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New Scripts | CGI & Perl

Results 861-880 of 1000
@1 Script Secure
Check the location of input forms. Prevent a hacker from submitting forms from outside your domain/server.
(0 ratings)
@1 Auto Delete I
Automatically delete all files (in the specified directory) with file dates older than the specified days.
(0 ratings)
Price 10.00
@1 HTML Email Template
Send emails in pre-built HTML templates from any browser. It supports unlimited custom fields, unlimited email templates and unlimited email attachments.
(0 ratings)
Price 34.95
@1 Reciprocal Link & Hack Checker
RLC is a useful tool that performs reciprocal links checking automatically. Simply tell it where the remote web pages you wish to monitor are and the URL of your links. It will crawl the remote web pages and feedback to you the latest status (found, link not found or page not found/network error). You may activate the checking as needed or setup crontab to carry out the checking once a week or so. The script can also be used to check for hackers' activities.
(0 ratings)
Price 49.95
@1 Link Submission & Approval System III
Allow web visitors to submit their links to your website. Links submitted by visitors are only added to the database once the administrator has approved them. Automatic email notification upon a link's submission, approval and rejection. C/w image upload feature.
(0 ratings)
Price 29.95
@1 Know Your Events
Post searchable events to your site. Events can be optionally categorized. C/w image upload feature.
(0 ratings)
Price 14.95
@1 Personal Memoranda
Let your website users to submit their personal and business particulars to your searchable database. A record is only added to the database after it has been approved by the administrator. Automatic email notification upon submission, approval or rejection.
(0 ratings)
Price 14.95
@1 Thumbnailizer (Perl)
Convert an image to thumbnail on the fly. It is very useful when used as a plug-in for other scripts that display large images.
(0 ratings)
Price 24.95
UF Prime
An advanced tracker with plenty of stats - date, IP, browser, referrer, current location. All info collected by an image and JavaScript.
(0 ratings)
This script is a simple chat room with Emoticons and HTML Toolkit. Uses a style sheet for browser output to match your site. Configurable Chat Refresh and Purge times. Who's Chatting list.
(3 ratings)
Though it is anonymous, there are some advanced features you'd expect in a full blown chat application. Some of these features include emoticons, swear filters, ip blocking, secure admin names from public, admin control panel to delete messages/ban ip addresses and a log file of the last 100 posted messages.
(3 ratings)
Ruckus MailFILTER
posted bycfaberinSoftware
Ruckus MailFILTER is a thorough and effective enterprise-class email filtering application that will screen incoming email and determine if it should be delivered, rejected or quarantined. Ruckus MailFILTER provides cutting-edge email filtering technology, along with the features that most users really want (but haven't been able to get) for maximum performance and ease of operation.
(3 ratings)
posted byscriptsinEducation
HeadCount lets teachers log in with how many of their students will be attending Lunch or a field trip, or just attendance numbers. Originally written for a school that needed to tally up how many students would be attending Lunch, it could easily be used to count how many guests each employee will be bringing to a company picnic, how many guests will be attending a wedding, etc since the labels "Teacher," "Class," and "Number of students" can all be changed.
(0 ratings)
BusyBeeCart.com's shopping cart system.
BusyBeeCart.com's shopping cart system is a feature packed shopping cart that will allow you to fully customize it to fit the look and feel of your current website. Through the use of templates, you are not restricted to the look and layout that our designers come up with. Change as little or as much as you need in order to make the cart flow easily with your site. You will be able to add an unlimited number of items with an unlimited number of options all at the same time.
(3 ratings)
PayPal MAF
posted bykstirninPayPal
PayPal Multiple Additional Fields allows you to collect additional information from your customers at the time of purchase. With MAF you can add optional and required fields to your PayPal buttons and have that information e-mailed to you after the sale has been completed. Great if you need to collect additional information from your PayPal customers.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
The purpose of sanity.pl is to be an extremely flexible tool for determining the �sanity� of a development, qa or production UNIX/Linux environment. All parameters for a sanity.pl run are passed in via an XML based config file. The tests sanity.pl can perform include: 1. validating the value of an environmental variable 2. validating the existence, mode, owner and group for a specified file or folder 3. invoking an external comand and validating it�s return code 4. performing a regular expression evaluation 5. determining that a Perl module is available 6. validating a Perl object�s methods/module�s functions exist. The intent is for a UNIX\Linux admin to run sanity.pl after a server admin operation (reboot, upgrade, patch, etc.) has been performed to ensure the expected environment is still sane for development, qa testing, or production application. For enterprise environments where many servers are maintained, sanity.pl can greatly reduce the amount of time an admin spends troubleshooting or performing change management tasks.
(0 ratings)
Generate online custom CGI-Perl Database Scripts in minutes
Generate CGI-Perl database scripts to your own custom design of your database, also in ASP Access and PhpMySQL, with Add, Search, Edit and Delete functions. A user can edit and delete his own record only, protection being provided by user-selected password. Search results are paginated, the number of records per page being customisable. There are two databases, one for Matrimonial, the other for Classified Advertisements. The site also has Reciprocal Links Exchange Directory
(6 ratings)
All Webmaster Forum
This is a new webmaster and programmer related forum that has a lot to offer our users. So signup now and help grow the community!
(6 ratings)
Easy File Manager Pro
Easy File Manager v2.1.1 is a package for advanced files and folders managing on you site. This script will help you to organize your own file directory. If you need users to upload their files on your server in their own or shared folders - this package is for you. It's a CGI script that will perform most of the file operations required for web site maintenance. You can create unlimited user accounts to access your file directory and quickly manage them. Using this File Manager script you can share you server disc space with your clients and define their possible actions.
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.95
Perl and blobs
A short article on using blob fields with perl that does not assume that you are an old hand at perl. The code uses a real world example from the open source megaupload project.
(1 ratings)
Results 861-880 of 1000