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Results 41-60 of 266
Flyout Dropdown Menu
posted bybobbfwedinMenus
The flyout can be configured to fly left, right, up, or down. The flyout can be just about any object (div, table, etc.), thus they can be formatted however you want. The flyout transitions with both a fade in/out and vertical expansion/contraction. You can set direction, transition speed, frame rate, offsets, timeout, and maximum opacity. Ease of implementation was important during development. The flyout only requires a few lines of CSS (examples in the JS comments) and mouseover events to be set. In the file download, both the fully documented code and a minified version is contained in the ZIP file. Compatible with IE5+, Firefox 0.9+, Safari, Opera 9+, and Chrome Note: IE doesn't get the "expansion" effect because when coupled with "http-equiv: X-UA-Compatible :: IE=9" it makes the script fail after first mouseover.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Mega Menu Complete Set
posted byScriptDirinMenus
Based on a custom grid, this menu allows you to organize your content into columns (from 1 up to 12) with a lot of typography examples such as headings, lists, images styling, tables, form elements, etc. In the download, you’ll find 5 separate folders for each layout variant with all 13 colors ready to use with a simple CSS class.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
posted byScriptDirinMenus
Parameters that can be triggered within the script: classNormal – class of the link included in menu classHover – class of the active link included in menu
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Nice Menu V1.0
posted byScriptDirinMenus
Features: Easy to use, valid html and css code Works in all majors browsers Easy to plug and play script to your website / blog or gallery
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Likno Drupal Menu Module / Addin
posted byliknoinMenus
Create powerful JavaScript/CSS menus for your Drupal websites/projects with the AllWebMenus Drupal Menu Module/Addin - no JavaScript experience needed from you. JavaScript Drupal menus is now easier than ever, with many options and minimal coding! Produce cross-browser CSS menus that work alike in all browsers by customizing them through many menu properties (i.e. css menu properties), themes, effects, styles (sliding/floating menus), etc.
(0 ratings)
Context Menu Class
posted byScriptDirinMenus
The menu will never overflow the viewport and the script allows multiple elements to use the same menu.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
LightBox Advancer Expression Web Addin
Extended LightBox Expression Web add-in that allows you to show images on your website in a great-looking popup windows with lightbox-style overlay effect without writing a single line of code. This tool provides the best way to add lightbox-style windows to your website in a few clicks.You can make custom Lightbox window or use included professionally-designed styles. Auto-thumbnail generation function creates thumbnails quick and easy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Accordion Menu Advancer for Dreamveawer
Dreamweaver extension is an advanced and easy-to-use tool that makes accordion CSS menus on your website easily. Accordion Menu Advancer has an intuitive GUI and extensive library of free professionally developed templates. This tool generates the light-weight, cross-browser, SEO-friendly CSS menus. It saves your time as it does not require any css/javascript knowledges. Full control on all aspects at menu creation guarantees perfect results.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Horizontal Menu Advancer for Expression
Add great professionally-looking CSS menus to your website in an easy way using this Expression Web add-in. Horizontal Menu Advancer have intuitive GUI and coming with extensive library of professional-designed styles. This tool generate light-weight, cross-browser, SEO-friendly multi-level CSS menus and save your time as does not require css/javascript knowledge. With the live preview function you always see how your menu will look in browser.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Easy Drop down menu
posted bySitebaseinMenus
With this script you can make nice and interactive drop down menus. The advantage of this script is that it not only gives you the ability to make list drop down menu. You can also use a div as drop down element. This way you can create big drop down menus like under the buttons products and tutorials in the live preview. Or you can create a login panel in your drop down like I did in the live preview.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byScriptDirinMenus
Simply hovering over the content will automatically scroll to the part of that content that is relative to the mouse position.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
SV Animated Menu Pack 1
posted byScriptDirinMenus
All are stand alone, requiring no external libraries or frameworks. They are extremely small at 1-1.5kb a piece uncompressed. If you compress them they are all closer to 1kb or less. These scripts make it possible to create great menus with flash like effects very easily.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Sticky Nav Menu: Updated
posted byScriptDirinMenus
If you’ve ever seen those neat little bars that stick to the bottom of a website – like the one at Envato.com – this mimics that functionality.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Deviant Menu JavaScript
posted byScriptDirinMenus
This is tiny (5KB), animated menu that reminiscents of an old DeviantART menu. Submenus are slided in one column, so they don’t take much place on webpage.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Drop Menu
posted byScriptDirinMenus
The advantage of this script is that it not only gives you the ability to make list drop down menu. You can also use a div as drop down element. This way you can create big drop down menus like under the buttons products and tutorials in the live preview. Or you can create a login panel in your drop down like I did in the live preview.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
NodeFire Library
posted bynodefireinMenus
NodeFire is a feature rich, lightweight (11K Gzipped), navigation focused JavaScript widget library. Robust menu, animation, and base classes are specifically designed to be home page fast while offering complete API exposure.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 120.00
Flex Level Popup Menu
Enhance arbitrary links on your page with some multi level powers with Flex Level Popup Menu! It lets you associate a multi level drop down menu to any link on the page, so moving the mouse over the link activates the menu to be shown beside it. Each pop up menu is simply defined as a regular nested UL on the page, making it very intuitive to set up, not to mention the menus search engine friendly!
(0 ratings)
Flex Level Drop Down Menu
This flexible menu script lets you add a multi level drop down menu to any link on the page. It supports dropping down from the anchor link or to the right of it instead, which is useful when the link is a side bar link. A nice expanding animation brings the menu into view, with the delay before the menu appears/ disappears customizable.
(0 ratings)
Javascript Listview as in Windows 7 with AJAX integration
posted byThomasRabeninMenus
Create a fully integrated Listview as in Windows 7 directely on your website. Features: Add content with AJAX, Resizeable columns, Many view styles, Create custom view styles, No postbacks, Multiselect like windows using CTRL or SHIFT and much more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 61.25
Deviant Menu
posted bydirarkoinMenus
a Javascript class for Mootools framework that creates an unlimited dynamic menu from a ul lists and has a similar effect as the deviantart
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 266