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Top Rated Scripts | Java

Results 81-100 of 1000
Burning Slide Show
This is an slide show which transitions from one picture to another by burning or melting away the current picture and slowly fades to the next picture. Just a special effect similar to the flame.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
This Java applet uses your favorite image with scratch-off areas as the ticket background and makes it a fun lottery game.
(3 ratings)
The vehicle-applet lets you "drive" a very special verhicle. This is only a beta-version, please let the author know of any bugs that you find. The final version will include sounds, more levels, a second grappling hook and maybe even wind and "streaming water". You can not "win" the game, but you can try to reach the region with the writing "goal" in as little time as possible.
(3 ratings)
EditLive! for Java Online HTML Editor
EditLive! for Java is a browser-based tool for WYSIWYG HTML editing. It can be easily integrated into ASP, JSP and PHP. Ideal for Web content management systems. Cross-platform for Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Netscape and Internet Explorer.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.00
Swiftchart is a java software that produces dynamic charts to be used within web applications and web pages (Java applet or java application for JSP / Servlet integration). Swiftchart includes bar, line and stacked charts in 2D and 3D and has a wide range of parameters to generate highly individual charts. The Swiftchart software is less than 75 KB in size, works with all major web browsers (JDK 1.1 compatible) and is very easy to integrate. The swiftchart java software allows one to define legend position, text color, line types, 3D depth, markers and more.
(3 ratings)
JSP best practices: The power of time stamps
Brett McLaughlin continues his JSP best practices series with a look at the various techniques for adding time stamps to your JSP pages, as well as the ways that this simple modification can enhance the usability of your Web site.
(3 ratings)
Equations Solver
This applet solves linear equations easily. It can be of a great help to mathematics students learning algebra.
(3 ratings)
Bleb.org Tv API
Allows you to download and perform a number of functions on the Bleb.org TV feed. Functions such as programme duration, programme searching, Caching of XML feeds, etc. The API allows you to easily create an cmd line or gui application to view the tv listings.
(3 ratings)
Jisql - a Java command line interactive SQL tool
Jisql is a Java based utility to provide a command line interactive session with a SQL server. This application is conceptually modeled on the Sybase 'isql' program with, obviously, strong similarities to Microsoft SQL/Server isql and osql.
(3 ratings)
Gif4J PRO - Java GIF Imaging Library
Gif4J PRO for Java is a Java-based GIF image processing library for reading, writing, watermarking (in toto and alone frames), transforming (including scale, resize, rotate and flip operations) animated and non-animated GIF images. It also supports text rendering, morphing filters to generate amazing animations and image tours, GIFs comments manipulation and ImageIO API. Gif4J includes a fast and qualitative java color quantizer supporting 8 modes of operation.
(3 ratings)
posted bynbenininGeneral
JavaToolbox is the reference directory of the existing Java tools, libraries and add-ins. The site is organized in categories and references open source, freeware, as well as commercial products for Java SE (J2SE) or Java EE (J2EE) development. RSS feeds are available to stay informed of the additions and updates.
(3 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on JDK
A collection of notes and simple codes on JDK. Topics include Blowfish, book, Calendar, certificate, character set, cipher, client authentication, collections, datagram, Date, decryption, DES, digital signature, encryption, DOM, DSA, DTD, example, HTTP, HTTPS, J2SDK, Java, JCA, JDK, JDK 1.3.1, JDK 1.4.1, JDK 1.5.0, key store, keytool, Locale, notes, message digests, MD5, online, private key, public key, RSA, sample, SAX, secret key, SHA, socket, SSL, TLS, tutorial, unnamed package, Unicode, UTF-8, X.509, XML, XSD, XSL
(3 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Sorting
This book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to varies sorting algorithms and Java implementations. Topics include Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Java, Merge Sort, performance, Quicksort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, etc.
(3 ratings)
JEmailValidator is for checking against email address and sending email
posted bytitoniinEmail
Syntax Check-Validates the address for syntax, whether it has all of the mandatory characters present (e.g. @) and any illegal characters present (i.e. ~). It will also check for multiple occurrences of required characters (i.e. @@). DNS/MX Record Check-Validates the domain name with DNS server to ensure that the email domain is a valid registered domain. Mail Server Check-Validates an email address (e.g. [email protected]) by mail server (e.g. mail.hotpop.com) to ensure that the mail server indeed has the email address. This method has very good performance. (Attention: a few mail servers don't support this method(e.g. yahoo))
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.90
pdf-Office Professional
pdf-Office Professional is a very progressive software solution to create PDF forms and documents. Shape sophisticated forms within minutes, write texts as in Word, imports graphics to your documents - do this without training from scratch. pdf-Office Professional provides you with all features available for PDF forms and documents. You need form fields for text, calculation or validation ? Spreatsheets, choice boxes or password fields required ? No problem, it�s only some few clicks. Create and exchange PDF forms and share them with anyone electronically, regardless of hardware and software platforms. Preserve document integrity with encryption and password protection. This software solution will also help to electronically fill out any preprinted paper forms easily and quickly. Your additional benefit: pdf-Office Professional contains temporary unlimited software updates, software upgrades as well as hotline services and support for free
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Writing Form Data to Text Files
This sample of JSP file, first handles all posted data from a web form and write to a text file. We have used Tomcat Server to run our sample code. You could easily edit the source code to use in your application.
(3 ratings)
Java File Uploader
Upload your files with Hermes File Uploader, a secure java applet that helps sending multiple files to your server. It has the progress bars and shows information about selected files like size, format and default icon.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 10.00
Vault :: Multiple File Upload and Download Applet
Vault Java Applet provides multiple file upload and download capabilities along with related file manipulation routines. With Vault Applet implemented into your web site, you get powerful HTTP file upload system with comfortable interface and advanced functionality. Vault allows users to upload large files (unlimited file size) with no timeouts or memory lacks, displays dialog with progress bar and cancel button, has notification system, etc.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.00
WebsiteWatcher allows you to monitor a specific (static) website for changes. If the page is updated, you immediately get an SMS message as notification. This tool was initially used to monitor university websites where results of exams were published. Please notice that this simple tool only works for static pages.
(3 ratings)
Amazon S3 upload applet
This applet allows to upload files and folders to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. It support S3 REST API, MD5 digest, ACL and large uploads. It is built on the top jClientUpload applet.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Results 81-100 of 1000