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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Miscellaneous

Results 61-80 of 280
Visual Javascript Chat
AJAX, with all its constant polling, is a pretty weak approach to chat. This visual chatroom uses javascript, sockets, and dhtml to connect live to a server. A flash to javascript tool called AFLAX (from the Aptana people) handles the socket connection. DHTML allows you to move your avatar around and chat in a virtual "room," while a perl-based server handles the backend socket server stuff. This is a good example of how to wire together users live over the internet, without resorting to flash or java.
(6 ratings)
Invoking The SaveAs Dialog From A Web Page
Visitors can save a web page from a link using this script. IE4+ browsers provide a document.execCommand() that can call certain system dialogs. This script demonstrates calling the SaveAs dialog to save the page. The script includes onload interlocking and alternate alert messaging for non-IE browsers.
(9 ratings)
HTML2XHTML JavaScript converter
HTML2XHTML Converter (H2X) generates a well formed XHTML string from an HTML DOM object. H2X could be used in online wysiwyg html editors or any other javascript applications to produce well formed XHTML 1.0 code. H2X works in MS IE 5.0 for Windows or above, Netscape 7.1, Mozilla 1.3 or above, Opera 9+ and Safari 3+. It should work in all Mozilla based browsers (eg Firefox 0.8+).
(39 ratings)
JavaScriptKit.com Multiple Choice Quiz
This is a highly flexible quiz script that can be used to test your visitors, with the results instantly graded on a separate page. Script supports arbitrary number of questions, each supporting an arbitrary number of choices.
(9 ratings)
Leave-Me-A-Note 1.0 is a cool little program with amazing Flash interface you can use to leave notes to your relaitves or friends or whatever on your computer's desktop. Messages are not lost even if you close application, because they are stored in a cookie into your Temporary Internet Files directory. Other program options include: message deletion and timestamp.
(3 ratings)
Javascript & MySQL
Let javascript connect to mysql and do sum db work. You must have myODBC for this! It uses ActiveX
(3 ratings)
Site Map generator
Free online Site Map Generator for your website.
(3 ratings)
Javascript Compressor
You can compress & obfuscate your javascript files with this free online javascript compressor. Compressing your scripts will make them download faster, reduce bandwidth usage and make it harder for others to steal your code. The javascript compressor leaves function names and global variables untouched, so your script will continue to work with other scripts.
(3 ratings)
Dynamically Add Table Rows
This example illistrates how to have content altered dynamically. When the user clicks any link it will redraw the section of this page so that another row to the table appears. IE will re-format the page, while NS will allocate a specific region at the load time of the page - it will not re-allocate room later.
(43 ratings)
Sticky Note script
Sticky Note is an attractive DHTML script that pops up at the center of the page to display anything of your choice. Customize everything from how often the Note should appear on the page, for how long, and whether a fade-in effect should be accompanied.
(9 ratings)
Set site as homepage Script
This is the highly requested IE 5 script that allows your surfers to set your site as their default homepage simply with a click of the mouse.
(7 ratings)
Request.QueryString() for Javascript
A client-side script to retrieve data from URLs in a similar way to ASP using an almost identical syntax. Using the script is a matter of including a script tag and src attribute that points to the script on your web-server. The script correctly decodes URL data and builds a collection of keys and values for them. As well as basic functionality it also supports child methods Count(), Key() and Item() plus enumeration. So the script is simple enough for beginners to use, but has all of the power of ASP's Request.QueryString() object for more advanced users. Offered as free but requires the copyright message to be left intact.
(6 ratings)
Daily Christian Content
Daily Commentary is a daily feed that's placed on your site via javascript. Give you and your visitors dynamically updated content on a daily basis. It consists of a bible verse with related commentary. The code is nothing more than a simple line of javascript that connects to our daily feed. This is 100% free for you and your visitors. We also have a daily scripture based on the same javascript code. It is my goal that you and your visitors will be blessed through this simple script!
(3 ratings)
Anti-Cache for Google, Yahoo, MSN,..
If you do not want that everybody can see your page like the search engine spider see it, looking thru the cache. You can disallow your pages to be in the search engines cache using meta. But in this case your page will not have a PageRank, and your website will not be at its best level in search engines. Then the only solution is to have your page in the cache and when someone is looking for your page cache on the search engine to redirect him to your main page. As we do not find any answer to this question (April 2005), we have decided to do a small javascript for that. Of course everybody do not have Javascript enable in the browser, but by this way you will have more visitors, all those looking the search engine cache. This script will also redirect to your main page someone who have recorded your page on its HD, if he does not have a Javascript protection for local pages integrated in the browser.
(3 ratings)
Remote Scripting Library, PHP and Javascript
With this code, you can send and receive information from a server (database) without refreshing the page.
(3 ratings)
DQT.JSPaging is a advanced javascript paging system based on DHTML for IE6. It give you ability browsing between pages without refreshing/reloading. You can highly customize the interface with template snippets & variables. Making paging clones, choosing between dropdown or HTML interface, selecting "Jumping" or "Sliding" mode, attaching callback functions. DQT.JSPaging aims to ease development of dynamic web applications, especial for AJAX ones.
(3 ratings)
Double Pinned Slider
A double pinned slider (slider with two knobs , minimum and maximum) using mootools. Unlike most of Slider Components, this component has a selected range marker. The range maker is is executed using a CSS background image, providing an quick and easy way to maodify the range image as per requirements, to indicate the range selected visually
(3 ratings)
Customizable Webradio Script
With this fully customizable script, you can make a nice looking widget to offer your visitors hours of listening pleasure for free.
(3 ratings)
Table Interpolation Algorithm
This script allows you to perform a linear interpolation from bi-dimensional arrays (tables).
(3 ratings)
Copy To Clipboard function
This script is pretty self explanatory. Pass a string to the copyToClipboard function and it will be placed into the clipboard so you can paste it into other programs.
(9 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 280