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Results 521-528 of 528
posted bysalesinSoftware
With SWiSH you can create professional Flash animations in minutes without buying Flash. SWiSH is so easy to use, you'll be producing complex animations with text, images, graphics and sound in no time. SWiSH has over 150 built-in effects like Explode, Vortex, 3D Spin, Wave and many more. SWiSH has tools for creating lines, rectangles, ellipses, Bezier curves, motion paths, sprites and rollover buttons, all in an easy-to-use interface.
(6 ratings)
Sothink Glanda
posted bysupportinSoftware
Sothink Glanda is a template-based tool designed to create Flash movies for your web site in a fast and easy way. It allows you to easily create a variety of animated effects such as buttons, navigation, splash pages, graphic logos. It creates the same SWF file like Macromedia Flash, but doesn't require any Flash design experience or art design skill. WYSIWYG design panel and integrated preview makes the creation become more intuitionistic. It includes various well-designed templates such as animated buttons, text effects, motion backgrounds and greeting cards as well as vector shapes, images, sound files supplied for your convenience. In the 2001a version, it integrated an import tool which enables you to import shapes, texts, motions from other SWF files. And you can make interactive movies by linking your buttons to external Flash movies.
(3 ratings)
FlashNative Website Builder
FlashNative is a free online website builder. It is designed to give everyone the opportunity to create a Flash website, without needing any programming- or design skills. FlashNative offers over 50 templates, is 100% free and does not require registration: You can directly create and save your website online.
(197 ratings)
posted bybobinSoftware
KoolMoves is an affordable, 5 star rated, Flash authoring tool, used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive content for web sites. It is ideal for creating high impact web pages, banners, navigation systems, and multimedia slide shows. It features libraries of text effects, Flash templates, and clip art. For advanced users, it has Flash AS1/AS3 action scripting, interface components, and bones for character animation.
(36 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Loris Vector Map Engine
posted byilaursinSoftware
LVME consists of Flash map engine (any maps can be loaded into it) and JavaScript bridge, that connects static or dynamic (eg. from a database) outputs and Flash map. Any objects, that are stored in database and have X&Y coordinates can be shown on the map with title, description and external link. JavaScript bridge allows easy manipulation with subsets of data. Any object spotting (click&see) is implemented as well as layering a group of objects. Flash Map Engine allows interactive working with the map - zooming, dragging, moving and measuring distances. Zooming can be done with traditional (+ or -) behavior or direct scaling (jumps to the preset scale). <b>New in 2.06:</b> Printing maps is supported; Multiple detail levels maps are possible; Popup tips for location symbols are supported.<b>New in 3.0:</b>Multiple languages supported (messages for different languages are stored in single file); New GUI; additional location features
(6 ratings)
Action Script Viewer
posted byasvinSoftware
Action Script Viewer (ASV) is an advanced SWF (Flash movie) decompiler for Windows. Decompiles actionscripts, extracts sounds, bitmaps, text, displays the SWF timeline, lets you navigate the internals of a SWF file with context sensitive preview and an info pane. ASV can also extract outlines of vector symbols as Flash MX actionscript, SVG or a JSFL Tool. ASV fully supports Flash 3, 4, 5, MX, MX 2004 and will even show obfuscated scripts. New with version 4, now ASV can save resources and a JSFL command to rebuild the FLA for a SWF with Flash MX 2004. Offers a great head start when reconstructing the FLA. Visit the site for more info. (Note that current demo is of 3.00 version).
(16 ratings)
URL Action Editor
posted byuaeinSoftware
URL Action Editor is a Windows utility, that lets you edit the URL-related actions in SWF (Flash movie) files. This is useful if you lose the FLA source and need to change the URL addresses. In case there are graphical symbols referring to those URLs, the utility will also let you hide certain types of symbols. You can also import (from another SWF) and replace symbols including non-streaming sounds. Visit the product site for more info.
(18 ratings)
FlashMaster Creative
posted bysalesinSoftware
FlashMaster Creative is a multimedia screensaver creator and is a must for any multimedia professional or flash designer to own, FlashMaster creates screensavers from Macromedia Flash, Director, Adobe Live Motion and other top design software apps. It is simple to use, making the process of building fully interactive multimedia screensavers quick and painless. Simply create your screensavers using your favourite deign/web technology tools and use FlashMaster to convert them into working screensavers packaged in an executable set-up file ready for distribution. Whether it be on the Internet, CD-ROM or any other forms of computer media, you are free to distribute as many copies your screensaver(s) as you wish, with the unlimited distribution license, which you get as standard with this version of FlashMaster.
(3 ratings)
Results 521-528 of 528