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Web Traffic Analysis

Results 41-60 of 96
Simple stat system
This is a great script if you want to have the check how many visitors visit you site. The script keep track of daily monthly and yearly visitors (both unique and non-unique) and also gives you there browser type, OS and referral.
(3 ratings)
Scriptalicious PageRank Checker Script
Scriptalicious PageRank Checker Script lets you launch a PageRank Checker Web site in just minutes! Scriptalicious Turnkey PageRank Script includes three powerful PageRank tools: * PageRank Checker displays PageRank from multiple Google datacenters * Multiple PageRank Checker displays PageRank for multiple domains * PageRank Display shows live PR graphics on any site. Our PageRank script is designed to be easy to use and configure. You can have your new PageRank Web site up and running in just minutes. * Great way to build traffic and links * Includes 10 super slick PR button graphics * No database required * Install & configure in minutes * Supports custom templates & PageRank images * Free support & upgrades for one full year
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Scripteen Search Engine Checker Script
Scripteen Site Checker Script allows you to simply enter a sites URL and click submit, when submitted the script will Ping, Get the PageRank, and also Get the Inbound Link count of the sites url. Checking you're sites can prove very effective and helps you market you're websites for the correct keywords. This is a very easy to use, and very lightweight script that requires NO INSTALLATION, no database, any only a few KB of disk space. The script will need a Yahoo! API ID to be able to check the Inbound Links. The script uses Google to check the PageRank. For Pings, a simply PHP function is called. Script Features: Very Lightweigth No Database Needed No Installation Web 2.0 Design JQuery Effects and Interaction Comes with PSD File No Admin Panel Needed
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Dynamic Hit Counter With Built in Analytics and Auto-Email Notifications
Now updates automatically without a page refresh via AJAX simulation! First, it measures the total number of hits for all time. Then it measures the number of hits for that particular day. Also, it measures the number of users that are currently browsing your website at that particular moment. Also, you have the option to keep a history log. This feature will save the hit statistics every day, after midnight, to the history log file on the server. The format for the history log file is this, each line represents one day's activity. The first section records the date for which that line represents, the second section records the total number of hits for that day, and the third section records the maximum number of users browsing your site at the same time, including the exact time that the peak activity occurred! This is very useful if you wish to know the dates and times that your site is most popular. Includes monthly history log email notifications, and supports JavaScript!
(3 ratings)
D4WStatsLittle - Web Stats System
Web stats system with Dreamweaver integration available. It has minimum server side requirements and many reports providing valuable information for search engine marketing and search engine optimization purposes. No database system required and can works under both Windows and Linux/Unix environments. The IP blocking feature available allows you to prevent your own visits to be counted. Reports includes most popular pages, external referrers, external domains, search engine keywords, screen resolutions, cookie's support, country origin and a others. No advanced or programming skills required to use this web stats software. As a limitation in D4WStatsLittle system it reports the web traffic only for the current day.
(36 ratings)
Analyse visitors to your website. Find out where they came from, what they were using and compare the days/months/years.
(3 ratings)
Traffic Rank PHP
Traffic Rank PHP or Alexa Ranking Booster PHP is a free, easy to use script which will help you improve your Alexa Ranking. This script uses multiple proxy servers to create unlimited traffic(visitors) to your website. All you have to do is unzip the distribution package,define the target url(the website which you want to promote) and upload the script on your server.You can choose how many visitors you need,set the referrer url and many other advanced features.This script is free to redistribute.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
D4WStats Web Stats for Dreamweaver
D4WStats is an easy to install - easy to understand web traffic analysis software. D4WStats gets the traffic information through an invisible JavaScript code inserted on your pages, and register the real user visits creating a lot of useful reports designed to marketing and search engine optimization. This web stats system is packed as Dreamweaver extension allowing to be installed with a single click from the Dreamweaver menu. The requirements and server load are minimums.
(26 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
PHP Web Statistik
The PHP Web Statistik offers you a highly configurable PHP-based visitor tracking and analyzing script. It can be run with or without database connectivity. The following stat modules are available: years, months, days, weekdays, hours, referers, browsers, operating systems, last visitors, provider, country of origins ,hits ,page impressions, search engines, search phrases, visitors of the last x days, colordepth, resolution and trends. The logging function works with javascript, image tags or native php code. Further features: log cache for faster display, trends analysis, Administration panel, time intervals, archiving functions. Since the version 4.8.00 there is a support for IPv6 addresses, several new plugins and weekly or monthly email reports.
(666 ratings)
PriceEUR 6.99
Site Bread Crumbs
This free site tool gives you the power to track your visitors' paths through your site. It lets you specify what to call each page, and tracks the date and time each "crumb" the visitor was left. It also tells you how the visitor found your site. It does not require a database and can be setup in minutes.
(0 ratings)
Simple IP to Country without databases
Just for identification of country. Instead of a database, IP information is stored into many files, so that only one of them is requested each time. Additionaly, files with data only for specific countries is available. Example scripts for usage of data files is provided. Ip data is updated regularly.
(3 ratings)
SimpleStats 1.0 PLUS
The SimpleStats program allows a website owner to get a quick and well laid out view of exactly what has been happening on their website. The application features an overview of recent pageviews and visitors, the most frequently viewed pages, the top websites from which people are coming to your site, and what words or phrases people are searching for to find your site.
(3 ratings)
SearchBot Detector - MySQL
This script is a PHP script that interfaces with MySQL to keep a complete record of every time a search engine or other bot indexes your site. It will detect over 100 search engines, including Google, MSNBot, Yahoo, Alexa, etc.
(9 ratings)
SimpleStats 1.0 BASIC
SimpleStats allows a website owner to get a quick and well laid out view of exactly what has been happening on their website. As the name implies, this free script is simple both to install and to use, yet provides the webmaster with accurate and real-time statistics of the usage of their website.
(3 ratings)
Website statistics written in PHP using database. Simple configurable, admin panels, powerful: Summary / Current / Arragement / Browser / Geolocalization&ISP / Referers / Last/Details / Additional. Tables, bar and pie-charts, comparisons, town recognition[PL]...
(0 ratings)
WebReflow Webstatistics � simply intelligent analyzing
WebReflow is a real time analysis tool to discover the behaviour of the visitors of your website. You get detailed information about your visitors. Most important Features: o Origin: Website and Country o Click-Path(Tracking) including page view time and details of visitor o Search machine analyzing with type of search machine, phrases and search words o Records data visitors do type into fields on your site o Site ranking o Entry- and Exitsites o Technical data of visitors (JS, Resolution, type of browser and more) o Hour-, Daily-, Weekly-, Monthly- and Year-based analysis o Comparison of Weekdays concerning traffic o Define the time period to analyse o Daily-, Weekly-,Monthly Statistics via E-Mail o Find out about search engine robot activities on your page o Installation program o Assistant for incorporating WebReflow into your site (PHP or HTML) o Administration panel o English and German Language All statistics is presented clear and easy to understand!
(6 ratings)
PHP Super Counter
PHP Super Counter is a program that helps the webmasters to count the number of online visitors, number of hits per month and per day, users browser name, referer site tracking, unique customers to your site etc., and these information will be stored in MySQL datbase which is used as backend to this script. It is provided with IP blocking to protect reload hits
(6 ratings)
EEEzy Tracker Report
Tracks pages visited, how many visits, ip address, how many visits from that ip address, and visits by date. Less than 5 minutes to setup and install. If you find my scripts useful, please rate them. Thanks!
(10 ratings)
Visitors Tracking Script
Visitors tracking is a php script to gather and analyze statistics of your website traffic. It provides the variety of every possible statistics and reports, which analyze your visitors, pages and website traffic. Using it, you will have total control of every event at your website. MAIN FEATURES - Easy installiation - Convenient and easy in use - Authentication Individually HTML code - Real time statistics - Graphical display of statistics - User local settings - Analyses of the statistics - Use of the optimized and packed database for fast results
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Web-Analiser PRO
Web-Analiser Lite is a script to gather and analyze statistics of Website traffic. It provides the whole gamut of every possible statistics and reports, which analyze visitors, pages, and Website traffic. The statistics are maintained, in which each Website dealt with separately and together. It includes a great number of statistical reports, making it possible to have a complete idea of your audience.
(147 ratings)
PriceUSD 58.95
Results 41-60 of 96