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Collection of Magento search extensions that will allow you to offer a better and customizable search experience to your visitors and members.
Results 21-39 of 39
Fast Search and Search Autocomplete - Searchanise
posted bycmsmart1inSearch
Unlike default Magento autocomplete and other custom search extensions, Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension does not put any extra load on your server. Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension delivers relevant search results to your customers instantly as they type. Autocomplete widget is highly customizable and naturally fits any storefront design. Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension is multi-store aware—the instant search widget can be customized individually for each storefront or language you have.From the very first typed character, the magento extension ships smart search suggestions and product previews. As the search term grows, the search results change in real time to become more relevant.
(0 ratings)
Enhanced Default Search Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inSearch
Enhanced Default Search for Magento. It helps to improve your magento store search results and return more relevant result againt your search query. This will help to fix following issue : - Magento Default Search Issue - Default Search Magento - Improve Magento Search - Enhance default search magento
(0 ratings)
Search Suite
posted bymageworxinSearch
Search Suite extension delivers better Magento search results with 3 advanced search engines (xSearch, Sphinx and Solr). It analyzes your Magento store search trends and adjust your sales strategies accordingly. This extension also allows you to instantly deliver the most relevant search results. Your Magento store search becomes maximally flexible.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
MB - Search Suggest and Auto Complete Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inSearch
Search Suggest and Autocomplete extends Magento search and helps it run better for your online store. This extension uses Ajax to return match items with search query quickly. Moreover, the module configuration allows you to change the look and feel as well as customize search query to meet your requirements. Also, you can simply customize the dimension of product thumbnail image, and enable to display product description in the search results.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 41.89
Advance Search with Solr Extension
Make your search faster, smarter and relevant! Yes, this is possible now by configuring Advanced Search with Solr Extension in your e-store. Advanced search with Solr extension is a power-packed enterprise research platform having plethora of useful features to make the product search more relevant and faster. When two powerful platforms integrate – the results are unique! This is what we have tried to yield by integrating Magento with Solr – united two giants to simplify the product search if you own a large store with myriad of products range, making it cumbersome for your customers to search the products of their choice.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest
posted bycmsmartnetinSearch
An easy keyword search is the key component on an user-friendly online shop, Cmsmart Magento Ajax search extension will enhance your magento website with a powerful autocomplete and keyword functionality. Even though you've done smart arrangements with a menu, product modules and guideline techniques, an officially research has confirmed that 90% of users prefer using a keyword search for what they are looking for on your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.86
Magento Search Pro
posted byAmastyinSearch
Your customers will be happy with this advanced search solution with extremely high relevance. Let people quickly find exactly what they are looking for. Significantly increase relevance of search results; Specify search priority for attributes; Enable customers to easily find the necessary products; Choose the search type – ‘like’, ‘fulltext’ or ‘combined’; Highly-configurable autocomplete feature.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Magento Product Parts Finder by Amasty
posted byAmastyinSearch
Create product filters based on key criteria, which help to locate the right products very quickly. Make it easy for customers to find spare parts and components - add year-make-model or similar filters to your website. Year-make-model and analogous product filters; Display product finders at home page and category pages; Add unlimited number of product finders; Create filters with unlimited number of selection options; Optimized for large volumes of data.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Improved Layered Navigation by Amasty
posted byAmastyinSearch
Premium 4-year-old Magento extension, to which you can entrust your navigation. -SEO friendly urls & navigation; -Shop by Brands; -Price filters & sliders; -Multiple and single attribute selection; -Ajax Layered Navigation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 139.00
Magento Year Make Model Extension
The year, make and model extension enhances the user experience by making it easy for the visitor to browse within the hundreds of product and find the one which is suitable for him. The customer can use the advance search feature created by this module to add year, make and model filters and find the product easily.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.99
Search Autocomplete
Magento Search Autocomplete extension turns your store's search box into an intelligent live search function that allows users to see results as they type. It increases conversions drastically.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Free Text Search
posted bymagebuzzinSearch
In lots of web store, there are pages for introducing your services, shipping, return product or reward point policy. And sometimes, it is difficult for customers to find them in menu navigation or footer link. They simply enter the keyword in search input field and look for the result. That is the case you hope they can find out it. Magento search only return products with keyword in product title and description. It can be failed sometimes if customers search by using product sku or manufacturer. Improving that feature, Free Text Search module will help your search work better and make the bigger chance for customers to find out what they are looking for. Instead of reloading the page and show search result in grid / list mode, Free Text Search module can return top results using Ajax by a popup below the search bar. It saves customers time for waiting and they can spend more time looking at products instead.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Extended Search
posted bymageworxinSearch
Extended Search Magento extension greatly improves Magento search results. This extension finds exactly what your customers look for. It runs its own search algorithm, based on products' "weights", which are being calculated dynamically for every search query. Ability to define a priority for every product's attribute allows you to correct search results by changing the way how a search "weight" for products is calculated. Moreover, Extended Search allows displaying any products' attributes near the search field so that your customers will be able to select what attribute they want to use for their search and narrow the found results. All this makes your search results incredibly relevant
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Dealer Locator
posted bymagebuzzinSearch
E-commerce stores are not only located in one place, they sometimes have stores in different locations or they have dealers in multiple places. Thus, it is very important to provide customers a tool to find which place is the nearest to them. Dealer Locator is developed based on this ideal to become a helpful module which helps customers save their time and distance of getting products. In the backend, your admin is allowed to import dealers information from CSV files included Dealer title, email, phone, postal code, address and Google map information which support for searching of customers. In the frontend, customers can find their nearest dealer by postal code, street name, city, state or country. The location found will be shown in Google map which help customers easier to imagine the locations.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
GoMage Advanced Navigation
posted byGoMageinSearch
GoMage Advanced Navigation is designed to optimize and improve navigation of your online Magento store. Ajax filter integration allows your customers to filter unnecessary categories, attributes, and products to find what they are looking for quickly. GoMage Advanced Navigation with integrated ajax filters refreshes selected data promptly allowing your customers to enjoy shopping rather than waiting for the entire page to refresh.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Search Autocomplete and Suggest
Fully customizable look. With a simple CSS edit, you can change any colors, borders, paddings, etc. AJAX-based, so it doesn’t load your full database of products, only those that have been matched Searches after only the third character has been entered Shows product images in the search results Allows your store’s visitors to navigate directly to their desired product pages, completely bypassing the search results page Uses 100% pure JavaScript and CSS, no flash or other embedded content and many more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Browser Search
Our research shows that visitors to a store coming via the search box in their browser bars tend to convert to customers much higher. In fact, we have recorded conversion rates as high as 230%! The reason for the improved conversion are not hard to fathom: these visitors have visited your store previously, are familiar with it and have found it useful. Therefore, these visitors are already higher up in the purchasing funnel. They are visiting your site not just to browse, but in all likelihood, with an intent to transact. Why not make it absolutely simple for them to do so?
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Tag Search for Magento
Ability to search by tags will radically raise chances of the products to be found. There may be a ton of keywords that correspond to a given product, but you often can’t use all of them in product description at once. But in product tags — you definitely can.
(0 ratings)
Manufacturer Model Number (MMN) for Magento
posted byhsbotinSearch
This is "Select Printer" box for Printer Cartridges web sites. It adds ability to select printer manufacturer, model and number. Then when you navigate with categories menu you see only products that match the manufacturer, model and number selected.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-39 of 39