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Joomla / Mambo Modules

Results 381-400 of 498
This is "The Weather Component for Joomla!", a joomla component that displays XML weather feed information in compliance with the new Licence Agreement from weather.com TWC4J runs natively in Joomla! 1.5
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.00
iJoomla: digistore
These days, there's no faster or easier way to start making money than with an online store. From downloadable software to antique silverware, millions of people have discovered how simple it is to get an online business up and running. To run a successful store, you need to monitor statistics, from how many users become buyers to how much you spend to make a sale. Our Google Analytics integration makes it easy to keep track of such vital information. And that's not all! IJoomla DigiStore handles everything for you - from user registration to payment. Once you've set up the store, there's nothing to do but bring in buyers and count your cash. To run a successful store, you need to monitor statistics, from how many users become buyers to how much you spend to make a sale. Our Google Analytics integration makes it easy to keep track of such vital information.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
iJoomla Ad Agency
iJoomla Ad Agency is designed to help publishers earn revenue by placing ads on their Joomla sites. Advertisers can submit and upload their ads online, buy packages, start campaigns and run reports. Publishers can do all that on advertisers' behalf, as well as create zones, add payment methods, approve or reject advertisers, ads and campaigns, and a whole lot more. iJoomla Ad Agency gives your Joomla site its very own ad agency -- and it's the only comprehensive ad serving extension for Joomla. If you've got the traffic, iJoomla Ad Agency packs everything you need to make money from it. * Start making money from your traffic today! * Completely automatic and totally hassle-free. * Complete flexibility over placement, campaign type and ad strategies. * You control everything! And many more!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
Joomla Forms
Joomla Forms is a Form generator for Joomla! CMS and is available for Joomla 1.5.x only. It runs in native mode and does not rely on the legacy plugin - It has been designed to meet all your form needs and provide a whole load more than just forms! (Submissions Managment, Uploaded File Manager, Export Options). Integrated Spam Controls, Validation Rules, Filters, Custom elements, Export Options, Fully Integrated to Joomla - all made very easy to use! Well its not nearly a list of all the features, but these are the features that come to mind as I write this! * Specifically designed for Joomla 1.5.x * Allows you to create unlimited forms, with unlimited fields and actions * All forms are xHTML and CSS2 valid * Joomla Forms is written by a very experienced Joomla/PHP Developer * ... who has been awarded the Zend PHP 5 Certified Engineer award! Visit this page to see the full list of features: http://www.joomla-forms.c om/features
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 29.99
iJoomla: Magazine
Whether you need to create an online magazine or just want to make Joomla a lot more powerful and useful, iJoomla Magazine is the ultimate solution. Creating great content has always been key to building a successful website. But if you've ever tried to create a professional-looking online magazine using Joomla, you'll know that getting the result you want can be difficult and frustrating. While Joomla comes with only one home page (the "front page"), iJoomla Magazine allows you to create as many home pages as you wish by creating separate magazines and issues. Each issue will have its own home page as well as its own layout and style. iJoomla Magazine Component comes with 12 possible layouts for your issues' home pages. You can assign a different layout for each issue or use the same layout each time.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
Joomla news portal
iJoomla News Portal turns your existing sections, categories and articles into a live news portal. Within minutes, you can own a news site that's as professional and appealing as CNN.com or FoxNews.com! Designed specifically for Joomla! CMS, iJoomla News Portal is the ideal solution for any site displaying news content. The portal can work as a home page for site dedicated to news or as a news section within a general site that makes breaking information an easier read. The news portal is generated and maintained automatically using your existing sections, categories and content items. New items will display at the top, and flow from one zone to the next, creating a truly dynamic page. Our News Portal component is "hands free". As you add new items, older articles flow from one zone to the next automatically: Top Stories -- Leading Stories -- More News
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
iJoomla: search and archive
iJoomla Search & Archive is a 2-in-1 content retrieval extension for Joomla. With iJoomla Search & Archive, your Joomla site can offer both an advanced search page and an archive page - both fully customized. If you ever thought that the search feature of Joomla just doesn't do the job or if you've ever wanted to show your users a full archive of all your content, iJoomla Search & Archive is the perfect solution!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.95
iJoomla: Surveys
iJoomla Surveys is a Joomla component that lets you easily create surveys, collect information and analyze data. It's great for business, education, research, marketing and more... Survey structure Each survey contains three levels: * Surveys are containers that hold one or more Pages; * Pages are containers that hold one or more Questions; * Questions are individual units that make up the survey and are displayed on pages. For example, the owner of a site about pets could choose to create a number of separate surveys, each dedicated to a different type of pet. Each survey could then have separate pages about different subjects, so one page could list questions about exercise, another about food and so on. Each page would contain a number of questions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.95
iJoomla sidebars
Want to make your article pages more exciting? Want to pack more information into a single page? Place ads? Use polls? RSS feeds? Or tease readers towards another article? SideBars are the perfect solution... and with the iJoomla SideBars Extension for Joomla, they're now a breeze to use. Your SideBars can contain: 1. Google ads; 2. Videos; 3. Any module; 4. Teasers to other articles; 5. Polls; 6. Promotions; 7. Banners; 8. RSS Feeds; 9. Latest Articles;
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.95
Joomla RSS component
What is iJoomla:rssfeeder? iJoomla:rssfeeder allows your visitors to subscribe to one or more RSS feeds from your site. Each section and category generates an RSS feeder that your subscribers can easily add to their RSS reader or to their site. They get free fresh content and you get free exposure and incoming links that increase your site popularity with search engines. This is a great way to get free traffic, free incoming links, free exposure and grow your business. iJoomla:rssfeeder is completely integrated with FeedBurner, an amazing service that Allows RSS publishers the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers. Using FeedBurner became absolutely free a few months ago when they were acquired by Google. In order to enjoy all the benefits of FeedBurner.com, you'll have to sign up to an account with FeedBurner. You can also choose to not use this service, but we highly recommend that you do.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.95
iJoomla: Redirect
Every link that you place on a Web page makes another little hole in your site. Your users drip through that hole... and your PageRank leaks out of it. Of course, you need to have links on your site. It's almost impossible to build a site without them. So what you can do to make sure that your links don't drag down your Page Rank and lower your position in the search engines? iJoomla:redirect is a unique extension designed to protect your PageRank and improve your knowledge of your site. It helps you maintain your site's Google ranking by redirecting your outgoing links to other locations. As a helpful bonus, it also counts the number of times people click those links. And it's incredibly simple to use. Instead of placing a regular link, you just add a redirect link to the backend that generates a special URL. The URL looks something like this: index.php?option=com_ijoo mla_redirect&id=1
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Phoca Documentation
Phoca Documentation is a Joomla! 1.5 Component to display Joomla's articles, categories and sections as a documentation site, e.g. as User Manual, User guide, etc.
(0 ratings)
Phoca Download
Phoca Download is a Joomla! component. It displays sections, categories and files which can be downloaded from the site. Downloaded files are listed in Statistics View (administration).
(0 ratings)
Phoca Guestbook
Phoca Guestbook is a Joomla! component. It is a simple guestbook with Captcha system where you can define forbidden words that will be not displayed.
(0 ratings)
Joomla Tag Component
Joomla Tag Component allows users to tag articles on your Joomla website. Tag Cloud Component Features: It can be linked to the menu, to display a tag cloud in its own page. eg: http://www.visitirelandgu ide.com/tags/ It can display tagged content in a list: http://www.visitirelandgu ide.com/tags/ireland/ It can display an RSS format for each tag content: http://www.visitirelandgu ide.com/index2 ... &no_html=1 Preview of tagged articles Related tags views - Tags related to a set of tags Tags administration, publish, add, edit, delete, filters etc. Quite a bit more.... note: the site referenced is live, please do not add tags to the site. Joomla Tag Content Plugin Features: Displays the tags inline in articles Registered users can add tags. Adding tags is done via AJAX in the background, while the tags update automatically. Joomla Tag Cloud Module Features: Displays a tag cloud - alphabetical, with tag density determining size of the tag. Displays a related tag cloud
(0 ratings)
Joomla! 1.0 Credits
Show your acknowledge to developers of Joomla! extensions that helped you to implement your website, placing in a central web page the credits for your site's extensions. A web-page with the extension's name, version, author and author's website can be dynamically generated. * Dynamic generation of credits page * Option to show/hide version * Option to link author's name to author's e-mail * Option to open linked sites in a new window * Ignore extensions from certain domains
(0 ratings)
Control Access Levels MVC
cACL MVC - Control Access Levels is a component for joomla 1.5 that makes it possible to set access control to joomla 1.5 Backend, to any menu items: content items, components, modules and mambots! Using cACL MVC you can define the access level (allow, restric) for the user who needs to have access in the Joomla 1.5 backtend for accessing * Site menu * Content menu * Extensions menu * Component menu (no hack for any component) * Menus menu * Tools menu * Help menu * Full control of Content * And much more ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 109.00
DOCman PayPal IPN Downloads
Finally! We've released this module and we're happy to share it with the Joomla! Community. This component will help you sell downloads / have Pay Per Download on your site. You don't need to do anything else, just install the module and start earning cache. Stop loosing customers because of third party applications that your users has to fight with, with our component there is no need for registration or providing sensitive information, Just 3 simple steps: 1. Click Download 2. Pay with PayPal 3. Download the file Simple, easy to use and reliable solution for selling downloads on your site with DOCman and this plugin.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Auction Factory - Auction System for Joomla.
Auction Factory supports all common auction types including also Proxy Bidding. Auctions are supporting the usual Bids and BuyItNow features. Also they can be set as Private (bids are hidden to the public) or Public (bids are showed to the public). Among other options there is also the possibility to set up a auction as Automatic (winner will be automatically choosen) or Manual (the offertant will have to choose a winner). The component is provided with an installation kit; by performing the easy setup you will have in minutes a fully functional Auction Site. The interface is very user friendly and you can track easily auctions and bids. In the backend panel, various administration features have been provided in order for the admin to maintain control of the site and survey the auctions and bids.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 260.00
Customers Who Bought... virtuemart module
This VirtueMart module for Joomla! is the analogue of the famous Amazon.com trick "Customers who bought this also bought... " . The module under the product description displays a range of additional products, encouraging customers to buy more than one item at a time. Features: * 2 types of product statistics can be shown in the module: 1. Real statistics (the products which were really bought together with one of the products from your site or after the sale or delayed purchases made by the same customer but within different orders are displayed in the module). 2. Unreal statistics (if you do not want to wait until the component collects enough statistics, you can add some products to the statistics manually). * Customizable module view (Show tag clouds / price / "Add to cart" button in the module and other options) * The component is compatible with Joomla! 1.0 - 2.5 * It works only with a VirtueMart web store, version up to 2.0! * Find more features on our site!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Results 381-400 of 498