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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs

Results 61-80 of 1000
The JIM-Control was developed to be a very powerful and flexible tool for delivering content to internet users through web pages that is both intuitive and customizable. With a spectrum of web browser support, this web browser based control allows your internet users to interact directly with content through inline windows using different web browsers. Internet users not only see an inline window, but they can drag, resize and perform additional interactions with those inline windows, such as maximizing and closing unless you desire to use your own. With persistence control, the way internet users have set inline window content can be remembered between browsing sessions. Other functions are bundled with the JIM-Control, such as browser detection on a platform basis and the ability to import XML data files. Work with the XML data is accomplished in a simple SQL-like manner for users that are more familiar with table based datasets that need to do something unique with the data.
(15 ratings)
DHTML Tab Menu
posted bysupportinToolbars
DHTML Tab Menu provides an obvious and friendly tabbed interface for your site, very familiar to most visitors. This javascript gives you a quantity of tab sorts - from simple border tabs to XP and Mac-like 3D tabs. Cross-browser, cross-platform, fast, easy-to-use, works with frames.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Dreamweaver Dynamic Toolbar
This package contains a set of tools based mainly on javascript effects that allow to apply easily image preview floating panels, HTML formatted hints, attach sounds to buttons, floating HTML formatted text panels, animated popup windows, accordion effects, soft scrolling effects, animated RSS readers and a nice calendar. Adding this package of tools to your Dreamweaver will increase your productivity.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.99
Hotspot Image Highlight
posted byyosmanyinImagemaps
Hotpot Image Highlight is a Dreamweaver extension that allows to associate dynamic roll over panels over hot areas. The panels are created using nice JavaScript effects and can contain images or text, including links into the text. All the configuration and insertion is visual, accessible from the Dreamweaver menu.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Dragable RSS boxes
This script shows RSS feeds from different sources inside dragable boxes. The boxes are created dynamically by use of Javascript.
(1219 ratings)
Simple Calendar Widget
A flexible, simple pop-up calendar written to work across browsers. It's fully commented and customisable for language, colours, date format and the week's start day. The pop-up displays a month at a time from a specified range of years. The optional year, month and day input determines the initial month displayed. Allows disabling of dates, date ranges and days of the week. Optionally draggable. This is ideal for combination with server-side technologies to produce a professional application.
(216 ratings)
Ajile - JavaScript Namespaces, Importing & Dependencies
Ajile (Advanced JavaScript Importing & Loading Extension) is a powerful JavaScript module designed to improve script reuse and interoperability by extending the JavaScript language with Namespace support and Dynamic Script Loading and Importing. Ajile allows developers to easily create uniquely namespace'd scripts and quickly define dependencies that allow scripts to automatically load and/or import each other as necessary.
(57 ratings)
Dreamweaver Form Validator
posted bydavedansoninForms
Form Validator gives designers and programmers working with Adobe Dreamweaver a very powerful form validator. This tool supports validation for required fields, integer/float numbers, positive numbers, ranges, string lengths, zip codes, email, checked boxes, compare fields (example for password confirmation), credit card syntax, and more. This validator also accepts regular expressions, useful for custom field validations. There are not programming or hand coding skills required, you can create the validation rules from a visual interface accessible from the Dreamweaver commands menu. The Javascript generated code is compatible with all actual browsers. You can validate multiple forms on the same page by using this form validator.
(34 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Glossary Dreamweaver Extension
The glossary panel can be realocated inside the browser just by dragging with the mouse pointer over the title band to the desired location. The panel window appear with fade efects and shadows. This component is distributed as Dreamweaver extension in a mpx file called TSGlossary.mxp. By executing TSGlossary.mxp the component will be installed and TSGlossary will be accesible through the menu "Insert => Dynamic Trio Solutions => Insert Glossary" or "Insertbar=>Dynamic Trio Solutions=>Insert Glossary".
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Merlin Web Mascot
This is a mascot for web pages packed as Dreamweaver extension, allowing you to define the actions from a visual interface, with a few clicks from the Dreamweaver menu. You can use this mascot to attract attention to some product or section of your web,and as interactive way to show help information.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Fish Eye Menu
posted bydavedansoninMenus
Create animated menus offering attractive effects. This is a Javascript based menu that offers dynamics comparable with flash-animated menus and effects like Mac menus. Passing the mouse over a menu option, it will smoothly increase. When the mouse is moved away, the image will return to its original size. Integrated into the Dreamweaver menu, there are not programming skills required, just follow a visual wizard. It includes a selection of menu icons and has a minimum load time.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Check All Form
posted bydavedansoninForms
If you have a large number of checkboxes into a HTML form then you will need a control-checkbox to mark or unmark all them at the same time, making the process easier to the user that fills the form. With this Dreamweaver extension, you can very easily introduce into your form a special checkbox that is capable of controlling several checkboxes, or even all checkboxes at once. This is a 100% visual process, you don�t need any hand coding, the extension generated the properly code into the page making the process easy for you.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
DW Image Gallery
This tool allows to generate automatically the code for image galleries 100% based on HTML, cascading style sheets and javascript effects, so you can configure it visually to match your web site design guidelines. This tools has been integrated with Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Fireworks to generate automatically the code into the page the thumbnails, saving you a lot of time and without programming or advanced skills required. The generation process is 100% visual and only requires a few clicks from the Dreamweaver menu.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Auto Complete
posted byyosmanyinForms
Auto Complete is a tool that allows to create editable select/drop-down lists. The drop-down list is filtered on real time based on the user's input. This way the users are not restricted to the values already in the list and does not need to make the selection from a very long list since the number of items on the list decrease based on the users' input. This tool is a Dreamweaver plugin (extension), to create an "Auto Complete" list all you need is to create a normal select/drop-down list and then apply the "Auto Complete" tools with a click from the Dreamweaver menu to convert it. This tools does not require server side scripts, it is based 100% on standard browser-side JavaScript.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
ActiveWidgets Grid :: cross-browser scrolling datagrid control
ActiveWidgets is a modern cross-browser Web GUI toolkit. Provides full set of standard widgets (grid, tree, tabs, menu, etc.) with fast and convenient data-binding interface. Built on JavaScript/XML/DHTML/CSS, integrates easily with PHP/MySQL, ASP.NET and other back-ends.
(12 ratings)
It's very easy to use, it's crossbrowser and it looks very cool.
(12 ratings)
Auto Reload
This script allows you to have a Web page constantly reloaded at length you specify. It's great for webcams, news, sports, finance, or other information pages that need reloading on a constant basis.
(6 ratings)
Objects Rotate Around Mouse
This JavaScript example demosnstrates how to create small little squares that follow and rotate around the mouse position.
(6 ratings)
Fading scroller
This is your regular message scroller, except in IE5+ and NS6+, where the messages are gradually faded into view. Updated to support two fade modes- from white-to-black, or black-to-white.
(6 ratings)
Automatic Title Text Rotation
JavaScript code to change the text in you Title Bar after a preset Interval.
(6 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 1000