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Results 1-18 of 18
dhtmlxRibbon - JavaScript Ribbon Toolbar
dhtmlxRibbon is a JavaScript component that allows you to create a nice-looking ribbon interface similar to the one found in MS Office platform. With dhtmlxRibbon, you can quickly create tabbed toolbars with different button types organized in logical blocks and provide your users with an intuitive navigation panel.
(0 ratings)
Sliding Tabs jQuery Plugin
Fully customizable, lightweight, responsive jQuery plugin for creating beautiful tabs with animated content. You can use it as a menu, or as a simple component. Easily to install, easy to configure. You can customize his appearance with CSS. Fully customizable, use one of the included templates, or create your own. Display unlimited number of tabs and no size limits. The tabs can be placed horizontally or vertically. Display any type of content including HTML, text, images, videos, forms, maps or plugins like sliders. Search Engine Friendly, HTML code is easily indexed by search engines. External Linking, open tabs via external links or the URL. Multiple Tabs allowed on one page and can have different themes and options. Nested Tabs can different themes and options without any conflict. Mobile touchscreen support, both the tabs and the content have support for touchscreen interaction. API and Callback Functions for additional control of the tabs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
navIgo - Multipurpose Responsive Menu Navigation jQuery Plugin
posted byX-prestoinToolbars
One can truly say this is really the ultimate navigation tool! In Italian language "navigo" means "to browse", so the name is perfect! Some of main features: Code: *Simply add 3 lines to your page markup & go! *Cross Browser Support (IE9-Firefox-Chrome-Opera-Safari) *66 plugin parameters: control almost anything, and easy! *Multiple menus on one page *Button mouseover or click *Optional "stayopen" class *Smart options management Style: *Horizontal or vertical orientation *Support for fullwidth dropdowns *Main buttons auto-width function *Google font support *Nice predefined shadow styles *Smooth CSS3 transitions *Alpha or slide jQuery FX *ZoomIn / ZoomOut / Slide Up buttons *Color inheritance system *Fontello icon support *25 predefined colors Responsiveness: *Programmable responsive behavior *Special responsive button mouseover mode *Mobile custom resize classes *Responsive toggle-menu button
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Sticky Content script
This simple script lets you stick any content on the page once the user scrolls past it so it remains in view even afterwards. It does this by cloning the element first before giving the newly minted element a CSS position of "fixed". Specify if the content should stop being "sticky" after x seconds, and also, whether to apply a CSS class to it while it is.
(0 ratings)
Ribbonbar UI
Ribbonbar UI is by far the best recreation of the “real” desktop ribbonbar for the web. It is skinnable, fully AJAX driven component that is ready to use on any website. What you can you do with a MS Office like ribbon bar in web environment? Whether use it for navigation, associate it with your WYSIWYG editor, use in an email application, display links to your favorite social websites or simply build your entire webpage around it – this depends only on you. Ribbonbar UI has everything you would expect from a ribbonbar – cool looks, comprehensive and easy API, amazing command handling, different sets of inbuilt tools, cool Windows7 skin. And at last, but not least – deploying and configuring it is a matter of minutes.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
: : Always There Combo Box : :
This script demostrates how you can always have a multiple select script always on top of the page and user's can quickly go to any of the options/links at any time very usefull. To view the script look at the bottom of the page it should appear floating.
(0 ratings)
Simple toolbar script
posted bysupportinToolbars
A small toolbar script. Features: - unlimited buttons in the toolbar - unlimited independent toolbars on the page - rollover effects (different look for mouseover and mousedown) - buttons can be disabled
(6 ratings)
Apple style Accordion Menu
A JavaScript menu script with silver themed headers that expand in an accordion style to reveal additional links. The headers are toggled via "mouseover" over each one, and the previous expanded header (if any) is closed before expanding the current.
(3 ratings)
Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu
Menu is a stylish CSS and JavaScript hybrid drop down menu. It's easy to configure and search engine friendly. The menu links is based on a list, while the drop down menus are simply regular DIV tags on page.
(6 ratings)
DHTML Tab Menu
posted bysupportinToolbars
DHTML Tab Menu provides an obvious and friendly tabbed interface for your site, very familiar to most visitors. This javascript gives you a quantity of tab sorts - from simple border tabs to XP and Mac-like 3D tabs. Cross-browser, cross-platform, fast, easy-to-use, works with frames.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Floating Top bar script
This script displays a floating bar that sits at the top of the window, gliding gently back into view when the page is scrolled. Regular HTML content can be shown inside of it.
(12 ratings)
dhtmlxToolbar - Customizable JavaScript Toolbar
dhtmlxToolbar is a completely customizable, Ajax-enabled JavaScript component which allows you to easily add an attractive horizontal toolbar on a web page. dhtmlxToolbar can load its content from XML so it can be easily changed without reloading. It provides cross-browser compatibility, rich client-side API, and customizable icons (with JavaScript or XML). The toolbar supports several buttons types (image, image with text, button, select box, etc.).
(9 ratings)
CodeThatXPBar PRO
posted byaakaabinToolbars
CodeThatXPBar is a PRO version of the JavaScript navigation control that provides with the same look and feel and functionality as the special control bar which can be found in Windows Explorer. PRO version supports of the features of the STANDARD as well as advanced placement, visual effects, dynamic operations and provided with the rights to use it in the any commercial site or product.
(0 ratings)
Price 49.00
JavaScript Navigation Bar
posted byfcharruainToolbars
Do you have a website with a navigation system that follows its directory structure? If so, these functions can be just what you need. This is the JavaScript version of Directory Navigation Links, for those who wish to implement the solution on static html. Directories() returns an array of directories: The one containing the script itself, and its parents. directory_navigation_links() calls Directories() and uses the return value to create a navigation bar.
(15 ratings)
Create and distribute your own IE toolbar with this Dot Net control. Build your own links as well your own custom search.
(0 ratings)
Net Angels Tool Bar And Pop Up Blocker
You can now download the new Net Angels Pop Up Blocker FREE not only will this small program stop all of those annoying Pop Ups but it will give you the ability to search google direct from your browser as well as giving you access to the latest business information, business services and domain names and online virus checker
(30 ratings)
Mouse Gestures
Some web browsers have a feature called Mouse Gestures, which I've found to be great. Basically it is shortcuts that are activated with a motion you make while holding down the mouse button. I've gotten so used to them, that when using other programs I find myself using them. Since not many web browsers support this nifty feature, I wrote one in Javascript that can be added to any website to enable mouse gestures.
(3 ratings)
posted byaakaabinToolbars
CodeThatXPBar is a JavaScript navigation control that provides with the same look and feel and functionality as the special control bar which can be found in Windows Explorer, Control panel and other system tools of the WindowsXP. CodeThatXPBar is an advanced cross-browser state-of-art JavaScript control that can be easily integrated in any web page, requires no JavaScript knowledge from the prospective user, offers rich interface, supports ulimited number of groups, items, scrolling can be configured through the CSS, XML.
(2610 ratings)
Results 1-18 of 18