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Results 41-60 of 654
A Gentle Intro To jQuery in ASP.NET
JavaScript development could be hard work, especially if you try to make your code compatible with all those different web browsers. As an ASP.NET developer, you need to write some client side code from time to time. jQuery is JavaScript framework, designed to make JavaScript programming more easier and fun. This tutorial introduces jQuery and shows how to use it in ASP.NET web application.
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Input Boxes Properties and Events - Course ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 - Lesson 3 (free video)
In this video, we look at different ways of creating textboxes: SingleLine (which is the usual way of using a text box for a single line of input like a user name and city), MultiLine (where the user can enter a scrollable list of text. This is useful in the case of asking user for input and feedback on a product), and Password (as the name implies, this is where the user can enter his/her password to access sensitive information). We experiment with every one of those text modes. We also saw how we can associate a control (a label in this case) with an access key. We chose ‘n’ as the key. So now when the user hits Alt-n, he/she will get the focus on the textbox associated with that label. Finally, we looked at the Focus event and the onTextChanged event. The TextChangedEvent will not fire until we set the AutPostBack property to true.
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Label and Literal Control - Course ASP. NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 - Lesson 2 (free video)
In this video, we are covering three points: Control tree, AssociatedControlId, and Literal control. First we start with the control tree. To do that, we created a page that contains few controls (label, dropdownlist, and a button). Then we added trace=true to the page so that the trace information will show when we load the page into the browser. This trace information is very helpful for debugging specially when we look at the control tree and see how the page is structures. Next, we look at the label control. We created a label control with a textbox. We view the source in the browser and see that the label turns into a span tag with all the properties that we set. After that, we added the property AssociatedControlId to associate the label with the textbox (helpful for hearing aid technologies). Doing that help us see the label staying as a label when displayed into the browser (instead of a span).
(0 ratings)
ASP.NET Using Databases
ASP.NET websites would be useless without a data source. For this, most ASP.NET web applications use SQL Server. In this tutorial we will look into how to connect to a SQL Server database and how to use and save data on our web application.
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Web Application Versus Web Site - Course ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 - Lesson 1 (free video)
In this video, we try to explore the difference between a web site and a web application. Although the structure of the site seems the same when we run it, there are key differences between the two. The major difference is that a web application has a project that holds the files together. I can easily right-click on a file and say “Exclude from project”. That option is not available in a web site. A web site is made of files and folder, but no project. So if I need to exclude a file from the web site, I have to either delete it, or give it the extension “.exclude”. In addition, a web project can be compiled into a single dll available in the bin folder. That is not the case in a web site. Every page will compile into its own assembly. If I need to open a web application, I can double click on the project. But since there is no project in a web site, I can select File->Open-> web site from a specific folder (where I originally created the web site).
(0 ratings)
How to create crystal report within ASP.NET - Lesson 01 (free video)
The reporting is most important to any business system. For this crystal report supports to create report to with .NET and ASP.NET applications. In this video demonstration would explore how to create crystal report in ASP.NET Applications. And also you can download sample project with this video demonstration.
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ASP.NET Visual Basic Timers
Timers can be useful when you want to run a task at regular intervals. For instance if you are checking the status of something or updating something every few minutes or seconds.
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Repeater vs. DataList vs. ListView vs. GridView
ASP.NET provides several data presentation controls: Repeater, DataList, ListView and GridView control. Each of these controls could be used for same purpose, to show data from data source. This tutorial compares standard ASP.NET data controls and includes recommendations when to use each of them.
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ASP.NET Session Explored
HTTP protocol, used for communication between web browser and web server, can't identify certain visitor between two requests. When web page is downloaded to client, connection is closed and server deletes all visitor's data. We say that HTTP protocol is stateless. To solve this problem and to maintain visitor's state between requests, ASP.NET introduces Session object. This tutorial explains ASP.NET Session, how it works, different session modes, state compression, cookieless session and more.
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Cookieless Session State Explained
ASP.NET Session State by default uses a cookie to store session ID. This tutorial explains verything you need to know about cookieless ASP.NET Session State. Tutorial covers common problems in implementation of cookieless Session State, security and SEO (search engine optimization) issues.
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IIS7 WWW Redirect
This is simple code that can be added to web.config to support automatic www redirection under IIS7. Just copy this code to web.config file and place it under website root folder and it shall start redirecting your site from http://sitename.com to http://www.sitename.com.
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GDI+ : Creating CAPTCHA
Brief tutorial on how using GDI+ with ASP .NET or manipulating graphics through web application on the fly. You will discover on how to : - Create image on the fly using stream - Creating CAPTCHA using certain background and random alphabet - Using Session in order to verify user.
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ASP .NET – Config Access – Part II
Learn how to : •Manipulate web.config •Manipulate appSetting element •Refreshing web.config element
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ASP .NET – Config Access – Part I
Learn how to : •Access web.config •Displaying appSetting element in a web page •Creating multiple values and keys in appSetting
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Session State Advantages and Disadvantages
ASP.NET Session State is improved in many ways when compared to sessions in classic ASP. ASP.NET Sessions supports web farms, survive web application's restart and can be stored out of working process. This tutorial explains advantages and disadvantages of ASP.NET Session State. Also includes comparation of each session mode.
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How to find if ASP.NET session is expired
ASP.NET doesn't know if visitor is closed web browser or just working on something else while page is still opened. To keep session live we can use meta refresh or JavaScript on client side. That is not always acceptable solution, especially in cases where security is top priority. This tutorial explains how to detect if session is expired and if is, redirect visitor to Session-Expired.aspx page.
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ASP.NET Session State Modes Explained
ASP.NET Session State supports five different modes: Off, InProc, StateServer, SQLServer and Custom. This tutorial explains differences between these modes and recommends which one to use in specific ASP.NET applications.
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InProc Mode in ASP.NET Session State
ASP.NET Session State offers four modes to specify where you can store session data. InProc is default mode. It is fastest and easiest to use, but it has its own drawbacks. This tutorial explains advantages and possible problems when using InProc mode to store sessions in ASP.NET application.
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How to Store ASP.NET Session State on SQL Server
ASP.NET Session State enables you to choose between four modes (InProc, StateServer, SQLServer and Custom) where you want to store website session data. SQL Server is most reliable and scalable of given options. This tutorial explains how to use SQL Server database as storage for sessions data in ASP.NET
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ASP.NET Session State Alternatives
Session variables are easy to use, but they could cause problems with scalability, reliability and security. Although Session State in ASP.NET is improved a lot, especially when compared to classic ASP sessions, it is not appropriate solution in every scenario. This tutorial explains all possible and recommended alternatives for ASP.NET Session state.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 654