etc.) and tell ST where to find it! With full Ajax functionality, plus a fallback for those without Ajax or without JavaScript, SleekTabs adds that extra Ajax touch to any page while optionally retaining backwards-compatibility for those with JavaScript off, screen readers or old browsers. SleekTabs is free software/open source under the BSD Licence. See the licence header in the sleektabs.php file for more information.
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dbg-wizard.php - wizard/helper for dbg php debugger
dbg-wizard.php is a helper script used to setup remote debugging with DBG - famous php debugger from NuSphere. While dbg-wizard.php is designed to be used with NuSphere PhpED, it can also be very helpful for setting up debugging with dbg php debugger in general, because dbg used by many PHP IDEs. dbg-wizard.php also contains good examples of php code parsing phpinfo, environment variable, configuration files etc.
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Array Handler
This script can convert array to a string separated by special characters and vice versa. You can save the string to a file and restore it. It can be usefull if you want to store some data structure but don't want to setup a database for that.
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Multi-thread Simulation
This class can emulate the execution of program threads using separate HTTP requests to the same script. It establishes an HTTP connection to the same Web server to execute the same PHP script. It sends a request passing the name a function to execute and an argument to be passed to that function. The requested script executes some code that detects the thread execution request and calls the specified function. When the thread request script ends, the return values of the called function is returned as a serialized string. The calling script can execute other tasks while the thread script runs. The results may be collected later when the thread script ends.
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Compass Component Framework for PHP5.1
Compass Component Framework (CCF) for PHP 5.1 and higher is a lightweight object-oriented library which allows to develop OO applications quickly, using wide-known patterns like MVC, FrontController and Injection of Control.
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CSS AutoLoad
CSS AutoLoad processes the @import keyword server-side instead of client-side. In this manner, website authors can easily create and load a CSS framework into all pages with a single stylesheet include, no matter how many .css files are in use. In English: You can use as many stylesheets as you want without having to include each one in your HTML document and without creating extra HTTP requests. Also, compression of the aggregate file save bandwidth by shrinking the size of the aggregated file. Installation takes a matter of seconds and requires no changes to your existing CSS code.
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Akelos PHP Framework
Akelos is a PHP framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database the Akelos PHP Framework gives you a pure-PHP development environment built upon programming best practices. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server. Being port of Ruby on Rails to PHP Akelos is also optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful PHP Code by favoring convention over configuration.
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PHP Stack
PHP Stack brings a stack data structure to PHP. It allows developers to utilize Push, Pop, Search, Empty (a check if the stack is empty), Size and "Peek". Peek allows developers to look at the top item in the stack without Popping it from the stack. Basically, a Stack is a data structure more commonly found in lower level programming languages. It is useful for wanting to organize data in a First In Last Out fashion. This project is released under GPL v3.
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Bsic Data Base Operatons
This class will allow you to Insert, Select, Update, Dlete to and from MySQL Database. It will also give the ID number of the record that you just inserted, with many other features.
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J is an object-oriented framework for PHP inspired by Struts, Ibatis, JUnit and Log4J. Its goal: to bring together the best patterns and solutions from the Java world, while still being simple and easy to use.
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PasteBox is a basic pastebin. It is written in PHP, works with PHP 5. Provides RSS feeds of latest entries, syntax highlighting using GeSHi and clean URLs. Uses PDP-PDO for database flexibility. Runs without setup on many machines (must have PHP 5, sqlite3 (for default setup), .htaccess enabled).
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posted bysaddorinUtilities
This package can be used to execute PHP functions from Javascript using AJAX calls. It registers PHP function that may be called from Javascript. Then it can generate the necessary Javascript code to call those PHP functions using AJAX. A separate helper class can be used to generate Javascript code to be executed when the PHP functions are called.
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Micro Cache
Micro Cache is a small, simple and very easy to use cache framework. With this script you can speed up your page rendering time as during a specified interval the page content will be read from the cache. Depending on code complexity and DB usage the improvement can go up to 10x.
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The purpose of this library is to offer a structured way to generate XHTML markup from PHP, without the traditional interleaving of PHP chunks, HTML chunks and echo statements all over. It is an intermediate concept between templating systems (I don't like the paradigm) and PHP DOM extensions (over complicated for the purpose). It will fit well in MVC designed applications.
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Pop UP Message
PHP as a server script language with strong WEB orientation , lacks the ability of outputing message popup and alert as client script (such as JS) has.This class offer a simple / cross browser way of outputing popup Msg without any Scripting or special packages
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Adventure-PHP-Framework (APF)
The Adventure-(PHP-)Framework is a web development framework helping to design and create object orientated and reusable PHP web applications. A unique DOM model, the generic page controller component and a set of shipped XML tag libraries helps to build complex web application GUIs based on XML/HTML templates. Moreover, the framework core contains components like front controller, global benchmark concept, global error handling and a configuration management class. Various tools such as a session manager, link generation classes, tags for HTML forms, a database abstraction layer for MySQL databases or url filters, that provide more security, makes rapid development easy. At last, reference should be made to the complete modules like guestbook, comment function or a generic pager shipped with each release.
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This package can be used to register event handlers and trigger the execution of actions when an event occurs. There are several classes that take care about registering objects that process events, trigger the execution of actions when an event is triggered, retrieving detailed information about the events.
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awfDialog Wizard
awfDialog Wizard can be used to generate a wizard-like Web based user interface using AJAX to avoid reloading the page when advancing to a new step. It features modal forms dialogs that cannot be closed, or non-modal with an exit button. It displays included or custom icons, which may have standard 32x32 or 20x20 sizes. A Wizard display mode causes the form content region to render in two side-by-side panes. There are AJAX wizard buttons to go to the previous and next pages or cancel. You can use the built-in Help display, or override it with your own AJAX methods. The forms have configurable gradient title bar colors. The user interface elements have unique ID values to allow customization of presentation details via CSS.
(0 ratings)
Ookuwagata is a minimalistic PHP framework that allows the developer to separate application logic from presentation. It can run on any PHP server, but Apache is recommended so that the developer can take advantage of things like GZIP compression and mod_rewrite. Ookuwagata is also completely free and open source.
(0 ratings)
Results 221-240 of 366