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Results 41-60 of 83
Advanced PHP Job board Script (with SEO and design)
Our Job board Script is a complete Php application for your professional job board portal. It includes every feature that a good job board portal should have like Online Resume Creation, Uploaded Resumes, Cover Letters, Applying for jobs online, Job alerts by email, save job search results, Language translatability etc. Get more organic traffic from search engines because of SEO friendly URLs and separate meta tags for each job category and job details page. Inbuilt expandable "Social Bookmarking" and RSS Feeds will expand your web site's reach. Plus security features like MD5 encryption of passwords and Captcha. ur script works on one time payment and life time revenue generation model. So, you only need to pay once to use our script for lifetime. FULL ONLINE DEMO. Fully evaluate the whole script without downloading anything or providing any personal info.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 175.00
Freelance Script - 2DayBiz
2daybiz Freelance script facilitates service buyers to post their buying requirements and the service providers to place their best bids in order to get the job. It is powered by the PHP/MySQL combination, designed with all integrated tools useful for rapid deployment of a viable solution for freelance auction script. Freelance script easy to manage and very simple to deploy, comes with a web-based administrative panel has the capabilities to manage users, financial transactions, categories and all relevant aspects of the system, with few clicks of the mouse. The script also comes with a built in accounting system which helps to monitor earnings, transactions, choose payment solutions and set commission rates or a flat fee chargeable to freelancers and webmasters. The system also facilitates payment to freelancers after they successfully finish a job...
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 180.00
Easily build and manage your own job board. A solution designed and tailored to your needs built with our wide variety of objects and layouts. Web based application written in PHP and using the MySQL database. Job Boards Pro is an ideal solution for various associations, world wide internet portals, recruitment firms, employers and for all entrepreneurs that want to start Job Board. Solution that makes your business grow! This premium web application is designed mainly to create a meeting place for employers and job seeker. It saves the recruiter a lot of time and money that would be used for advertisement. Easy to use interface makes job hunting so easy and effective. Recruiters on the other hand benefit tremendously from this product because it enables their search for qualified work force so much easier. Unique look for your Job Board - Frontend Designer
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 195.00
jobberBase is an easy and lightweight job board to implement for your site. With editable url structure and multiple themes support, you can not only build a great job board but many other variations too. jobberBase has a powerful administration panel and widgets support to display jobs on any html/php page.
(27 ratings)
iLister Career Classifieds Script
With iLister Career, you can easily develop your unique job website that will serve the needs of businesses and recruitment agencies by offering thousands and thousands of full-time, part-time, and contract job vacancies everyday! It is also a great way of letting individuals advertise their skills and capabilities looking for their dream jobs. The Career Builders area, all available job offers are arranged in a number of employment categories, including: general employment, technical, IT, construction, security, hotel, marketing, financial, banking, legal, engineering, medical, management, media and human resources and so on. iLister Career combines a powerful built-in Content Management System, a flexible internal listing search engine, a comprehensive set of SEO tools and capabilities, a publishing WYSIWYG tool to publish rich content such as industry news, website tips, news, relevant articles anywhere on your website, and lots more.
(30 ratings)
posted byhsbot2inEmployment
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards. Plugins can extend JoobsBox to do almost anything with their job board. Themes allows the community to share their templates and find the right look for their job board. JoobsBox focus will be towards standards, usability and users needs..
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 0.05
Search Engine Optimized Job Board Script
Most downloaded Job board script for years now. 100s of features. Extremely search engine friendly. URL rewriting. Really professional script with elegant looks. Zero recurring cost. Free installation. Free support. FREE live demo. Explore all features NOW. Great Earning potential. It is a COMPLETE SCRIPT with quality features like: 1) Job posting for employers. 2) Online resume building and resume uploading 3) Multilevel categorization of jobs 4) SEO optimized to provide you better visibility in search engines, using separate meta tags for each job and job category. 5) Separate meta-tags for each Job and Job category. 6) URL rewriting 7) Resume search for employers. 8) Online application system 9) Cover letter management. 10) Supports multiple company profiles 11) Support for UNLIMITED Color Schemes and Icon Sets . 12) RSS Feeds 13)Social bookmarking 14)Google maps 15)Video resumes 16) youtube support 17) And lots more... FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Now FREE installation and support.
(14 ratings)
Freelance Website Script
Freelance website script driven with PHP and MySQL is an ideal solution for anyone that requires a reverse auction type Freelance website script, written in PHP and Driven with MySql it comes with easy step by step setup instructions and completely automated setup script. Absolutely no files to edit. This script also offers an array of neat features including Integrated PayPal and 2Checkout Payment Modules with ability to add custom payments, Escrow Services and Message Boards plus loads more.
(3 ratings)
PriceGBP 4.99
Job Search Engine Aggregator job script
posted byvidalinEmployment
JobGeni.com is a new job search engine aggregator that supports several languages. What it does is to grab multiple RSS data feeds in real time from job boards spanning seventeen different countries, and present the jobs it has found to the user instantly. The main advantage of such an approach is that the jobs have a bigger degree of relevancy, as every single posting is up-to-date. This is what happens when you don't resort to a database (that can become obsolete within days), but rather to live feeds from all over the WWW. And such an approach has another distinctive merit: if you want to broaden the scope of JobGeni manually, you can do so by adding more RSS feeds in order to get even more results to choose from.
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
PG Job Site Pro
Job Site Pro is the most flexible, scalable and customizable Job Board Script. The job script includes a wide range of advanced options: multi lingual interface (including right-to-left), customizable through the back-end design, search engine friendly, social networking tools (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Vkontakte), paid services, video resumes, moderation tools, and much more. Forms builder helps to personalize vacancies and resumes to your requirements. Being based on CodeIgniter framework, the script is extremely easy to customize. We guarantee stability and high performance. We provide lifetime license, free installation, free technical support. Deploy your job board site in minutes!
(55 ratings)
PHP Store Career Search
This script is a web application with an online resume maker for job applicants. For webmasters, this is the perfect money making classifieds repository with functions in the admin area to send newsletters, upload banners, manage employers or jobseekers and more. The site is preprogrammed with paypal and the payment settings to charge registered users can be set from the admin area.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
ZeeJobsite v2.0 - Advanced Jobs and Employment Manager
Start Your Own Advanced Online Job / Employment Portal Website. Resume Database download in MS excel format, Resedex plans, admin panel, affiliate system, advanced jobseeker features, Confidentially Settings, advanced employer features, banners, google adsense and more... Now with SMS Features, Video Resume and Invite Friends System ! Jobseeker's, Employers and Admin Panels. Can see the demo -www.zeejobsite.com
(16 ratings)
PriceUSD 97.95
Zeecareers - HR Consultancy Software
A Fully Dynamic Recruitment Consulting Solution which helps HR Consultants in their activities. It is developed in PHP and MYSQL with consideration of SEO and user friendly & easy navigation to users. ZeeCareers v2.0 or Zee Recruitment Consulting Solution 2.0 or also called as Applicants Tracking System is designed for HR consultancies to manage their affiliated companies job postings and applications with ease, which are commonly called as "Careers" on the Web site. A hiring manager or HR recruiter can post jobs, receive applicants� resumes, manage resumes online through a very powerful tool called Candidate Manager in the admin section of the website. Demo at www.zeecareers.com and admin login at www.zeecareers.com/admin - login with admin and admin.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 97.95
Jobs classified ads
Script designed to bring together employers paid postings and advertising. Employers can choose between account plans to post careers, that applicants can apply for. Employers receive instant notification of applications that are printable from the employers browser, plus employers can search resumes to find applicants for all their employee needs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.90
**NEW** JobHut 1.2 - An open source job board solution
**NEW** JobHut 1.2 is a Web-based application built using HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP/M ySQL/ that enables you to quickly deploy a multi-user/employer job board. It can be used to setup job boards for specific countries, regions, or niches. Benefits include: - Free - Easy to implement - SQL file creates MySQL DB schema - Only one file to configure - 9 configurations/variables - Simple layout with customizable color - It works - Well tested - Easily customized - XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliancy - Built-in ad space - Make money by posting ads (e.g. Google AdSense, etc.) JobHut features: - **SEARCH** - Advanced job search capabilities - Keyword(s) - Job category - Job location - **JOBSEEKER** - Jobseekers apply via form, which includes - Name - Email - Resume - Message - Application is forwarded/emailed to employer - **EMPLOYER** - Employer administration includes: - Self registration - Email validation - And more...
(28 ratings)
PHP Freelancer Script with MYSQL
Script can be used to develop a website that will allow users to sign up as Customers: who post projects or tasks needed to be done or as Freelancers: who will bid on the projects or tasks to be done. Once the project is done, the customer pays the freelancer the bid amount. Great interactive site written in PHP and mySQL with an admin panel, full support and free upgrades, and setup option. Very easy to setup and get going. Uses a header and footer. Great idea for an online business.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 200.00
Ez Job Website
MySQL Driven, professional job listing website main features include: Control panel for Job Seekers and Employers. Advance search facility. Easily managable categories and sub categories. Job seekers can easily post Cvs to employers. Easily customizable, two templates. Administrator can send separate newsletters to job seekers and employers. Job listing verification by administrator. Users can send job proposals to friends. And Much More.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
Run your own job directory. The script retrieves jobs from Indeed.com Features include - Easy to edit html template files, Simple wizard installation, Make money through google adsense, Jobs are pulled from a number of job sources, Easy to edit language files, No need to setup a cronjob, Powerful Admin panel for controlling your site and 1 year of upgrades.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Job Site/Job Board Software
Ejobsitesoftware is a web-based application built on PHP/MySQL/Linux Platform that enables you to quickly deploy a fully functional advanced job board or job site. It can be used in setting up niche Jobsites for specific countries, regional Jobsite or a general Jobsite. Our job sites are customized to each client's requirements.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 1,500.00
SS PHP JOB BOARD is most enhanced job boards for internet job seekers and providers. Easily customizable and fully featured job board written in PHP and using MySQL database. A clean and efficient administration area where operators may post jobs, extend/show/hide existing jobs, find registered candidates and peruse CVs/Resumes. Locations, Sectors, Career Levels and Educational Qualifications are each editable through admin. This website script may be incorporated seamlessly into any existing PHP site and also supports enough features to be a standalone website in itself. Ideal for recruitment agencies and job sites. Full technical support included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Results 41-60 of 83