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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Miscellaneous

Results 21-40 of 280
HTML Table Filter Generator
Open source and completely free HTML table enhancer: - Convert a regular HTML table into an advanced grid component providing: * Advanced columns filtering model * Sorting and pagination facilities * Complete selection model * Extended keyboard navigation * Inline cell or row editing * Row insertion or deleting And even more behaviors... - Attach to an existing HTML table - Integration with any server-side technology as this is a pure client-side solution - Callbacks for all events, and delegates for most actions - Based on plain javascript, that is, independent from any javascript framework but compatible with any of them (no for..in, no overriding $() etc.) - Exhaustive documentation and API - Valuable support provided under a Premium request
(18 ratings)
Drag and drop - quiz script
This is cross browser drag'n drop script. The script let you drag small boxes and drop them on some predefined columns. The goal is to drag them to the correct column. Colors are used to indicate if you dropped it correctly or not. A script especially useful to school teachers.
(231 ratings)
HTML to Script Converter
HTML to Script Converter konvertiert HTML einfach zu PHP, JavaScript oder ASP. F�r Mozilla und IE. HTML to Script Converter converts HTML easily to PHP, JavaScript or ASP. Works in Mozilla and IE.
(6 ratings)
The InfoBar is a really simple script and could be helpful in case you want to show additional information for some links on your page. It displays the information in a box on a specified place on the page. It is very easy to configure and use.
(3 ratings)
The EZPZ HTML TextArea
Add this HTML textarea to your pages with just a handful of lines of code. Choose the buttons you wish to have and set the styles using a custom CSS. Works on Internet Explorer and Firefox/NN.
(3 ratings)
Javascript - Flash Copy to Clipboard [works with Flash 10x!!]
Our Copy to Clipboard script component is fully compatible with Adobe Flash Player 10. This version, which is based on the Zero Clipboard Library, provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. Check it out!
(3 ratings)
Dragable web content script
This script gives you an easy way to make elements on your web page dragable. It makes it possible to drag and drop paragraphs, images or larger blocks by just assigning them to the css class "dragableElement".
(480 ratings)
A Better Color Picker
Free HTML color picker palette JavaScript controls that make it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a DHTML or PopUp Window color palette. Allow your visitors to enter a color value into a form field without overloading your pages with extraneous JavaScript code. Six different JavaScript generated color selection controls. Easy to manage, easy to install, and easy to setup JavaScript color picker input controls that will fit any need. Can be attached to any number of existing form fields. All JavaScript enabled browsers supported. Can use DHTML or regular PopUp Windows. Easy setup - no special programming skills required. All scripts are free for any applications. Easy to understand tutorials, sample code, and documentation included.
(502 ratings)
Switch Content Script
Make arbitrary content on your webpage contract/expand on demand with this great script. The user clicks on designated headers to reveal additional content. The script comes with an optional persistence feature to help it remember the folding state of the content.
(9 ratings)
Dropdown HTML Element(s)
Unlike JavaScript dropdown menus, this script can be used to dropdown any HTML block. For example, you can use it to create dropdown search forms or hint boxes. You can use the script to create dropdown menus as well. The script is very easy to edit and to use. All you need is to add id attributes to HTML elements and write one line of JavaScript code. Online samples are available on the homepage.
(69 ratings)
Tigra Color Picker
Tigra Color Picker - Free JavaScript widget that makes it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a popup palette. Script saves the time for those internet/intranet developers who need intuitive, easy to use client-side color input control.
(162 ratings)
DHTML Scrollbars OOP
This script will integrate Scrollbars into a website.The styles are 100 % CSS so that they can be easily customized even for Mozilla.The default behaviour is similar to the the native ones.
(6 ratings)
Star rating class
This object can be used to display and submit star ratings. It can display ratings of an item on an HTML page using star images. The object also listens to click events on the stars, so when the user clicks on one of them an form request is sent to the server to submit the user ratings. The image icons used to display the rating stars are configurable.
(3 ratings)
Pull Down Menu
Pull Down Menu presents a well-known pop-up menu of choices. The Pull Down Menu can overlap not only HTML contents but also can pop up over form elements, frames, flash, and even go over the browser window. The menu supports fonts, colors, sound, javascript calls, target frames. Very small and easy-to-use.
(18 ratings)
HTML to JavaScript converter
This utility converts normal HTML code to dynamically generated JavaScript instead. Very useful in applications where the code must be dynamically generated, such as contents inside a JavaScript scroller, text of a random quote script etc.
(6 ratings)
Sorting HTML Tables Using Javascript
posted byhaninMiscellaneous
This JavaScript code can be used to convert tables in ordinary HTML into sortable ones by associating each title column with an onClick event to automatically sort the data rows. No additional coding is necessary. All you need to do is give your table an ID field, include the sortTable.js file and call initTable in your document's onLoad method.
(15 ratings)
HTML Code Converter
This tool can be useful for multilanguage sites. It allows you to view, for example, both Cyrillic and Baltic letters. You can also use it to hide e-mail addresses from e-mail grabbers. Neither "@" nor "." will be found on your web-page. The script works in IE, Firefox, Opera.
(90 ratings)
Easily sort tables on a web page with Dynamic Table
Dynamic Table is a script that enables your users to sort a table by clicking on the table headers. The script is very light-weight (under 5Kb) and super fast! It won't interfere with the look of the table, it just adds extra functionality. Setting it up can be done very simply by just importing a single js file and then initializing with one line of code. The freeware version is fully functional and can be used by anyone.
(9 ratings)
Free JavaScript Color Picker (Photoshop Style)
This is an advance color picker that handles RGB, HSL, and Hexadecimal values. It works the same way Photoshop color picker does and returns the hexadecimal value of the color.
(9 ratings)
Amazon style Drop-in content box
We modeled this script after an effect seen on the frontpage of Amazon.com. A content box drops in from "midair", and can display anything of your choice. The frequency of the box appearing can be precisely controlled.
(6 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 280