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New Scripts | Ajax

Results 101-120 of 396
Twitter Intregration Dreamweaver Toolbar
Twitter is one of the most successful products in what the industry refers to as online social networking or social media. The Twitter integration Toolbar provides a collection of tools to help you to integrate Twitter services in a website. Allows maintaining a website connected with user Twitter status, adding "follow me" buttons, and displaying tweets in blocks of content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Ajax Basic Tutorial
AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web technology that is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests. By using AJAX we can use JavaScript to get/send data from/to a server without reloading the whole webpage with the help of XMLHttpRequest object
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Ajax Den
Ajax Den is a large ajax script showcase that allows you to browse through 100's of free to use scripts.
(9 ratings)
Ajax Search Tutorial
Here we will be developing a search feature. By using this feature the users will be able to search for a particular person in a list stored on the web server in text format.
(3 ratings)
DrasticTools is a PHP/Javascript/MySQL based open source package with an Ajax-based datagrid with editing support, a configurable tag cloud and a Google mapping component.
(0 ratings)
Mac OS X-Style Dock Menu in Javascript
Remember the time when I introduced Nice List of Open Source Fish Eye Menu? The dock’s ‘fish-eye’ effect, whereby icons expand and contract as the mouse moves over them. Now, we have another solution for it, MacStyleDock function allows this feature to be implemented easily.
(3 ratings)
iCarousel - Open Source Carousel Like Widgets
One of the most common problems a web developer usually face is related to continuously rotate a fragment of content. It can be a presentation of headlines, small fragments of news or a list of thumbnails. The nature of the thing being rotated doesn’t matter too much here because all those kind of applications share always the same idea: Rotating. This objective can be achieve in different ways like fading and scrolling. Well here is iCarousel becomes useful. It’s a one step forward trying to generalize all those types of widgets providing a rich presentation and making the task easy to be done.
(0 ratings)
Sexy Sliding Javascript Menu With Mootools
When trying to conceive ways in which space could be saved on a web page Andy Sellick decided a sliding menu would work well as shown in the images below. He decided to use mootools due to the smoothness of their effects, however, this could just as easily be developed in script.aculo.us or other JavaScript libraries.
(12 ratings)
Yetii - Yet (E)Another Tab Interface Implementation
There are plenty of DHTML tabs scripts out there but most of them are either poorly coded, library/framework dependend or bloated with unnecessary functionality. So Grzegorz Wójcik has decided to come up with this simple, yet functional tab interface implementation. It is called Yetii, stands for Yet (E)Another Tab Interface Implementation. It has the following features.
(0 ratings)
Phatfusion Image Menu with Mootools
Phatfusion has showed us another way to build our menu, he has created a image menu with the aid of Mootools framework. It looks really good and easy to use. It is very similar to the menu design of Mootools Official Website. It has the following features........
(3 ratings)
Smooth and Clean FastFind Menu JQuery Plugin
FastFind Menu Script is a javascript menu created by ActiveSpotLight under the BSD License. It pulls a content feed as data to populate the menu, this can be static or dynamic. The version they use internally uses JSON/XML as data feeds. This script allows for nested menus, based on dynamic Ajax responses. The menu can also be dragged/dropped by using the jQuery Interface Library. I really like the menu because it is very clean and smooth. It is very extremely useful for any web applications that has no space to place a menu. FastFind Menu Script is still under development and has been tested in FF1.5-2, IE 6-7, Opera 9, and Safari. The current build has the following issues in Safari: Arrows do not appear to show in-menu versus external links, as appear in the other browsers.
(6 ratings)
PHP Ajax Whois example
We modified the default PHP whois class a little bit and used xajax to create a ajax powered request form. Using this new form a request is done without refreshing the page.
(19 ratings)
dhtmlxScheduler :: JavaScript Event Calendar
dhtmlxScheduler is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript event calendar that enables you to quickly add a Google-like scheduler to your web app or website. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, rich feature set, and ready-to-use server-side integration. The events in the calendar can be displayed in different views (Day, Week, Month, Year, Agenda, Timeline, etc.). dhtmlxScheduler also supports recurring events, which can be configured on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. It is very flexible allowing you to customize the calendar interface depending on your requirements. Due to the touchscreen support, dhtmlxScheduler can be used on mobile devices.
(3 ratings)
JavaScript CharacterData
CharacterData is a small but significant portion of JavaScript and Ajax based application. This function is used with DOM wherein it provides additional information for DOM for proper interpretation. CharacterData is used with actual text or connected after the text is written. As a key to DOM’s interaction with the text, CharacterData treats a single line of data as a node. A node would usually look this way: Sample Test Placed Here This will be defined by CharacterData by the number of characters and the actual text found
(0 ratings)
Working with JsonML
The discussion for the proper data output for Ajax based application will always be here. On one side is the argument on xml. The “x” on Ajax, xml has proven itself to be highly useful in this programming technique. As the universal tool able to adapt to different programming languages, the use of xml will aid the developer build an application that could easily interact with other programming languages. For that reason, Ajax could vastly improve not only with the assistance of JavaScript but other programming languages. On the other end is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). The name alone could tell a lot of things about JSON. In gist, JSON was specifically created
(0 ratings)
Using TraceVis for Better Ajax Application
TraceMonkey is probably one of the most important tools a developer would have to use to ensure that the application runs as expected or would be optimized. Developed by Mozilla, this small application will help developers determine which functions runs fast and which functions runs slow. After determining those functions that need improvement, TraceMonkey will do what it was made for – compile the fastest functions and let it run on native code. Because the native code will be focused on the fastest, the users’ resources will be focused on slower functions which will eventually increase the processing speed of the application. But increasing the speed of the
(0 ratings)
Server Side JavaScript
Server Side JavaScript is still an elusive fact. With hundreds of commands that run into browser incompatibility, having a server side for JavaScript could be very messy. You should be able to run an application with JavaScript from the server side but when you launch them in different browsers, you’ll end up with a very buggy online application that might not be fixed. But server side JavaScript for a more efficient Ajax based application is still possible. There are just things that need to be done in JavaScript before everything could be launched in the server side. Setting Standards As already indicated, the main problem in
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Developing Ajax Based Application
Building an Ajax based application is not an easy task especially for the enterprise. Although you can see some brilliant developers working on a project with little to no assistance, successful applications are being developed by group. Developers with different talents work together to build an application that would eventually be useful. The complicated nature of an Ajax based application increases the requirement of a team. Through everyone’s effort, the application will be built on time and the functions will work as expected. But getting the team to finish the application is actually the easy part, the most difficult part in building an Ajax based application i
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Importance of HTML to Ajax
HTML has been used for websites ever since the internet came into existance. Every developer who wants to build highly interactive applications does not jump on complicated programming languages for websites. They instead start on simpler programming languages and HTML is one among them. It can be even said that without HTML, the internet that everyone knows today will not be possible. The simplicity and lightweight design that could be learned from HTML has created simple websites but still considered interactive in its day. Even today when RIA requires more than simple HTML usage, this language for websites still creates an impact. Ajax is no exception in recognizing the
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HTML 5 and Ajax
HTML 5 is the latest version of one of the first languages for websites. The project was started in 2004 – a fitting timeline considering the improvements in the software and online industry have been very impressive. This update in HTML plans to cater more than just simple interfaces in properly building a website. On the earlier versions, HTML is just made to load the entire webpage for every data request. Although this setting is still adaptable to simple websites, the increasing load for browsers even with HTML has prompted call for significant changes in website languages. The mere fact that the addition of other programming languages in most websites should make
(3 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 396