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Results 61-80 of 83
webJobs Zip Code Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
Add zip code searches to your webJobs job board site. This plugin lets your vistors search within a specified mile radius of the zip code entered. Visitors can search for jobs within 10, 25, 50, etc. miles of their zip code to find the most relevant results. Great for sites targeting US customers! Call us today with any questions at 1-888-706-1394.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Online Jobs and Recruitment Management Portal Script
This is the best solution if you are looking to run an online jobs/resume website. We have integrated many features which you can use and take full advantage of the online jobs portal. This is a very powerful online Online Jobs/Resume management package system that we've developed exclusively and user friendly. User will be able to search, update, add/remove, and edit their resumes/profiles from database. In addition, user can also add/delete/change descriptions, upload images/photos. The New Version is Completely Revamped !
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 319.00
eJobBoard Job Board Software
posted byoo00ooinEmployment
eJobBoard is the primary job board software which allows you to implement a fully featured recruitment website with advanced management tools for both the jobseeker and the recruiter. eJobBoard is designed to be flexible and can integrate with your existing website and requires no technical or programming skills to administer or set up. Whether you are looking for a simple recruitment website or a fully featured job board software package, eJobBoard is the right choice for you.
(28 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.99
JobSite Professional
JobSite Professional is a powerful and responsive php software for creating multi-user online jobs portal websites. It has various features for the employers to post jobs, make them featured, upload banners, search in the database with job seekers resumes and others and also for the job seekers to apply for jobs, create their resume online etc. The software has various plugins coming by default like Indeed, SimplyHired and CareerJet back fill plugins, Facebook connect and many others. It comes with a front site (fully customizable and template based), job seekers administration space (with functionality for the users to edit their profile, see the job offers, create and manage their resume etc.), search the database with the job seeker resumes and many others) and an advanced administration panel (providing full control over the website, its content and settings). It's provided with the full not encrypted source codes, free installation and support and free powered by removal.
(200 ratings)
PriceUSD 389.00
Job Recruitment Software
posted byZaffa7inEmployment
Job recruitment software allows you to start a fully automated and comprehensive HR recruitment agency website. Developed in PHP/MySQL which exports pages to HTML in mod rewrite. All templates of the job recruitment are DIV templates. Include in the hr solution are banner adverts tool, automated FAQ, upload documents in any format and add news articles, set dates on which they automatically expire. Add unlimited number of job adverts, detail job adverts, fully search able jobs and advance job search. Our job recruitment software will allow you to submit your jobs direct to our job board software.
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 3,000.00
Job Board Software
posted byZaffa7inEmployment
Job Board Software & Recruitment Solution allows you to start a fully automated and comprehensive job site, providing you with the newest features of major employment sites out there, such as monster.com and totaljobs.com. Our job board software enables you to process payments instantly through the popular payment gateway Worldpay and Protx. An online job listing solution - to list all your job vancancies. Includes all usual job related fields. This jobs board, allows job seeks to submit their CV's; allows job agengies / employees to search for CV and post thier jobs to the jobs board. Extra plugin's postcode search, which allows address management to find people / users can search via postcode, find nearest job to your postcode, email marketing plugin and Sage Line 50. Job Data Feed to can automatically update other web sites such as Conkers.net, Jobsense.net, Broadbean and Postingpal. Payment gateway Sage Pay, Worldpay Seamline, HSBC, Barlcays Bank payment gateway and Paypal.
(9 ratings)
PriceGBP 3,000.00
webJobs Authorize.net Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
The webJobs Authorize.net plugin allows you to accept payments through the popular Authorize.net payment gateway. The plugin is fully compatible with webJobs and is simple to install. Once installed, simply enter your merchant ID and you can begin accepting payments at once. As with all of our products, we offer a free installation and can assist you in installing this module if you need help!
(2 ratings)
webJobs VeriSign Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
The webJobs VeriSign plugin allows you to accept payments through the popular VeriSign payment gateway. The plugin is fully compatible with webJobs and is simple to install. Once installed, simply enter your merchant ID and you can begin accepting payments at once. As with all of our products, we offer a free installation and can assist you in installing this module if you need help!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
webJobs 2CheckOut Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
The webJobs 2CheckOut plugin allows you to accept payments through the popular 2CheckOut payment gateway. The plugin is fully compatible with webJobs and is simple to install. Once installed, simply enter your merchant ID and you can begin accepting payments at once. As with all of our products, we offer a free installation and can assist you in installing this module if you need help!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
webJobs PayPal Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
The webJobs PayPal plugin allows you to accept payments through the popular PayPal payment gateway. The plugin is fully compatible with webJobs and is simple to install. Once installed, simply enter your merchant ID and you can begin accepting payments at once. As with all of our products, we offer a free installation and can assist you in installing this module if you need help!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
webJobs Bulk Posting Plugin
posted bysalesinEmployment
The webJobs Bulk Posting Plugin allows employers to upload new job posting in bulk. This is particularly attractive for larger companies who are looking to advertise many job openings in their company at once. Employers can upload tab, comma, or pipe delimited files and the plugin will automatically read these files into the database. This plugin allows larger companies to add jobs much easier, adding extra revenue to your job board website!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Top Job board Script
posted bysbsolsinEmployment
This Job board script is a wonder solution to launch your recruitment site. It is a COMPLETE SCRIPT with quality features like : Jobs and resume posting ; Multilevel categorization of jobs; Resume search for employers ; Applying online for jobs ; Cover letter management ; Support for multiple company profiles ; multiple resumes ; multiple cover letters and multi level categorization based on field of the job and location. FULLY customizable colors and graphics. Full Online DEMO available online.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 175.00
A full featured, completely automated, high quality Employment/Recruitment system. Job2C (Job to Customers) is the perfect solution for nationwide professional Employment/Recruitment online service providers such as Monster.com, HotJobs.com. Written by HR Directors for HR Directors providing truly useful and quality results and features unlike any other board. Full multilanguage support!
(58 ratings)
PriceUSD 700.00
webJobs Job Board and Job Portal Software
posted bysalesinEmployment
webJobs allows you to start a fully automated and comprehensive job site, providing you with the newest features of major employment sites out there, such as Monster and Hot Jobs. Our job board software enables you to process payments instantly through the popular payment gateway Authorize.net. Payment options can be easily configured through our intuitive administrative area, as well as all other components of the site such as the layout, emails, and registration options. NEW: iPhone support, backfilling of jobs, new themes, feeds for Indeed, SimplyHired, Google Base and login integration with Joomla! Whether you are looking for a simple job script or a fully featured job board software package, webJobs is the right choice for you! Please don't hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-706-1394.
(80 ratings)
PriceUSD 1,999.00
Jobs Zone :: Classified ads script for jobs based on industry
Jobs Zone was designed to target a specific industry one at a time. Jobs Zone has many features like an extensive jobs resume system which includes a separate head for education, references, experience and affiliations. An employer can see it separately or all together for a job seeker. A job seeker can at any time add/edit/delete these affiliations, education, reference and experience details. There is a search facility for employers in their account which they can use to search for a right candidate. We have provided an extensive admin panel for this website where you can edit/delete the user accounts. Provide them with a facility to search, See and enable the jobs posted, create and manage news, a link exchange system, send newsletter to the registered users and more. Please see the demo site for more details. All our customers and clients receive free upgrade of any new future versions of this script.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
Jamit Job Board 3
Jamit Job Board is a PHP application for running and managing a jobs portal website. It is written in PHP and supported by a MySQL database. It is a complete script for those that want to run a professional Job Board website, with all the features that you would expect and simple and easy to navigate and use. The Job Board script was designed by applying many of the principles learned from the study of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Features includes Employer's area, Job Seeker's area, Email alerts, Job Search, Online resume, Multi-lingual, Dynamic Forms, Billing system for subscriptions & posting credits (integrated with PayPal IPN), and more.
(69 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Ultimate Jobs and Recruitment Script
Most popular tool to launch your own jobs portal. Complete ready to use jobs site with features like (1) company profiles (2) job search (3) resume search (4) 9+ great revenue streams (5) online application, (6) resume builder and lots more. More high end featured features include (A) Jobs and resume posting (B) Multilevel categorization of jobs (C) Resume search (D) Upload resumes (E) Create cover letters (F) Applying online (G) Company profiles (H) Premium employers (I) Unlimited resumes, jobs,categories and locations (J) FULLY customizable colors and graphics (K) And lots more... FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Free installation and support. Download the script now!
(26 ratings)
Omnistar Recruiter Software
The Omnistar recruiting software allows the posting of available jobs, creation of a customized application form and the management of submitted resumes. Our software is a web based job board solution that can automate the entire recruitment process, thus eliminating needless paperwork. With our recruiting software, any business or organization can easily add an employment section to their existing web site. Our customizable user-interface will allow you to match the look and feel of your web site thus providing a seamless transition to the employment section of your site. Webmasters can even private label the software and brand the product as their own. Other features of the recruiting software include the ability to email resumes to specific departments, create internal tracking categories and set job expiration dates so that jobs that are no longer available will not be accessible.
(36 ratings)
PriceUSD 247.00
HTML Resume Template
A basic HTML resume template in PHP. You enter your information into PHP arrays and it generates a valid XHTML 1.1 resume with CSS styling. It will also produce a plain text version. See web site for example.
(24 ratings)
PHP-Lance, is a full customizable Freelance Marketplace (with multilanguage support, multiple skins support etc.)! The script has a lot of advanced customization option (this can be found in the admin area) which can be used to integrate the script into your website design (layout) and adjust to your preferences. You don't have to know programming to be able to make this kind of changes, you don't even have to open a file.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.95
Results 61-80 of 83